Johnson Ferry-Shallowford zoning case subject of town hall

Johnson Ferry-Shallowford proposal

Following up a story we’ve been reporting since the fall, about the proposed mixed-use development at the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford intersection:

Cobb Commissioner Jerica Richardson and Cobb Planning Commission member Tony Waybright are having a virtual town hall next week to hear from the public about Z-72-2020.

The town hall meeting is set for Thursday, Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. and is free for the public to attend.

The February zoning files indicate that Z-72, which was continued from November, will not be heard on Tuesday before the Cobb Planning Commission. The case is being continued again, likely until March.

The development would be anchored by what’s being called East Cobb Church, townhomes and retail on 33 acres. The Cobb Zoning Office has initially recommended denial based on traffic and density concerns.

The church would seat up to 1,300 have four stories and a parking deck, while 125 townhomes are being planned.

The church would be part of the Alpharetta-based North Point Church. Since early last year, East Cobb Church has been formed and is holding services at Eastside Baptist Church.

The land is owned by prominent attorney Fred Hanna and his wife’s outreach ministry, and which they tried to assemble for a residential project in 2016 that was withdrawn.

This will be the first major zoning case in District 2 for Richardson, who succeeded now-retired commissioner Bob Ott this month. Cobb doesn’t hold zoning hearings in January.

If you want to sign up for the town hall you can do so by clicking here. Richardson’s office will send out an e-mail prior to the meeting with a link to the event and information on the meeting structure.

For questions and information contact Allie Korucu, Richardson’s assistant:

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Planning Commission member from East Cobb dies from COVID

Cobb Planning Commission member Judy Williams died Monday from COVID-19, according to Cobb commissioners who announced her death at their meeting on Tuesday.Cobb Planning Commission Chairwoman Judy Williams

Williams was appointed by Commissioner JoAnn Birrell from District 3, which includes Northeast Cobb, and had served as the five-member board chair for two years until last year.

“We lost a great public servant and a true friend,” Birrell said in remarks at the end of Tuesday’s meeting. “She was my rock.”

The commissioners also held a moment of silence for Williams.

Williams was a lifelong Cobb resident who graduated from Marietta High School and was a planner for Cobb County government from 1972 until her retirement in 2000. According to her obituary, one of the first projects she signed off on was the creation of Indian Hills in East Cobb.

Williams later returned to serve on both the planning board and the zoning appeals board.

A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday will be limited to family only but can be viewed on the Mayes Ward Dobbins website.

Contributions in Williams’ memory can be made to the Wellstar Foundation.

The Cobb Planning Commission is scheduled to meet Tuesday to hear the first zoning cases in 2021.

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East Cobb Church, Sprayberry Crossing rezoning cases delayed

East Cobb Church rezoning case delayed

After we posted details earlier this week about North Point Ministries’ plans for a church campus at Shallowford and Johnson Ferry roads, the Cobb Zoning Office is continuing the case until February.

The Cobb Zoning Office noted the continuance in updating the agenda for Tuesday’s Cobb Planning Commission meeting—which you can read here.

In its staff analysis posted earlier this week, the zoning office recommended denial of North Point’s application for land-use, density, traffic and school capacity reasons.

The Alpharetta-based church wants to build a 4-story building for what it’s calling East Cobb Church with close to 125,000 square feet, including a sanctuary seating capacity of nearly 1,300, along with a parking deck, parking lot and future retail space.

The back of the 33-acre assembly would contain 125 townhomes, which zoning staff contends is far too dense for an area with mostly single-family detached residential communities.

The land is owned by prominent attorney Fred Hanna and his wife’s outreach ministry, and which they tried to assemble for a residential project in 2016 that was withdrawn.

East Cobb Church was formed in January and has been meeting at Eastside Baptist Church on Lower Roswell Road.

We also noted earlier this week that another major rezoning request on Tuesday’s agenda—Sprayberry Crossing—also has been scratched again, until February.

Kevin Moore, an attorney for Atlantic Realty Acquisitions, LLC, which is submitting the mixed-use development request, filed for the continuance on Wednesday, the deadline for removing it from Tuesday’s agenda.

Moore said another continuance would give his client time to incorporate revisions to its site plan “in continued response to community concerns.”

While many nearby residents have pushed for redevelopment of the blighted shopping center for years, some are opposed to apartments that are a major part of Atlantic Realty’s proposal.

Cobb County does not hear zoning cases in January.

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North Point East Cobb church plans: 4 stories, 1,300 seats

North Point East Cobb church plans

A few more details about North Point Ministries’ plans for a church and townhome project at the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford intersection have been posted in the Cobb Zoning Office filings on the application, which is scheduled to be heard next Tuesday by the Cobb Planning Commission.

The 33 acres sits on land owned by prominent attorney Fred Hanna and his wife’s outreach ministry, and which they tried to assemble for a residential project in 2016 that was withdrawn.

North Point is proposing a 4-story building for what it’s calling East Cobb Church with close to 125,000 square feet, including a sanctuary seating capacity of nearly 1,300, according to the revised filing.

(You can read it here.)

East Cobb Church is the seventh congregation overall and the first in Cobb County for North Point Ministries, which is based in Alpharetta and was founded by Andy Stanley. He’s the son of Charles Stanley, the retired longtime pastor at First Baptist Church in Buckhead.

North Point’s campuses in Alpharetta and Buckhead have sanctuary seating capacities of around 3,000.

The new East Cobb congregation was formed in January and has been meeting at Eastside Baptist Church on Lower Roswell Road.

The East Cobb Church building (in the top left corner of the site plan above) would have a parking deck—details still not revealed—fronting Shallowford and a parking lot along Johnson Ferry.

The Cobb Zoning Office has done its analysis, and is recommending a denial, for traffic, density, land-use and other reasons.

For starters, staff analyst Jeannie Peyton concludes the the proposal doesn’t permit a use “that is suitable in the view of use and development of adjacent and nearby properties. The property is in an area with commercial and lower density residential uses.”

The application includes 125 townhomes located in the back of the property assemblage, bisected by Waterfront Drive, which has access from Johnson Ferry and connects to the Johnson Ferry Estates subdivision.

Nearby residential properties are zoned for R-20 single-family use, while the townhomes, proposed for the RM-8 zoning designation, would come in at a density of 11.55 units an acre.

