East Cobb SAT scores: Walton, Lassiter, Pope, Wheeler among best in Georgia

Walton High School, East Cobb SAT scores
East Cobb News file photo of Walton High School

The results of the 2017 Scholastic Aptitude Test, one of the major guideposts for college admissions, were released on Tuesday. East Cobb SAT scores were among the highest in Georgia.

Walton High School’s mean score of 1,242 was second in all of Georgia, trailing only the Gwinnett School of Math, Science and Technology (1,315). But three other East Cobb schools also placed high in the statewide mean scores as well: Lassiter was 7th at 1,189; Pope was 15th at 1,164; and Wheeler was 22nd at 1,153.

Kell finished just above the Cobb County School District mean of 1,088 with a score of 1,091, while Sprayberry’s mean score is 1,049.

The SAT is administered by the College Board, and tests students in two cluster subject areas: Math and ERW (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing). The score grading is from 400 to 1,600.

This is a change that was made in the last year, with the previous maximum score 2,400. The redesigned test includes questions about history, science and social studies (more comparable to the ACT); whereas the previous test focused on math and English.

Three Walton students earned perfect scores of 1,600 in the 2017 testing period.

“Our teachers are doing a great job focusing on literacy in the classroom. This focus has had a positive impact on all of the state and national measurements,” Walton principal Judy McNeill said in a statement issued by the Cobb County School District. “We thank the faculty, students, and community for making Walton such a positive learning environment. We have students that really want to do well.”

The Georgia Department of Education offered this summary of the statewide results, which also include links to district and school-level databases. Here are the six East Cobb high school scores, as well as the Cobb, Georgia and national results.

# Test Takers Overall Mean ERW Mean Math Mean
Kell 176 1,091 555 536
Lassiter 341 1,189 598 591
Pope 232 1,164 587 577
Sprayberry 260 1,049 536 512
Walton 351 1,242 621 621
Wheeler 236 1,153 579 574
Cobb 4,707 1,088 554 534
Georgia 63,805 1,050 535 515
National 1,715,481 1,060 533 527

Mountain View Elementary School honored by physical fitness group

Before Cobb schools went out on fall break this week, they passed along this news about Mountain View Elementary School for creating a strong environment for physical fitness:

Active Schools honored Mountain View Elementary School with the 2017 Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award for its outstanding efforts in creating an active school environment. Active Schools is a national movement dedicated to ensuring that 60 minutes of physical activity a day is the norm in K-12 schools.

The Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award is the nation’s top physical education and physical activity distinction for K-12 schools and celebrates a school’s commitment to providing students with physical activity before, during and after school. Only 452 schools across the country achieved this prestigious honor in 2017.

Powered by a national collaborative of leading health, education, and private sector organizations, Active Schools equips schools with the resources, programs, professional development, and grants to increase physical education and physical activity opportunities for students, and to cultivate an active school environment.

According to Active Schools, active kids do better in school. Regular physical activity not only helps kids stay healthy and strong, but it can also lead to higher test scores, improved attendance, increased focus, better behavior in class, enhanced leadership skills, and a lifetime of healthy habits.

“ ‘We commend Mountain View Elementary’s model work around enhancing physical education and physical activity opportunities and inspiring students to perform their best, both in the classroom and in life,’ said Charlene R. Burgeson, Active Schools Executive Director. ‘Mountain View is leading the way in this generation-changing movement that is transforming our nation’s schools into active and healthy hubs.’ ”

To earn a Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award, a school must have met significant benchmarks in five areas: physical education, physical activity before and after school, physical activity during school, staff involvement, and family and community engagement.

As part of the Let’s Move! Active Schools National Award package, Mountain View received a large display banner, national award certificate, and congratulatory letter.

Find out more about Let’s Move! Active Schools at www.letsmoveschools.org.

East Cobb resident recognized as Cobb declares ‘Henry Holley Day’

Henry Holley

Henry Holley’s recent 90th birthday didn’t go unnoticed by the Cobb Board of Commissioners, who honored the longtime East Cobb resident with an official recognition before their Friday meeting.

Holley, who’s lived in Indian Hills for 45 years, is retired director of international crusades for the Billy Graham ministries, a job he held after a long career in the U.S. Marine Corps that included service World War II and the Korean War. He’s also a member of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, where he was ordained in the gospel ministry in 1995.

