Cobb Census response rate broken down by public library district

Cobb Census response map

Cobb County government is urging 2020 Census participation during this shelter-in-place time by sending out a response map according to public library districts.

Those living in the East Cobb and Mountain View library districts had the highest response at 59.6 and 58.5 percent, respectively, and the West Cobb and Kemp zones are the others with more than 50 percent responses.

There’s much more searchable and sortable response rate data here; you can look at county and city figures, as well as by Congressional District and Census tracts.

Overall, according to a message the county sent out Monday, Cobb’s response rate is 46 percent, as of Saturday, April 4. That’s just above the national average of 45.7 percent and above the Georgia statewide rate of 43.2 percent.

The 6th Congressional District has a 50.9 percent response rate and in the map below there are a few Census tracts in East Cobb (indicated in dark blue) that have response rates of 70 percent or higher. Click here for a larger map:

6th GA CD Census Response Rate Map

Here’s more from the county’s message about what Census information is used for:

We want to ensure Cobb County has a thorough and accurate 2020 Census count, so the appropriate funds and resources are available to our community. The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. The data impacts Head Start programs, school lunches, plans for highways, affordable housing and support for firefighters and families in need. It also determines our representation in government. 

The U.S. Census Bureau has been encouraging online participation all along, well before the Coronavirus outbreak. Details and completion forms are available by clicking here.


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