The staff is recommending density of no more than 5 units an acre. The rezoning request calls for townhomes of at least 1,800 square feet, but doesn’t indicate a price range.

North Point has not filed a traffic study, which staff is recommending, and the proposal to close off Waterfront Drive also was noted by Peyton as a concern.

Capacity at nearby schools—Pope HS, Hightower Trail MS and Shallowford Falls ES—also would be negatively affected by the townhomes, according to the staff analysis.

Above all, Peyton wrote, the application doesn’t conform to the county’s comprehensive land-use plan.

“The property is delineated in LDR and NAC future land use categories,” the report concluded. “The requested zoning districts are not consistent with the LDR and NAC future land use designations. Staff has concerns about how this fits with the recently adopted JOSH study.”

That’s the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford Master Plan that was approved in September after a community process of more than two years.

Another major item in East Cobb that was to have been on the December zoning calendar is being delayed again.

The Sprayberry Crossing case, which first was scheduled for September, has been continued ever since then.

The Cobb Zoning Staff has continued the application once more, until February. Zoning cases are not heard in Cobb County in January.

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‘Nexus Gardens’ project proposed for Loop-Powers Ferry area

Nexus Gardens
A rendering of a commercial building included in the “visioning” of the proposed Nexus Gardens project.

A major mixed-use development proposed for the South Marietta Parkway (Loop) and Powers Ferry Road area is scheduled to get its first public hearing in December.

What’s being called “Nexus Gardens” would contain nearly 500 units of apartments, senior-living units and townhomes, as well as restaurant, retail and event space and greenspace amenities on 17.14 acres.

Nexus Marietta, the applicant, has assembled 20 parcels of land, including two big undeveloped tracts fronting Interstate 75 and the Loop and single-family homes in an adjoining neighborhood.

All but one of the parcels is located within the City of Marietta. The rezoning request goes before the Marietta Planning Commission on Dec. 1.

(You can read through the full agenda item here.)

The landowners are RGM Properties Partnership LLLP, McMullan Partners LLC and Rube McMullan. He’s an East Cobb resident, and Nexus Marietta LLC filed as a corporation with the Georgia Secretary of State’s  office in July.

Nexus Marietta has hired prominent Cobb zoning attorney Kevin Moore to request converting the land use from regional retail commercial (RRC), community retail commercial (CRC) and office-industrial (OI) zoning categories to mixed-used development (MXD).

The assemblage includes 17 homes on Meadowbrook Drive and one on Virginia Place that are within the city limits. A home at 492 Meadowbrook Drive is in unincorporated Cobb County.

Nexus Marietta’s application also includes an annexation request for that tract, which is located on Meadowbrook Drive at Powers Ferry Road.

The land doesn’t include a Chevron station and convenience store at the intersection.

Nexus Gardens would include a courtyard and townhomes behind it at the top of a project that slides below the Loop and along the western side of Meadowbrook Drive.

That’s a neighborhood of single-family homes built in the late 1950s that is partly in the city, but mostly in the county.

Nexus Gardens rezoning map

According to a site plan filed with the City of Marietta Planning & Zoning Office, Nexus Gardens would include two five-story apartment buildings totalling 280 units served by a three-story parking deck, a five-story senior-living building with 160 units and 39 townhomes.

A commercial building at the center of the project would have a restaurant with outdoor dining. An “alternate” three-story building would contain more restaurant and retail space, event space and a coffee shop. Two smaller retail buildings would line Powers Ferry at Meadowbrook Drive, the lone access point for the development.

The proposal also calls for a variety of amenities in and around the residential buildings as well as a community walking trail, courtyard areas, “gardenesque” landscaping, a dog park and a reflecting pond with water jets.

The property directly fronting I-75 is in a floodplain, and the proposal calls for separating it from the smaller apartment building with a wild flower meadow.

A total of 100 retail parking spaces are planned, 156 spaces are proposed for the townhomes and 542 spaces for the apartments and senior-living units.

The latter is far less than a minimum of 632 spaces required under the requested zoning categories.

The townhomes would be for sale only, and no more than five percent of the units could be renter-occupied.

They would be at least 1,800 square feet and would have two-car garages and driveway space for two additional cars.

Nexus Gardens color site plan

The Nexus Marietta application includes “visioning” renderings of what the project may look like, and it’s similar to other mixed-use proposals in Cobb and metro Atlanta.

The former “Restaurant Row” area along Powers Ferry Road at Windy Hill Road that’s currently under construction includes apartments and senior-living units and is slated to welcome back the Rose and Crown Tavern that was the sole existing business on that property.

An Atlanta-area apartment builder, Atlantic Residential, is proposing to convert the blighted Sprayberry Crossing Shopping Center in East Cobb into a mixed-use development, also with apartments, senior-living units and townhomes, a major grocery store and other retail space.

That proposal, which is tentatively slated to be heard in December, has been delayed for several months and has drawn community opposition, mostly because of the apartments.

The area around Sandy Plains and Piedmont roads is dominated by single-family subdivisions.

Nexus Gardens would be the first development of its kind in an area of East Marietta that includes older single-family housing and scattered commercial uses.

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Land owners: East Cobb church plans ‘good for the community’

East Cobb church plans
A home on Waterfront Drive that’s on property being assembled for a church and townhomes. (ECN photos)

Not long after our Monday post about a major rezoning request at Johnson Ferry and Shallowford roads, we heard from Fred Hanna, the prominent debt-collection lawyer and East Cobb resident who with his wife owns much of the land that’s being proposed for a church and townhomes.

What’s been put on the Cobb zoning calendar in December would be a new campus of the Alpharetta-based North Point Ministries plus 125 townhomes on 33 acres.

Hanna’s private property company and a non-profit ministry run by his wife have owned most of that property for nearly two decades.

Hanna Land Company owns 15 parcels and the True Vine Experience Foundation—which works to help those at risk of homelessness—owns 14 parcels. Another was owned by Sara Sweeney, a chiropractor whose office is on Shallowford Road.

Hanna told us he hoped the county would approve the church “and let it be tall and shine a light in the face of Tokyo Valentino [the controversial new adult retail store further down Johnson Ferry, whose business license was revoked last month by the county].

“Let’s send a message of what East Cobb is about.”