His wife Bettie died last year at the age of 91. They were married for 67 years, after meeting in 1948 on a blind date.

Cobb commissioners also declared Friday to be “Henry Holley Day” in the county as he gave the invocation at the meeting. Holley served under Graham in several capacities for 48 years and organized the evangelist’s largest crusades. More below the photo from the official recognition read out at Friday’s meeting:

Henry Holley
Cobb commission chairman Mike Boyce and commissioner JoAnn Birrell recognizing Rev. Henry Holley. (East Cobb News photos by Wendy Parker)

“Holley organized the historic Korean 1973 Crusade in Seoul in which never before had so many come to one place to hear a preacher proclaim the Gospel. On the final day, there were 1.3 million people in attendance. Across the five-day Crusade, there were over 3.2 million people that heard Dr. Graham face to face.

“In 1974, Holley was Crusade Director for another precedent shattering Crusade, The Greater Rio de Janeiro Billy Graham Crusade in Brazil held at the famous Maracana stadium-the world’s largest. More people attended this meeting than any other crusade ever held in North or South America; over 250,000 attended on closing day.

“He served as Director of Development for the International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam (1983) in which he was responsible for raising much of the budget.

“After his duties in Amsterdam, Holley prepared for Dr. Graham’s participation in the 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church Crusade held in Seoul (1984). For the second time, over one million attended the service when Dr. Graham preached at Yoido Plaza with an estimated ten million more across Korea viewing via television. In 1985-86, he was Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Amsterdam ’86 International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists (ICIE) meeting. He prepared many special meetings for Dr. Billy Graham and conducted investigation meetings for possible future crusades all over the world.

“In 1990, Holley directed the Hong Kong Crusade, which had the largest attendance ever for an evangelistic meeting in Hong Kong. In addition, the Crusade message was extended by satellite television to 30 countries in Asia in 45 different languages. Over 100 million people were reached with the Gospel in this effort.

“Holley has been to North Korea (DPRK) seventeen times. In 1992 Holley was responsible for the diplomatic and administrative preparation work for a most historic and extraordinary visit by Dr. Billy Graham to North Korea. Holley directed the small team that accompanied Dr. Graham to the capital city of Pyongyang. The significant mission to Pyongyang was highlighted by Dr. Graham preaching the Gospel in the two churches in North Korea. In addition, he lectured at Kim Il-Sung University — the first American to have this privilege. Dr. Graham and Rev. Holley also had a personal meeting with President Kim Il-Sung where he brought private messages from President George Bush and Pope John Paul II.

“Holley directed the Tokyo Crusade in January 1994 at the world famous Tokyo Dome. Audiences averaged 32,000 at each meeting with over 3,000 decisions for Christ. Thousands more attended at the 60 satellite locations around the country. In a country where less than 1% identified as Christians, this was an extraordinary response. Church leaders credited this and previous Billy Graham Crusades with the growth of the Christian church in Japan.

“These highlights in Holley’s career came after a variety of assignments in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association during his 48 years with the organization. Holley directed Billy Graham Crusades in Taipei, Taiwan (1975); Hong Kong (1975 and 1990); Manila (1977); Singapore (1978); Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Okinawa (1980). He also gave supervision and direction to the Paris Crusade and Helsinki Crusade (1986). He assisted in Crusade preparations in London (1966); Tokyo (1967); Sydney (1968 & 1979); Melbourne; Auckland; Honolulu; New York; and other USA cities. He also organized Christian participation in the Washington, DC “Honor America Day” celebration in 1970 and 1979.

“For each major foreign crusade, Holley spent over a year in preparation, organization, and in joint venture with the local invitational committee to mobilize the entire city for these meetings.

“This required great skill in reaching across many different cultures and languages in order to be successful. For years, he traveled an average of 150,000 miles and 200 days overseas each year and accumulated over 13 million air miles. At 85 years of age, he was still employed by BGEA and actively engaged in ministry.

“He was responsible for the cultivation and development of ministry, government, and church leaders in China. He organized and executed meetings for Rev. Franklin Graham in many cities in China, beginning in 2006.

“In addition to regular international Crusade responsibilities of cultivating and directing, Holley served as Special Assistant to Dr. Billy Graham on many projects and missions and in the cultivation and development of potential crusade opportunities for Rev. Franklin Graham. In 2005, he was honored to bring the opening prayer in the U. S. House of Representatives and in 2007 was honored, again, to offer the opening prayer in the U. S. Senate.”

