Help support East Cobb News!

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While the revenue model of East Cobb News is based on local business advertising, we also welcome donations from the public to help support the work we do providing community news and information.

Our goal at East Cobb News is to become the most comprehensive, trusted and reliable news source in this community, and we value your feedback and contributions.

We want to provide you with more news and useful community information as we grow.

To that end, and in honor of our 6th anniversary in July 2023, we are launching our “6 for 6 campaign.”

We’re asking readers for a minimum of $6 a month, or $60 a year, to help support and expand the work we do to provide you with the local news you love—quality, community-based journalism—as well as upgrading equipment and technology as we continue to grow.

Please note that since we are a for-profit business, your contribution is not tax-deductible. But it will go a long way to help us keep giving you the local news that you love!

We’ve set up our subscription options along the lines of public radio fundraising drives, to accommodate whatever level you wish to support. You can donate on a recurring basis, or submit a one-time donation via the link below. 

Our payment platform is hosted by Press Patron, which makes it easy to support independent local journalism. Several dozen publishers like East Cobb News are powered by this platform, and we’re proud to be a part of their community.

The Press Patron platform is safe and secure, and is connected with the prominent Stripe online payment system. When you sign up to contribute, you can control your account and payment preferences.

Thanks so much for your readership and support!

Here are some suggested levels of support:

  • $6/month or $60/year
  • $12/month or $125/year
  • $30/month or $300/year
  • $50/month or $500/year
  • Custom amount
  • One-time donation

Donate today!