He said he bought his first property there, a house on Shallowford Road, in 2003 with the intention of knocking it down for redevelopment.

Lynn Hanna, his wife, urged him to let some needy people move in instead, and a family of four soon began living there rent-free.

Hanna bought 24 more homes in the same neighborhood, and many of those dwellings have been occupied by people trying to fend off homelessness.

True Vine’s work includes helping those people develop life and financial planning skills and job training in exchange for the free rent, which she estimates has added up to more than $3 million over the years.

When we called the Hannas to find out more, she explained to us that “we’ve always had in mind that we would sell.”

In 2016, CalAtlantic, a residential developer, applied for rezoning for single-family and some multi-family homes. But community opposition developed and in early 2017 the application was withdrawn.

Cobb commissioner Bob Ott suggested at the time that any redevelopment should wait until the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan process that was approved in August.

A current land use map of the proposed North Point church and townhomes, outlined by the Cobb Zoning Office.

In those intervening four years, Lynn Hanna said there have been some other overtures from potential buyers.

A few months ago, their agent contacted North Point, which initially wasn’t interested, and that she said had been holding makeshift gatherings in East Cobb at Eastside Baptist Church.

But in recent months, discussions began with North Point in earnest, and now the church is the applicant for the proposal (which you can read here).

While North Point campuses in Alpharetta and Buckhead have capacities of 3,000, she said the East Cobb campus “won’t be a megachurch.”

The plans call for up to 1,500 adults and 400 kids “on the best Sunday.”

“The reason I think it’s so good for the community is that it’s only going to be two hours on Sunday,” she said.

North Point doesn’t have a day care or pre-school, so there won’t be traffic during the week stemming from the church. The proposal also includes a small amount of retail and restaurant space.

But the 125 townhomes being proposed would need an RM-8 zoning that category that isn’t in the vicinity. That’s prompted traffic concerns—as well as a proposed parking deck next to the church—from some readers we’ve heard from.

Lynn Hanna said she understands that, and admits that “there are always people who object.” But she said they’re not going to make nearly the money selling to a church that they would have for an all-commercial assemblage.

North Point’s rezoning request, which was submitted by noted Cobb zoning attorney Kevin Moore, states that single-family residential use currently zoned “is economically unfeasible.”

According to Cobb Tax Assessor’s Office records, the properties owned by Hanna Land and True Vine range in appraised value from $35,000 (empty lots) to $647,000 for a lot at 3085 Johnson Ferry Road.

Most of the parcels with homes on them have appraised values in the low-to-mid 200s.

Those same records indicate that on Oct. 22, Sweeney sold her property at 4260 Shallowford Road to North Point Ministries for $650,000 (it has an appraised value of $491,530).

Lynn Hanna said she began notifying those living in the houses they own several months ago about the rezoning, and are working with them to find new housing

“We’re feeling good about this,” she said. “Knowing that it’s a church and that we’ve been helping near-homeless people is our reward.”

Said Fred Hanna:

“I think this matter has been a God thing. God had a plan some 17 years ago but first, he needed some 500 people to pass thru the houses, and be ministered to. But now is the time for the church.”

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Johnson Ferry-Shallowford proposal calls for church, townhomes

Johnson Ferry-Shallowford proposal

Zoning notice signs have gone up along the southwest corner of the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford intersection, and the proposal is a major one that’s been placed on the December calendar.

A little more than 33 acres is being proposed for a mixed-use development that’s quite different than what came before Cobb commissioners before being withdrawn in early 2017.

That was for single-family homes and townhomes by CalAtlantic Group, a residential developer, and drew some vocal community opposition.

What’s been filed with the Cobb Zoning Office would include a megachurch, restaurant and retail space and 125 townhomes.

(You can read the initial filings by clicking here.)

The applicant is different, too: North Point Ministries, Inc., which has seven non-denominational churches in metro Atlanta. The founder is Andy Stanley, son of retired First Baptist Church of Atlanta pastor Charles Stanley.

Since its founding in 1995, North Point has added churches in Buckhead, Gwinnett County, Woodstock and Decatur.

This one would be what North Point is calling its “East Cobb campus.” According to an initial site plan filed with the county, it would be located right on the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford corner, with parking fronting both roads.

The site plan calls for a parking deck facing Shallowford, and parking along Johnson Ferry also is being designated for “future commercial” space that would have restaurant and retail uses; neither of those components have any further details for now.

Those filings also don’t indicate the proposed capacity inside the church—the flagship North Point Community Church in Alpharetta can hold up to 3,000 people, as does North Point’s Buckhead Church.

Z-72 large site plan
For a larger view, click here. Shallowford Road is at the left; Johnson Ferry Road is at the top.

The rezoning request also calls for 125 townhomes in the back of the development, on either side of Waterfront Drive, under the RM-8 zoning category. The townhomes would have a minimum size of 1,800 square feet.

Most of that land is currently zoned R-20 and is where single-family homes now exist.

The property would be divided by an existing stormwater management area that includes a dry lake. That’s been referred to as Maddox Lake—it was located behind the now-demolished home of former Gov. Lester Maddox along Johnson Ferry.

There aren’t any renderings, elevations or variance requests that are included for now in the rezoning request.

The North Point Ministries rezoning request comes three months after Cobb commissioners approved the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan.

In that plan, several redevelopment options for the southwest intersection of “JOSH” were detailed, most of them of the mixed-use variety.

None of them included a facility for religious worship. The request states that single-family residential use “is economically unfeasible” and that the zoning proposal comforms to the county’s future land use map.

Nearly 30 parcels of land making up the North Point request have been assembled by The ‘True Vine’ Experience Foundation, Inc.; Sara M. Sweeney and Hanna Land Company, Inc.

The latter is headed by Fred Hanna, an East Cobb resident who’s the founder of the Frederick J. Hanna & Associates debt-collection law firm.

The ‘True Vine’ Experience is a pastoral ministry founded by Hanna’s wife, Lynn Hanna, and he’s listed as its CFO and secretary in non-profit filings.

Sweeney is a chiropractor whose practice is at 4260 Shallowford Road, one of the parcels in the assemblage. Hanna interests have owned some of the parcels as early as 2004.

The Cobb Zoning Office hasn’t yet released a detailed analysis of the rezoning request with recommendations.