A native of Texas, Holley attended the University of Houston and studied administration, law, management and leadership while in the military. He and his wife had three children, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

East Marietta adult store robbery suspect arrested; another at-large

Elations, East Marietta adult story robbery

Marietta Police said Friday afternoon they have charged a man wanted in an East Marietta adult store robbery last month, and are searching for another suspect.

Willie Demetrics Shaw, 25, of Acworth, was being held without bond at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center, police said. He’s been charged with two counts of felony armed robbery for the Aug. 24 hold-up of the Elations adult entertainment store, located at 1424 Roswell Road.

Marietta Police said Shaw was taken into custody Tuesday in Austell, and was apprehended with assistance from the Cobb Anti-Gang Enforcement unit. Police also said they obtained video surveillance photos from surrounding businesses during the investigation.

The second suspect, who was not identified, was outside of Elations when the robbery took place, police said. Anyone with information is asking to contact Marietta Police Det. Sheffield at 770-794-5345.

Cobb fiscal year 2018 budget approved in close vote

Cobb fiscal year 2018 budget

After a lengthy public hearing and discussion and the possibility of not approving a budget today, the Cobb fiscal year 2018 budget was adopted by the Board of Commissioners.

The $403.4 million budget is based on the millage rate of 6.76 set by commission in July, and using $19.7 million in contingency funding—”one-time monies” in budget parlance—to balance the budget. More than $1 million for Cobb community charities was not included in the budget, and representatives of many of those organizations were vocal about keeping their funding.

The new budget includes funding for the East Cobb Library, which commissioner JoAnn Birrell had proposed closing, but does not include funding for the Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center, which will replace the East Marietta Library and is slated to open this winter.

Like the funding for the charities, funding for the new library is expected to be taken up by the commissioners in the new fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.

What follows is a live-blog format of the public comment period, both from the public and the commissioners, that was updated as the budget proceedings took place.

We’ll have other matters from today’s commission meeting, including the approval of the Cobb 2040 Comprehensive Plan, posted separately.

We’ll also link to the final budget document once it’s made available online. Here’s the original.

1:41 PM: The budget passes 3-2, with Boyce, Birrell and Bob Weatherford voting yes, Ott and Cupid voting no.

1:28 PM: Chairman Mike Boyce is the last member of the board to speak, saying “budgets are never easy.” Regarding the non-profits, he said many provide services that government should be doing, but they do it better. “This isn’t black and white. The bottom line is we can’t give you what we don’t have . . . money because of the millage rate.”

Carving out a budget based on a 6.76 millage rate includes figuring out how “to provide services this county has come to expect.” He said “we’re a five-star county” and that he hopes conversations over the next few months will result in some kind of consensus from the board in the future.

Boyce makes motion to approve budget, with Birrell seconding.

1:15 PM: South Cobb commissioner Lisa Cupid said the budget situation today is “the direct result of the millage rate vote [from earlier this summer] that I did not support.” She also said that the situation is “not only mind-boggling but somewhat shameful,” and cited cuts in assistance to community non-profits, the continued limited hours for libraries and more.

“This is a not a good situation that we’re in today, to not pass a budget” that will “put us in a worse situation. There are real people with real needs that are attached to” what is tied into the budget.

She also referenced how the needs of the Braves are being accommodated, but not those who benefit from community charities. “I’m just troubled by this whole ordeal.” Cupid said she cannot support the budget proposal.

1:08 PM: The public hearing is closed, and the commissioners are making some opening comments during their discussion period. Northeast Cobb commissioner JoAnn Birrell said: “Is this a perfect budget? No. But is pretty much a flat budget” and she supports it.

East Cobb commissioner Bob Ott said he would like to see some details on how to deal with the one-time money, but “I don’t see it there.”

1:01 PM: Michael Paris of East Cobb, head of the Council for Quality Growth, spoke in support of the proposed budget. “Go forward and make sure we continue to make this county great,” he said.

12:29 PM: Ray Thomas, a South Cobb resident, expressed concern that the budget proposal includes contingency funding despite an improving economy and rising Cobb tax digest. “What happens when things really get tough? . . . This is very disconcerting.” He said the county has two choices: cut back services or find more revenue, and he cited a rise in the millage rate.

