East Cobb zoning cases to be heard by Cobb commissioners

What follows is a summary of the individual East Cobb cases coming before the Cobb Board of Commissioners Tuesday in their monthly zoning hearing. Here’s an overview of what’s on the agenda and the status of other active cases, including what’s being continued, withdrawn, etc.

Four of the six East Cobb cases are on the consent agenda, which is considered at the start of the meeting.

Two high-profile East Cobb cases listed near the top of the longer agenda summary have been continued to September, and we have mentioned them before: SSP Blue Ridge LLC’s application for a major mixed-use development at Powers Ferry and Terrell Mill Road (Z-12) and Lidl Grocery’s application (OB-016) to turn the Park 12 cinema on Gordy Parkway into a grocery store. Cobb County Government logo

In the case of the latter, Lidl attorney Parks Huff is asking for more time to conduct a traffic study requested by Cobb DOT and that includes school-related traffic counts.

A case that you may see on zoning documents but that was withdrawn without prejudice after the Aug. 3 Planning Commission meeting is the Z-40 application by Saleh Uddin to rezone 0.94 acres on the east side of Terrell Mill Road north of Brookview Road from R-40 to R-20 for two single-family homes.

Here’s what will come before the BOC Tuesday morning, starting at 9 a.m., with links to the individual packet items with the case number:

  • Z-41: JOM Holdings, LLC, seeks rezoning from PSC to CRC for a specialized contractor’s office at 811 Lecroy Drive, near Robinson Road (consent item; staff recommends deletion to NRC with conditions);
  • Z-46: CSP Development, LLC, seeks rezoning from R-30 to R-15 of 8.92 acres at 4494 Wesley Chapel Road, on the south side of Sandy Plains Road (consent item; staff recommends approval with some stipulations);
  • OB-030: Poag Shopping Centers, LLC, seeks a site plan amendment for The Avenue at East Cobb Shopping Center (4475 Roswell Road), for hardscape and landscaping improvements (consent item; staff recommends approval with minor conditions);
  • OB-034: Narden Kaldani seeks a special exception for reduction of lot size at R-20 zoned site at 2650 Roswell Road, east of Hood Road, from 20,000 square feet to 16,401 square feet (consent item);
  • LUP-13: Esther J. Kim and Sung Min Brian Ryu seek a special land use permit for R-20 zoned site at 3746 Wesley Chapel Road, south of Beacon Street, to allow seven chickens. The applicants intend to house the hens in a coop that’s at least 30 feet from all property lines, and are filing due to a code enforcement complaint. The nearby Wesley Hills Homeowners Association has consented to the application, but the staff is recommending denial;
  • OB-028: S & B Investments, Inc., is seeking a site plan and stipulation amendment to build a drivethru window for the Starbucks Coffee location at 31-A Johnson Ferry Road, in front of Paper Mill VIllage, and that would be located on the Paper Mill Road side of the building.

The zoning hearing can be seen on CobbTV (Comcast Channel 23) or streamed live on the Cobb government website

Former Terrell Mill Road restaurant site demolished at Powers Ferry Road

Terrell Mill Road development
The northwest intersection of Terrell Mill & Powers Ferry is the proposed site for a new mixed use development anchored by an expansive Kroger store. (East Cobb News photo by Wendy Parker)

A stand-alone building at the northwest intersection of Terrell Mill Road at Powers Ferry Road that once housed barbecue and other restaurants is being torn down.

Most recently, the small structure at 1410 Terrell Mill Road was briefly the site of a battery retail store.

The site is part of a 21-acre tract that’s being proposed for a major retail, commercial and townhouse complex by SSP Blue Ridge, LLC, with the anchor business a major Kroger supermarket.

The Blue Ridge application was to have been taken up today by the Cobb Planning Commission but has been continued to September (here’s a summary of the rezoning proposal).

The proposed $70 million development is a joint project between Connolly Investment & Development and Eden Rock Real Estate Partners.

The property also includes the current site of Brumby Elementary School, which is relocating next year, and existing retail and restaurant space also at the Powers Ferry-Terrell Mill intersection.

East Cobbers from way back remember the building now being demolished as the site for barbecue joints that came and went, enjoying varying degrees of popularity: Big Ed’s, Pig and Pit, Shane’s Rib Shack and Old Hickory House.

Earlier in this decade, the 1410 Terrell Mill location was the site of the Botekim Brazilian Bistro for about a year, until it closed in 2012.

EAST COBB ZONING: Lidl Grocery, Powers Ferry-Terrell Mill cases to be continued

At their monthly zoning hearing Tuesday morning, the Cobb Board of Commissioners voted to approve Lidl Grocery’s request to continue its rezoning application to redevelop the Park 12 Theatre site (previous ECN post here).

The case will be placed on the August zoning calendar. Another major East Cobb application, filed by SSP Blue Ridge, LLC, for a mixed-used development at Powers Ferry and Terrell Mill roads, has been continued to September by the Cobb zoning staff.

The Blue Ridge proposal is for a 21-acre retail, residential and commercial center stretching from the current location of Brumby Elementary School to the northwest intersection of Powers Ferry and Terrell Mill.

The anchor of the proposed development would a be Kroger Marketplace, replacing the current Kroger store on Powers Ferry at the southwest intersection of Delk Road.

We’ll update this post later with more East Cobb cases from today’s zoning meeting.

Lidl Grocery asks for rezoning continuance until August

Lidl, the German grocery company that wants to build a store at the site of the Park 12 Theatre on Gordy Parkway in northeast Cobb, has asked for a continuance in its rezoning request until August.

Its application is on Tuesday’s Cobb Board of Commissioners zoning hearing agenda, but the board would have to vote at that meeting whether to grant the delay, since the request came after a deadline for doing so, according to a message issued Friday by District 3 commissioner JoAnn Birrell.

According to a letter sent Thursday by Parks Huff, Lidl’s Marietta-based attorney, the applicant would have to amend its site plan to accommodate a request by the Cobb Architectural Control Committee to have an arborist review tree preservation issues.

If the Lidl rezoning is delayed, it would next be taken up by the commissioners on Aug. 15. Lidl’s proposal for a 35,962-square-foot store, a bit bigger than the cinema facility but with 170 parking spaces—half the total for the movie house—has been opposed by some nearby residents, some of whom started a petition to save the Park 12.

This from petition organizer Abi Hainey, on the Save Park 12 Facebook page, who said another delay could be “a blessing in disguise:”

“If Lidl’s purpose in postponing the hearing is to “wait us out,” they are mistaken. East Cobb is a strong community of people that care and this campaign has made me even more proud to live here. We will not lose steam, in fact, our movement will only get stronger between now and August 15th. Thank you for your continued support!”