The Cobb Planning Commission is scheduled to hear the case on Dec. 1 and the Cobb Board of Commissioners on Dec. 15.

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Sprayberry Crossing rezoning case delayed until December

Sprayberry Crossing virtual town hall

For the third time, the Sprayberry Crossing rezoning request is being delayed.

Cobb Zoning Staff is continuing the case, which was to have gone before the Cobb Planning Commission on Tuesday, to Dec. 1.

When the case was delayed last month, the reason cited was that a new site plan was in the works. The Sprayberry Crossing project would include 61,500 square feet of office and retail space (30,000 for a major grocer), 178 apartments, 122 senior-living apartments and 50 townhomes on more than 17 acres.

There are no changes shown in a preliminary agenda item or in any case folders with the Cobb Zoning Office. The continuance is being made at the request of the developer, Atlantic Realty Acquisitions Inc., as those proposed revisions are continuing.

Shane Spink of Sprayberry Crossing Action, a group of residents who’ve been pushing for redevelopment of the blighted shopping center, said “we have not had any conversations or heard from for the developer for many months so we are not privy to what those revisions may be or any other reason for the delays.”

Atlantic Realty is seeking a rezoning category called redevelopment overlay district (ROD), for the first time since it became a category in 2006.

The ROD use allows for redevelopment of blighted properties, and specified that any development would not set a precedent for the surrounding area.

But there’s been some opposition to apartments and some have questioned whether they’re allowed in the ROD category, citing stipulations approved by the Cobb Board of Commissioners for that specific property in 2006.

The December zoning meetings will be the last until February 2021, since zoning cases are not heard in Cobb County in the month of January.

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Sprayberry Crossing rezoning case continued to November

Sprayberry Crossing rezoning

For the second time, the Sprayberry Crossing rezoning case is being continued.

Atlantic Realty Acquisitions LLC, an Atlanta-based apartment developer that is proposing a mixed-use project on the grounds of the downtrodden Sprayberry Crossing retail center, asked for the continuance until November.

The case, initially filed for the September zoning calendar, was to have been heard Tuesday by the Cobb Planning Commission.

(A summary of Tuesday’s meeting agenda can be found here.)

Another site plan is in the works for the Sprayberry Crossing project, which would include 61,500 square feet of office and retail space (30,000 for a major grocer), 178 apartments, 122 senior-living apartments and 50 townhomes on more than 17 acres.

The developer also wants to build an open-air entertainment and food hall and incorporate walking trails and greenspace around an existing family cemetery.

Atlantic Residential is seeking a rezoning category called  redevelopment overlay district (ROD), for the first time since it became a category in 2006.

The ROD use allows for redevelopment of blighted properties, and specified that any development would not set a precedent for the surrounding area.

Residents in the Sprayberry Crossing area have organized to urge redevelopment for years, and have been working with Atlantic Residential, which conducted a Zoom town hall meeting in August.

But opponents have objected to the apartment units, saying they’re incompatible with a community that’s overwhelmingly made up of neighborhoods with single-family homes.

More recently, questions have arisen about whether apartments can be included in the Sprayberry Crossing project at all.

The minutes of the Cobb Board of Commissioners’ April 27, 2006 meeting reflect a 4-0 vote to include ROD stipulations specifically pertaining to the Sandy Plains/East Piedmont corridor in the county’s comprehensive land-use plan.

(You can read those here, on the last two pages).

Those stipulations include limiting residential development to no more than four units an acre, and to no more than 60 percent of a proposal’s land use.

The majority of the Sprayberry Crossing’s proposal is residential, and the 350 proposed living units on the 17-acre property would come to 20.5 units an acre.

In addition, the stipulations limit building height to 35 feet; the current Sprayberry Crossinng site plan calls for two five-story buildings that would exceed that height.

The only commissioner not to vote on those measures, ironically enough, was the late Tim Lee, then the District 3 representative for the Sandy Plains/East Piedmont area, and who later became the county chairman.

Tim Carini, leader of a Facebook group opposing apartments at Sprayberry Crossing, wrote in a letter to planning and county commissioners last month that those stipulations must stand, even though they were not included in the 2007 Comprehensive Plan.

He said that was an error since there wasn’t a vote by commissioners to remove the stipulations.

“The residents of this area worked diligently with the BOC in 2006 to create a smart plan for this area, much like the residents who worked with the BOC on the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan recently,” Carini wrote in a letter dated Sept. 17, before the latest continuance was requested. “A vote approving ROD-1 will diminish the trust Cobb County residents have for their elected officials.”

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Wesley Chapel Road subdivision rezoning gets final approval

Wesley Chapel Road subdivision

An 81-home subdivision proposal on either side of Wesley Chapel Road gained final approval from the Cobb Board of Commissioners Tuesday.

The vote was a unanimous 5-0, and residents of nearby communities that had voiced opposition for density, traffic and environmental reasons were generally in support after the developer added a number of stipulations.

(You can read the case filings here.)

The 49 acres of property is bisected on both sides by streams that feed into lakes at the Loch Highland community to the south, and is between Mabry Park and Garrison Mill Elementary School.

Brooks Chadwick Capital, LLC, an East Cobb-based developer, offered new stipulations on Sept. 9 (you can read the letter here) and on Monday met with the homeowners association of Highlands at Wesley Chapel, which surrounds what would be called Willis Woods, to iron out more differences.

The developer was seeking R-15 zoning, which would have a smaller density than nearby subdivisions.

Among the stipulations include tree preservation, increased setback areas along the rear edges in exchange for smaller setbacks at the front and additional green space around the creeks.

Kevin Moore, the attorney for Brooks Chadwick, said the county code allows for lots to come much closer to the streams than what his client was seeking.

Springmill runoff
A photo of runoff in the Springmill neighborhood, just below the proposed Willis Woods subdivision.

Stormwater issues have been a problem in the area for years, especially on the eastern side of Wesley Chapel, where streams and creeks feed into the Loch Highland lakes.

Debbie Fisher, speaking on behalf of the the Loch Highland Homeowners Association noted during Tuesday’s zoning hearing that residents there have spent more than $1.5 million dredging the lakes, much of it due to stormwater runoff upstream.

“We are the recipient of runoff for 2,400 acres, from Sweat Mountain on down,” she said.