12:23 PM: Dan Daniel, a longtime East Cobb resident and volunteer at the East Cobb Library, pleaded with the commissioners to keep that branch open. If it closes, he said, nearby residents would have to go a great distance to patronize the library system.

12:01 PM: The public hearing on the budget is continuing, but we’re taking a break. This very well may be an all-day meeting, given what else is on the agenda, and what looks to be a commission impasse on the budget. Some very impassioned speakers already, and there are more to come.

11:22 AM: The directors of a number of community service organizations, including MUST Ministries, Family Promise of Cobb County and the Cobb Schools Foundation, are speaking on behalf of continuing the county funding they receive. The proposed budget does not include charities funding.

A retired citizen, John Morgan, asks the commissioners to consider “what will your legacy be?” especially as it pertains to Cobb’s homeless, and cites several Bible passages. The crowd applauded as he concluded.

11:05 AM: The first speaker is East Cobb resident Abby Shiffman, the chairwoman of the Cobb library board of trustees, and she’s urging the commission not pass a budget today, especially as it pertains to the library budget. “How can you pass a budget without specifics?” she asked, noting that the library system has suffered “cut after cut after cut” with no increase in funding, including expansion of library hours, since the recession. The notion of closing a library branch (Birrell has proposed closing the East Cobb Library) “without a true hearing is something I cannot understand.”

BTW: Tonight is the Cobb Library Foundation’s gala dinner, “Booked for the Evening,” featuring East Cobb author Jonathan W. Jordan, that’s one of the year’s biggest fundraising events for outside money to support the library system.

Read more

East Cobb students named to state education advisory councils

Two East Cobb students will serve on state education advisory councils this academic year after being appointed by Georgia School Superintendent Richard Woods.

They are:

  • Zechariah Fuller, Dickerson Middle School, Middle School Advisory Board;
  • Nidhi Manikkoth, Walton High School, High School Advisory Board.Georgia Department of Education, East Cobb students

They’re among six Cobb County School District students and 142 across the state to serve on the advisory councils, who will meet with the superintendent during the school year to offer feedback on the impact of state education policies in the classroom and other education issues.

The panelists were chosen from an original pool of 1,500 students in Georgia public schools who applied and wrote essays explaining why they wanted to serve.

Here’s Woods, via a CCSD release:

“Every year, it is so valuable to hear directly from students through my Student Advisory Council, In the past, we have made direct changes based on student feedback, and I look forward to working with these 142 students who I know will make an impact. I’m so grateful for every student who took the time to apply and share their thoughts.”

The first meetings will take place Oct. 3-4, with future sessions in January and April.

East Cobb Traffic: Your morning update for the last day of summer

East Cobb traffic, Johnson Ferry at Roswell Road
Johnson Ferry at Roswell Road

7:12 AM: Good morning East Cobb! It’s the last day of summer—fall officially kicks in around 4 p.m. today, although it won’t feel like it, with high temperatures once again in the high 80s, and high humidity to boot.

Here’s a quick look at some key traffic points this morning as the commuting hours get underway. Thus far no major accidents to report on local roads in East Cobb, although there is a minor accident which is being reported on Roswell Road near the 120 Loop.

For the most part, though, the East Cobb area—as we’re typing this anyway—is relatively clear as daybreak sets in. There are the usual jams and bottlenecks appearing along key Interstate 75 junctions, and an accident also is just now being reported via Waze on I-75 southbound near Windy Hill Road.

The photos are screenshots of key East Cobb intersections from the Georgia 511 site (and area map as we have it now):

Old Canton at Roswell Road
Powers Ferry Road at Terrell Mill Road
Roswell Road at East Piedmont Road
Sandy Plains Road at Shallowford Road
Canton Road at Shallowford Road

Cobb 2018 budget adoption, 2040 comprehensive plan on Friday agenda

A postponed meeting from last week that was to include the Cobb 2018 budget adoption and the Cobb 2040 Comprehensive Plan will take place Friday.

Bob Ott, Cobb 2018 budget adoption
District 2 commissioner Bob Ott.

The Cobb Board of Commissioners will meet starting at 10 a.m. in the 2nd floor room of the Cobb BOC building, 100 Cherokee St., in downtown Marietta.

The meeting was rescheduled because county government was shut down due to Tropical Storm Irma. Before commissioners vote on the fiscal year 2018 budget, a final public hearing on the budget will take place.

Cobb commission chairman Mike Boyce has proposed an $890 million budget (PDF here), with $405 million for the general fund, and without a millage rate increase. After losing a battle in July to boost the millage rate to fully fund the 2008 Cobb parks bond referendum, Boyce is proposing to use $21.5 million in contingency funding to balance the budget.

East Cobb commissioner Bob Ott has gone on the record stating he does not support a millage rate increase and called for a budget review to find cost savings (East Cobb News post here).

East Cobb Library
The East Cobb Library opened at Parkaire Landing Shopping Center in 2010.

He’s also been feuding with his fellow East Cobb commissioner, JoAnn Birrell, who has proposed closing the East Cobb Library to help balance the budget. At an August town hall meeting at that same library branch—the second-busiest in the Cobb public library system—Ott said he would propose closing an “underperforming” branch elsewhere in his district but has not publicly elaborated since then (East Cobb News post here).

East Cobb residents spoke out loudly at a previous public hearing before Birrell defended her proposal to close the East Cobb Library. More than 5,000 people have signed an online petition to keep it open.

Addoption of the Cobb 2040 Comprehensive Plan is on Friday’s agenda, which reflects “Cobb’s vision, policies and goals based on the existing plan and community involvement,” according to documents explaining the plan update process.

Hearings, revisions and other work going into the 2040 plan have been ongoing since 2015. The final draft was completed on Sept. 5, with final revisions explained here.

Several East Cobb citizen activists have been critical of the proposed Cobb 2040 report, concerned about the influx of high-density development in the East Cobb area.

The county is required by the state to adopt a plan and submit it for review by the Atlanta Regional Commission.

Also on Friday’s agenda are the following East Cobb-related items:

  • A change order to approve $194,700 in funding to resurface Dickerson Road, located off Lower Roswell Road, where a new subdivision, Crossvine, is being built by Lynwood Development;
  • An appeal by the owner of a proposed bar in northeast Cobb whose application for a liquor license was denied. Naseeb Rana of Kasbah Corp. wants to open an establishment in the Sandy Plains Village shopping center called Paprik’a which would have outdoor seating close to residential homes. Citizens from the Chatsworth and other subdivisions have strongly protested the application, saying the noise and late hours are incompatible with the community. They also said other establishments in the area serving alcohol are all-indoors and that Rana has not been responsive to community concerns;
  • East Cobb resident Ross Cavitt is expected to be appointed Cobb communications director, after more than 20 years as a reporter at WSB-TV (East Cobb News post here.)

East Cobb restaurant scores: Muss & Turner’s, Egg Harbor Cafe, Fresh To Order and more

Muss & Turner's, East Cobb restaurant scores
East Cobb News file photo

The following East Cobb restaurant scores for thus far in the month of September have been compiled by the Cobb & Douglas Department of Public Health. Click the link under each listing to view details of the inspection:

American Deli 
1230 Powers Ferry Road
September 7, 2017 Score: 95, Grade: A

Aurelio’s Is Pizza 
1255 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 22
September 14, 2017 Score: 90, Grade: A

1255 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 37
September 5, 2017 Score: 90, Grade: A

4932 Lower Roswell Road
August 24, 2017 Score: 77, Grade: C
September 1, 2017 Score: 95, Grade: A

Bells Ferry Elementary School 
2600 Bells Ferry Road
September 13, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

3595 Canton Road Suite C-17
September 7, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Cafe Hot Wing #8 
1153 Roswell Road
September 6, 2017 Score: 91, Grade: A

Chick-Fil-A at Sprayberry Square #806 
2530 Sandy Plains Road
September 7, 2017 Score: 99, Grade: A

Chopsticks China Bistro 
3822 Roswell Road, Suite 113
September 1, 2017 Score: 96, Grade: A

Dunkin Donuts 
611 Johnson Ferry Road
September 5, 2017 Score: 92, Grade: A

Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins #308655 
2885 Canton Road
September 13, 2017 Score: 99, Grade: A

Egg Harbor Cafe
4719 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 210
September 1, 2017 Score: 79, Grade: C

Firehouse Subs #260 
1100 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 120
September 7, 2017 Score: 85, Grade: B

Frankie’s Italian Restaurant 
3125 Roswell Road
September 8, 2017 Score: 99, Grade: A

Fresh To Order 
1333 Johnson Ferry Road
September 7, 2017 Score: 92, Grade: A

Fuji Hana Steak & Sushi 
1255 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 1
September 1, 2017 Score: 92, Grade: A