During her presentation, she showed pictures of the effects of runoff from the nearby Springmill neighborhood.

“We have lost trees and some people have lost parts of their yard,” Fisher said, “and this is only going to be exacerbated.”

She asked for additional stormwater-releated stipulations and perpetual tree buffers and wanted assurances that the Loch Highland HOA would “have a seat at the table” at any kind of settlement discussions over negative impact of silt and runoff accumulations.

One of the stipulations agreed to by the developer is to allow no more than 35 percent of the developed area to be impervious surfaces.

The property falls in the districts of East Cobb commissioners Bob Ott and JoAnn Birrell. Ott said most of the stormwater issues fall on the east side of Wesley Chapel, which is in his district, and in his motion to approve included items from the developer’s stipulation letter.

He also added a condition that would require the county’s stormwater management chief to determine mediation steps for negative impact assessments, and also stipulated that the developer could not make any variances to the impervious surface provision.

A nearby resident said the density of the development was still too much, and said more than 1,000 people had signed an online petition in opposition.

But the Highlands at Wesley Chapel HOA president specified conditions to some of the revised Brooks Chadwich stipulations that he said would earn the support of his community.

“The applicant has addressed their concerns and that’s important,” Ott said.

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Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan gets commission OK

Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan adopted
A conceptualized possibility for the redevelopment of a corner of the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford intersection includes restoring a lake (No. 3).

A master plan for the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford area that involved citizen input over the last two years reflects strong local desires to maintain a community dominated by single-family neighborhoods.

The Cobb Board of Commissioners voted 5-0 Tuesday to adopt the recommended master plan, which will guide not only future development and land use, but also traffic, parks, stormwater issues and a sense of place.

The Johnson Ferry-Shallowford Small Area Plan recommendations were subject to public hearings over the last month, including the Cobb Planning Commission. Earlier this month the advisory board suggested removing a proposal in the final master plan to restore a lake near the “JOSH” intersection.

That’s known to some as “Maddox Lake,” behind the now-demolished home of former Gov. Lester Maddox on Johnson Ferry Road, and that has been dry for some years.

The area around the lake was part of a 30-acre assemblage for rezoning that went before commissioners as a proposed townhome and single-family residential development before the request was withdrawn in early 2017.

The JOSH recommendations include several potential mixed-use development scenarios that Commissioner Bob Ott of East Cobb said are meant only to guide possible future uses, not mandate them.

“I’m not going to take out” the recommendation the Planning Commission wanted deleted.

The JOSH master plan process (you can view all developments here) included several community meetings and other input that began in 2018.

“This is what the community said they wanted,” Ott said. “There was not a consultant who came in and did it. These are simply possibilities to consider.”

The JOSH master plan area (boundary map here) includes the following demographics:

  • Population: 26,600
  • Employment: 4,400
  • Median Age: 44.9 years (Cobb median: 36.5)
  • Median household income: $119K (Cobb: $72K)
  • Median per capita income: $51K (Cobb: 36K)
  • Housing: 9.4K units; 98.2% owner-occupied; 99.5% single-family residential detached (Cobb: 66.2%)
  • Median home value: $347K (Cobb: $219.7K)
JOSH master plan adopted
The adopted JOSH master plan calls for the preservation of an area dominated by single-family neighborhoods.

The options presented in the JOSH final draft include redevelopment as a community park and stormwater management facility, with multi-family residential and some retail and restaurant space.

The transportation recommendations call for improving intersections in a number of places, including Johnson Ferry-Shallowford, Shallowford-Wesley Chapel, Shallowford-Mabry and creating a roundabout at Hembree Road and Lassiter Road.

The “sense of place” suggestions include design guidelines along Johnson Ferry and Shallowford that would include streetscape amenities including decorative street lights and pedestrian lights, unified landscaped medians, wider sidewalks and street furniture.

The study also suggests the creation of a “community based stakeholder association” that would consider citizen ideas and collaboration on new development and design.

The JOSH master plan was the fourth authorized by Ott, who is retiring at the end of the year after 12 years in office.

The others include the Vinings Vision Plan, Powers Ferry Corridor Plan and Johnson Ferry Design Guidelines, the latter of which pertained to future aesthetics in the mostly-commercial area between Roswell Road and the Chattahoochee River.

The JOSH area was placed in the District 2 area Ott serves in 2017. He said this plan is similar to the Vinings plan in that it’s a “preservation” plan.

Residents of the JOSH area, he said, were very clear during the master plan process about maintaining the single-family feel of the community, which has no rental developments and limited commercial areas.

“The purpose of these master plans was to give the community a say about what they want,” Ott said, saying the JOSH plan “will be a useful tool for my successor.”

Johnson Ferry-Shallowford community
Citizens of the JOSH area look over maps during a Jan. 2019 community meeting.

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Wesley Chapel Road subdivision proposal gets initial approval

Wesley Chapel subdivision plans
To view a larger version of the revised site plan, click here.

The Cobb Planning Commission is recommending approval of a proposed 81-home subdivision on Wesley Chapel Road that has drawn substantial opposition from nearby homeowners.

By a vote of 4-1 the planning board endorsed an R-15 rezoning request by Brooks Chadwick Capital, LLC for 49.5 acres on either side of Wesley Chapel between Garrison Mill Elementary School and Mabry Park.

(You can read the initial rezoning request here.)

A number of nearby residents and a representative of the Cobb County School District spoke against the application during a public hearing Tuesday.

The land is among the last undeveloped tracts in a fast-growing part of Northeast Cobb. North of that property, land formerly owned by the Mabry farming family and across from Mabry Park is being developed for upscale single-family homes.

Brooks Chadwick’s plans for what it’s calling Willis Woods include 81 homes of at least 3,000 square feet, with prices starting at $800,000 and surpassing $1 million, according to Kevin Moore, the developer’s attorney.

He said the R-15 category not only is consistent with surrounding subdivisions, but the density of the development, at 1.65 acres, “is on the low end” of both.

But those who spoke in opposition to the rezoning weren’t as concerned about density as they were other matters.

Residents in the nearby Highland at Wesley Chapel, Loch Highland and Beacon Hill subdivisions were concerned about traffic, school capacity and stormwater runoff issues.