Garrison Mill Elementary School 
4111 Wesley Chapel Road
September 18, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Goldbergs Bagel Co. & Deli 
1062 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite A-110
September 1, 2017 Score: 95, Grade: A

Jet’s Pizza 
2900 Delk Road, Suite 300
September 14, 2017 Score: 99, Grade: A

Los Arcos Mexican Restaurant 
3101 Roswell Road, Suite 104
September 15, 2017 Score: 96, Grade: A

Mabry Middle School 
2700 Jims Road
September 18, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Marietta Donut 
1282 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 109
September 5, 2017 Score: 99, Grade: A

Mr. Wonton 
3595 Canton Road, Suite 328
September 7, 2017 Score: 92, Grade: A

Muss & Turner’s East Cobb 
1205 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 101
September 6, 2017 Score: 84, Grade: B

Panda Express #1135 
4275 Roswell Road
September 20, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Schlotzsky’s Deli 
3000 Windy Hill Road, Suite A-10
September 20, 2017 Score: 96, Grade: A

Sedalia Park Elementary School 
2230 Lower Roswell Road
September 14, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Starbucks Coffee #8260 
1207 Johnson Ferry Road
September 14, 2017 Score: 95, Grade: A

4880 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 115
September 14, 2017 Score: 91, Grade: A

Subway #20259 
2200 Roswell Road, Suite 110
September 20, 2017 Score: 100, Grade: A

Subway #46780 
1860 Sandy Plains Road, Suite 301
September 20, 2017 Score: 66, Grade: U

Wendy’s #79 
1312 Johnson Ferry Road
September 5, 2017 Score: 91, Grade: A

What’s For Lunch 
2995 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 440
September 20, 2017 Score: 88, Grade: B

2080 Lower Roswell Road
September 14, 2017 Score: 86, Grade: B

East Cobb Health Park is collection point for Cobb medication take back day

The Cobb Police Department, Safe Kids Cobb County and WellStar are joining forces Saturday to encourage Cobb citizens to round up unwanted, unused and expired medications and drop them off at selected locations in the county this Saturday.  It’s the Cobb medication take back day, which began in 2015.

Saturday’s event takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the WellStar East Cobb Health Park (3747 Roswell Road) is one of those collection locations.

More from Cobb government: East Cobb Health Park

“Do your part to prevent accidental poisoning, overdoses and improper use of medications by simply taking your medications to one of these three drop-off locations. Your efforts will ultimately save lives by removing expired and unused prescription medications from your medicine cabinet. No questions will be asked and no forms or ID required. Sharps, liquids and pills are accepted. Since these events started in 2015, a little more than two tons of medication has been collected. WellStar Clinical Partners will also offer flu shots at the Acworth and East Cobb Health Park locations (not available at the Cobb Senior Services location). Cobb County Police Department and Safe Kids Cobb County team up with WellStar to offer this event in our community. For more information these events, call 770-793-7373.”

A few more details about the flu shots: They’re for adults and children ages 13 and older, and there is a $24 out-of-pocket cost if you’re not using your medical provider. Contact WellStar Clinical Partners at 470-644-0889 or email: wellstarclinicalpart@wellstar.org.

Auditions coming in October for St. Nick’s Cafe event at The Art Place

A St. Nick’s Cafe audition call has been announced for October. From The Art Place-Mountain View:

The Art Place is looking for actors and actresses ages 8-18 years old to be in our annual St. Nick’s Café event! This year’s show is “What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas,” a fun retelling of “The Night Before Christmas” where our narrator must deal with every interruption imaginable.St. Nick's Cafe audition call

Auditions: October 17 & 19 from 6:30-8:30 at The Art Place
Shows will be at The Art Place on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 9am, 11am & 1pm. Rehearsals will be once or twice a week and will increase in frequency as the show approaches. Please be ready for improv, a cold reading from the script and to move! Directed by Jeanette Maldonado. Presented by MVAA & The Art Place.

To be added to the audition list, please email meryl.manfre@cobbcounty.org or call 770-509-2700.

Lidl Grocery East Cobb proposal rejected by commissioners

A long-delayed site plan amendment by Lidl Grocery to convert the Park 12 Cobb theater into a supermarket was voted down Tuesday by the Cobb Board of Commissioners.