Proposed Wesley Chapel Road subdvision
A rendering of a home style planned for Willis Woods.

David Fortenberry, who also lives nearby on Wesley Chapel Road, said “at minimum,” the developer should provide impact assessments for traffic, flooding and stormwater, especially since the development contains Sweat Creek Run, which flows downstream into nearly Loch Highland.

Residents of that neighborhood said they have spent $1.5 million of their own money over the last decade fighting back runoff from streams in the area that are affected by development.

“It’s time we stop asking downstream homeowners to keep paying for upstream development,” said former planning commission member Andy Smith, who was speaking on behalf of Loch Highland and other residents.

Charles Sprayberry of the Cobb school district estimated that Garrison Mill, which is near capacity, would have an overflow of 40 students with the new development.

The two planning board members representing East Cobb spoke at length in favor of the rezoning.

Judy Williams of District 3, which includes the Willis land on the western side of Wesley Chapel, said Glennis Fricks Willis, the property owner, opposed the Highlands at Wesley Chapel rezoning when that took place in 2007.

She then placed her land in a conservation easement, but Williams pointed out the undeveloped land “was not their buffer.”

Tony Waybright of District 2, which includes the Willis land east of Wesley Chapel, said school projections for a decrease in Garrison Mill “look solid.”

He made the motion to recommend approval and Williams seconded it, subject to stipulation letters more sent on Aug. 26 and on Monday (you can read them here and here.)

The Brooks Chadwick application also was supported with the stipulations by the Cobb zoning office and the East Cobb Civic Association.

The changes mostly pertain to setbacks, buffers and architectural styles. A revised site plan includes amenity and retention areas near the creek areas.

Voting against the board’s recommendation was Fred Beloin of North Cobb.

The planning commission’s board is non-binding and advisory. The Cobb Board of Commissioners will make a final decision on Sept. 15.

In another Northeast Cobb rezoning case, the owner of the Sandy Plains Village Shopping Center has withdrawn a rezoning request to convert part of the retail center into 41 townhomes and other retail.

Cobb Zoning Division manager John Pedersen said at the start of Tuesday’s meeting that Site Centers Corp. has withdrawn the application without prejudice, after two delays due to community and staff opposition.

The Sprayberry Crossing redevelopment plans were to have also been heard in September, but Atlantic Residential asked for its application to be heard in October.

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Sprayberry Crossing developer seeks delay in rezoning request

Sprayberry Crossing rendering

The developer of a proposed mixed-use project at the Sprayberry Crossing shopping center is asking for a delay in a rezoning request for another month.

Kevin Moore, an attorney for Atlantic Residential, sent a letter on Wednesday to the Cobb Zoning Office asking for a continuance from the September calendar to October. Moore wrote that the delay “will allow additional time to continue working through concerns and questions expressed by area residents and homeowner representatives and present proposed agreeable stipulations.”

Continuance requests are generally granted by staff as long as they come at least a week before public hearings. The Cobb Planning Commission was scheduled to hear the Sprayberry Crossing case on Sept. 1.

Atlantic Residential wants to build 61,500 square feet of office and retail space (30,000 for a major grocer), 178 apartments, 122 senior-living apartments and 50 townhomes on more than 17 acres.

The developer also wants to build an open-air entertainment and food hall and incorporate walking trails and greenspace around an existing family cemetery.

The proposal is seeking a rezoning category called  redevelopment overlay district (ROD), for the first time since it became a category in 2006.

Earlier this month Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell held a virtual town hall providing information about the zoning process and the Sprayberry Crossing details in particular.

She told East Cobb News on Thursday that “I’m receiving emails both for and against the proposal. Keeping a tally.”

Many residents have pushed for an overhaul of the long-blighted retail center that’s there now—the property has been on the county’s redevelopment list.

But others are concerned about apartments going up in a community of single-family homes and additional traffic in the Sandy Plains and Piedmont Road corridor.

The ROD designation would mean that any development contained within does not set a precedent for the area surrounding a property that may be zoned that way.

At least 10 percent of the housing units in an ROD must be set aside for residents making no more than 80 percent of an area’s average median income.

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Sprayberry Crossing project hinges on rare rezoning request

Sprayberry Crossing rezoning

The developer of a proposed mixed-use project at the Sprayberry Crossing Shopping Center is requesting a category for the development that has never been sought before in Cobb County.

Atlantic Residential, an Atlanta-based apartment builder, has filed for what’s called an ROD designation, to go with existing neighborhood shopping and planning shopping district uses.

The request, case number ROD-1, scheduled to be heard in September, has been the subject of intense discussion in the community.

While many residents there have been seeking a solution for years to the blighted retail center that’s there now, others are opposed to apartments, the proposed five-story height of residential buildings seen in renderings by the developer and have expressed traffic concerns.

The Sprayberry Crossing proposal (rezoning filings here) would include 61,500 square feet of office and retail space (30,000 for a major grocer), 178 apartments, 122 senior-living apartments and 50 townhomes on more than 17 acres.

Atlantic Residential also wants to build an open-air entertainment and food hall and incorporate walking trails and greenspace around an existing family cemetery.

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During a virtual town hall meeting Wednesday organized by Cobb commissioner JoAnn Birrell, county zoning, community development and transportation officials explained more details about ROD and preliminary findings of a traffic study conducted by the developer.

The virtual town hall meeting was informational only, and Birrell and her Cobb Planning Commission appointee, Judy Williams, did not offer comments.

Birrell encouraged citizens to contact planning board and county commission members ahead of next month’s public meetings.

ROD has some other unique components.

Jason Gaines, the Cobb Community Development Agency’s planning director, said ROD projects are pedestrian-oriented and designed for traffic integration to meet the scale and variety of such developments.

They’re also “site plan specific,” meaning that there aren’t minimum lot sizes, setbacks and buffers that are required in most rezoning cases.

Atlantic Residential submitted a revised site plan below in late July that call for 10-foot front sidebacks and 5-foot setbacks to the side and rear of buildings.

To see a larger view, click here. Source: Cobb Zoning Office.

ROD projects also are not to set a precedent for the area surrounding a property that may be zoned that way.

At least 10 percent of the housing units in an ROD must be set aside for residents making no more than 80 percent of an area’s average median income.

Those opposed to apartments have said those are their biggest concerns in an area with classic suburban single-family neighborhoods.

Cobb DOT engineer Amy Diaz said during the presentation that her office received a copy of the developer’s traffic study last week, but showed some slides with preliminary information that’s subject to change.

She said much of the data is based on 2015 numbers. Due to COVID-19 business and school closures, “no doubt there have been traffic impacts” in a busy area at Sandy Plains and East Piedmont Roads that includes Sprayberry High School and other commercial activities.

Diaz said what she’s seen of the traffic study thus far is in line with what’s projected for that part of the Sandy Plains Corridor. “We do know there’s congestion in the area,” she said.

She said senior-living units have reduced traffic rates compared to single-family residential housing.

The traffic study is available by contacting her at

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The Cobb zoning office has conducted a preliminary analysis of the Sprayberry Crossing request (you can read it here), which means that it has received the initial filings and is conducting a full review of the proposal.

Once that process is complete, staff offers a recommendation before public hearings begin.

The Sprayberry Crossing case will be heard Sept. 1 by the Cobb Planning Commission, which will make a recommendation. The Cobb Board of Commissioners will hold a zoning hearing Sept. 15.

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Wesley Chapel Road rezoning request continued to September

Revised Z-40 Site Plan

A rezoning request to build 81 homes on Wesley Chapel Road, near Garrison Mill Elementary School, is being continued to September.

The Cobb Planning Commission voted Tuesday to delay the case at the request of the applicant, Brooks Chadwick Capital LLC.

The East Cobb developer wants to build the new subdivision on two slabs totaling nearly 50 acres on either side of Wesley Chapel Road that’s undeveloped, except for two older homes.

The request has generated some community opposition. A group of nearby homeowners and homeowners associations posted an online petition objecting to the proposal’s density, along with concerns over school capacity, traffic close to a school and stormwater and wildlife issues

Those individuals and groups weren’t identified, by Catherine Kommer, a nearby resident, told East Cobb News that the homes in the proposed development are “very close and leave little room for trees. It is an unhealthy plan. I would hope that air quality and health would be in the forefront of everyone’s minds with respect to the corona virus. It’s hard to understand accepting a plan that would hinder air quality in the middle of a pandemic.”

She’s written a letter to that effect to Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell (the rezoning also includes Cobb Commissioner Bob Ott’s district).

Also delayed until September is a request by Site Partners LLC, the owner of the Sandy Plains Village Shopping Center, to convert part of that retail center for townhomes and retail space.

Cobb Zoning Staff is continuing the request after the applicant revised its site plan last week. The case was initially delayed from July, after staff recommended denial, saying the townhomes were incompatible with nearby single-family communities and traffic concerns.

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Virtual town hall scheduled for Sprayberry Crossing rezoning

Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell sends along word this morning that she’s scheduled a virtual town hall meeting for the Sprayberry Crossing rezoning case that’s coming up in September.

She said the town hall will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 12, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., and will include Judy Williams, her appointment to the Cobb Planning Commission, and representatives from the Cobb Zoning Staff.

Although citizens will be invited to comment and ask questions, Birrell said she and Williams will not be offering opinions. That’s standard procedure in zoning cases.

Atlanta apartment builder Atlantic Residential is planning a mixed-use development on 18 acres where blighted shopping center has stood for years.

At a July virtual town hall, the developer offered its latest revisions to a proposal that would include 178 general and 122 senior-living rentals, 50 townhomes, a major grocery store, other retail, an outdoor entertainment and food hall and community greenspace.

(You can find more information at the Sprayberry Crossing website.)

The rezoning request can be found here; it’s an application for what’s called a redevelopment overlay district category. What that means is that the kind of development contained in the request—especially five-story residential buildings that have generated some community opposition—shall not establish a precedent for future land use or rezoning matters in the nearby area.

The Cobb Zoning Staff has not yet produced an analysis or made a recommendation.

The WebEx link to register for Birrell’s town hall can be found here; you can contact your office with questions at or call 770-528-3318.

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Wesley Chapel Road rezoning would allow 81-home subdivision

One of the last rural outposts on Wesley Chapel Road could soon be plowed under for a new subdivision.

Brooks Chadwick Capital LLC, an East Cobb developer, has filed a rezoning request for nearly 50 acres that will be heard Tuesday by the Cobb Planning Commission.

The undeveloped land owned by Glennis F. Willis is zoned R-30 and R-20, lower-density categories. But the applicant is seeking R-15 density to build 81 single-family homes on those tracts.

(You can request the agenda item here. The site plan has been revised and that is shown below.)

The properties, which are fronted by older homes, are just above Garrison Mill Elementary School (at the bottom of the aerial map above) and just below Mabry Park.

According to Cobb Tax Assessor’s records, the two parcels of Willis land have appraised values of $1.5 million and $1.3 million.

Revised Z-40 Site Plan
For a larger version of the site plan click here.

There is R-15 zoning in nearby subdivisions, and the Cobb Zoning Staff is recommending approval of the application with some modifications.

They include providing left-turn lanes onto either side of the subdivision, and for deceleration lanes for right-hand turns.

Brooks Chadwick’s attorney, Kevin Moore, submitted a stipulation letter earlier this week that calls for homes to be at least 3,000 square feet.

The developer also will conduct sediment studies before and after the development of the downstream lake at the nearby Loch Highland community, and provide copies to the homeowners association.

Another stipulation would limit construction hours to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.

However, Moore contends that his client shouldn’t be required to build left-turn lanes because of a lack of right-of-way needed for that, and that deceleration lanes “shall only be required to the extent public-right-of way is available.”

(You can read the full letter here.)

Willis House Wesley Chapel Road
The Willis homestead that faces Wesley Chapel Road.

The developer didn’t indicate a price range, but newer homes in that area are generally valued in the $700,000-$900,000 range.

In recent years that part of Wesley Chapel Road has begun to build out with similarly-priced developments. That includes Mabry Grove, which was once included the homestead of the expansive Mabry Farm, and whose first homes opened last year.

Across the road, there’s still a little more than 40 acres surrounding Mabry Park that’s in Mabry family hands, and that like the Willis property, contains a single-family home on largely conservation land.

In another East Cobb case Tuesday, the Planning Commission will hear a delayed request to rezone part of the Sandy Plains Village Shopping Center for a 41-townhome development and a freestanding restaurant/retail space.

That proposal was shelved last month by planning staff, and the retail center owner, Site Centers Corp., has submitted revised plans (see below) and produced a traffic study.

(You can read about the revisions here.)

Z-37 revised site plan
For a larger version of the site plan click here.

The Planning Commission also is expected to make its recommendation for the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan, which has been in development for the last couple of years.

Tuesday’s meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the second-floor board room of the Cobb government building, 100 Cherokee St., in downtown Marietta. It will be livestreamed on Cobb TV, the county’s public cable access channel (also on Channel 24 on Comcast) and on Facebook Live.

Like its zoning cases, the planning commission’s votes are advisory, and the Cobb Board of Commissioners will make final decisions on Aug. 18.

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Sprayberry Crossing rezoning case scheduled for September

Sprayberry Crossing revisions

The Sprayberry Crossing plans for a mixed-use development have been filed with the Cobb Zoning Office, and they’re scheduled to be heard in September.

A rezoning application filed earlier this month (you can read it here) indicates that the Sprayberry Crossing Partnership wants to keep the neighborhood shopping (NS) and planned shopping center (PSC) categories and also is applying for what’s called a redevelopment overlay district (ROD) designation.

That means means that the kind of development contained within that district shall not establish a precedent for future land use or rezoning matters in the nearby area.

The nearly 18 acres at East Piedmont Road and Sandy Plains Road has been blighted for years, and is listed on the county’s redevelopment list, as residents have pushed for cleanup and redevelopment.

Atlantic Residential, an Atlanta-based apartment builder, is planning 178 apartment units, 122 senior apartments and 50 for-sale townhomes to go with a 30,000-square foot national grocery store (still unnamed by the developer, which is in negotiations), other retail and co-working space, an entertainment and food hall and community greenspace.

Earlier this month Atlantic Residential president Richard Aaronson held a virtual town hall meeting to explain the plans (more details here), which have been revised to include five-story buildings for the rental units, up from 3-4 stories earlier.

The meeting and discussions within the community have been facilitated by the creators of the Sprayberry Crossing Acition Group on Facebook and that has around 5,700 members.

The community is largely single-family residential, and that’s brought out some opposition from those opposed to apartments, even with the possible ROD designation.

(Here’s the ROD application, and while it’s a whopping 86 pages, much of that is detailed descriptions of property. The developer has hired prominent Cobb zoning attorney Kevin Moore.)

Tim Carini of Residents Against Apartments at Sprayberry Crossing told East Cobb News he still thinks the density of the project is too much, as are five-story buildings. “I want the suburbs and not an urban feel,” he said.

He’s also concerned that Atlantic Residential could eventually sell the development, as it has with a previous property it built in Johns Creek, and that the proposed townhomes at Sprayberry Crossing might also end up being rentals.

Joe Glancy of the Sprayberry Crossing Action Group said he’s still learning about the ROD aspect to the zoning and expects that “the site plan will continue to evolve through the [rezoning] process.”

Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell said she’s planning on holding a town hall meeting in virtual form before the rezoning cases are heard, likely in August, but hasn’t scheduled a date.

The Cobb Planning Commission will hear the case on Sept. 1 and make a recommendation to the Cobb Board of Commissioners, which meets on Sept. 15.

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Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan public hearings, adoption scheduled

Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan public hearings

We noted in late April about a review period for the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford master plan that’s been in development for the last couple of years, and now public hearings have been scheduled in August.

The plan covers all aspects of community development, including land use, greenspace, transportation and stormwater management.

What’s called the JOSH Small-Area Plan (here’s a storymap produced for the review period) will be presented next month to the Cobb Planning Commission and the Cobb Board of Commissioners, which is set to adopt the plan.

The Planning Commission will hear the plan presentation at its Aug. 4 meeting. Like the zoning cases it hears, the board will make a recommendation to county commissioners, who also will hear the plan and are scheduled to vote on adoption on Aug. 25.

After multiple public meetings and written feedback, Cobb government staff released a draft of the master plan proposal last summer.

The process has been similar to the Johnson Ferry Design Guidelines and the Powers Ferry Master Plan in East Cobb in recent years.

The master plan proposal for JOSH stresses the heavy single-family residential nature of the community, and provides several possible scenarios for the major developmental issue in the area—the redevelopment of the area around Maddox Lake, at the southwestern corner of the Johnson Ferry-Shallowford intersection.

That’s a 30-acre assemblage for rezoning that went before the Cobb Board of Commissioners as a proposed townhome and single-family residential development before the request was withdrawn in early 2017.

The options presented in the JOSH storymap include redevelopment as a community park and stormwater management facility, with multi-family residential and some retail and restaurant space.

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Sandy Plains Village townhome proposal delayed until August

Sandy Plains Village townhomes

A proposal to rezone a portion of the Sandy Plains Village shopping center for townhomes is being delayed at least for a month.

The Cobb Zoning Office sought the continuance after initially recommending denial of an application by the retail center’s owners, Site Centers Corp., for 41 residential units, plus some additional retail space (previous ECN post here.)

That case was to have been heard Tuesday by the Cobb Planning Commission. Instead, consideration has been pushed back to the planning board’s Aug. 4 meeting.

Site Centers wants to convert a vacant 67,000-square-foot retail space that was to have been an indoor entertainment center into the residential development.

(You can read the filing and staff analysis here.)

In its analysis, zoning staff said the proposal doesn’t conform with the Cobb County Comprehensive Plan. Site Centers is seeking a planned village community (PVC) designation at a property zoned for neighborhood retail commercial (NRC).

The staff said that other residential and commercial properties are zoned for a lower density and would be adversely affected by the townhomes.

The nearby Chatsworth subdivision has single-family homes zoned for 1.68 units an acre. The townhome density as proposed would be 2.57 units an acre.

Traffic issues also concerned zoning staff, which recommended the applicant conduct a traffic study to gauge the impact for a heavily used trio of roads that surround the shopping center—Sandy Plains Road, Woodstock Road and Mabry Road.

The latter is being recommended as the entry point for the townhomes, but zoning staff said that’s too close (20 feet) to the intersection of Mabry and Woodstock, and suggested the applicant make significant changes to provide “uninterrupted access distance.”

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