At their monthly zoning hearing, the commission voted 4-1 to turn down the application by the German-based grocer to build a store on Gordy Parkway at Shallowford Road, site of the cinema, in a case that received heavy community opposition. Park 12 Cobb, Lidl Grocery

“This use is too intense for this location,” said commissioner JoAnn Birrell, whose District 3 includes the theater location, which is close to three subdivisions and several parks as well as Lassiter High School.

She also cited traffic and crash data analysis in moving to deny the application. The number of accidents in the area—including the busy Shallowford/Sandy Plains intersection—has gone up dramatically in recent years.

Birrell said 42 accidents were recorded there in 2014, 61 in 2015, 82 in 2016 and through May of this year, 26, for a total of 211 accidents.

“Lidl would be better suited in a shopping center [on a major road] than in a standalone location on a two-lane road” that’s the primary point of access for residential communities, she said.

The Cobb zoning staff recommended approval for the grocery plan, which was first presented in May. Lidl attorney Parks Huff maintained that “this is not a difficult decision. This is technically a property rights issue and needs to be approved.”

Commissioner Bob Weatherford was the only vote in favor. While Lidl didn’t need rezoning, chairman Mike Boyce wondered why Lidl continued to insist upon a proposal that had such strong opposition (including an active Facebook group): “This one takes the cake.”

JoAnn Birrell
District 3 commissioner JoAnn Birrell. (East Cobb News file photo)

Huff, who said at the outset of the hearing that the application should be “a very routine matter,” claimed that many of those against Lidl’s plans “want to keep the movie theater as much as anything.”

Some in the audience groaned, but traffic and density issues dominated the discussion. Citizens against the Lidl proposal displayed several accident photos while making their remarks.

“We’re not opposed to this as a commercial property,” said Laura Hickman, who lives in the Highland Park neighborhood off Gordy Parkway. A grocery store, she said, “is too intense for this piece of land.” The Lidl proposal also was opposed by the East Cobb Civic Association.

Huff said the number of parking spaces would be reduced from the current 379 spaces  to 187 for the grocery store, and that landscaping and architectural plans would be an improvement from a movie theater. But East Cobb commissioner Bob Ott said the detriments to the proposal have to considered as well as the benefits.

Lidl Grocery
Opponents of the Lidl Grocery plans presented photos of accidents in the vicinity to make their case. (CobbTV screen shot)

“The traffic pictures speak for themselves,” he said.

Some citizens suggested that Lidl look elsewhere for a new site, perhaps at the old Mountain View Elementary School, which is being proposed for mixed-use redevelopment. An application for that property was to have been on the September zoning agenda but has been continued to October.

Solar panels at East Cobb veterinary clinic offer promising benefits

Montrose Animal Hospital solar panels
Solar panels on the roof of Montrose Animal Hospital were installed in July. (East Cobb News photos by Wendy Parker)

Dr. James Davis was admittedly an unlikely advocate of solar energy when he began researching the topic. Since 2011, Davis has been the owner of the Montrose Animal Hospital, an East Cobb veterinary clinic, and was looking for cost savings, as many business owners do.

While the benefits of solar energy have been touted by environmentalists, Davis, who says he personally believes in nuclear energy, kept an open mind.

He noticed that as the cost for purchasing solar panels was coming down, the energy savings were going up, as far as he could discern from government estimates that he found during his research.

“I’m not exactly a save the planet guy,” Davis said, “but if I can save a little money and the planet at the same time, then I’m all on board.”

Montrose Animal Hospital, solar panels
Dr. James Davis of the Montrose Animal Hospital keeps track of energy production from the rooftop solar panels with an app on his mobile phone.

In July, his clinic on Woodlawn Drive was equipped with solar panels on the roof that produce enough electricity to seriously cut into energy use. He said the panels already are reducing the clinic’s electricity bill, which had averaged around $1,700 a month, by around 45 percent.

He said about 20 percent of Montrose’s electric bill is for lighting, and the solar panels could reduce that to four percent.

“I’ve done a lot of analysis, and it makes more sense for businesses” to adopt solar solutions, he said. In addition to federal tax credits he said that another advantage to having the panels “is zero maintenance.”

But deciding to make the switch is still a sizable investment, and one with a longer term payoff. After making a down payment, Davis secured a loan for the panels, similar to buying a home, purchasing them from Creative Solar USA in Kennesaw.

“The costs are coming down, they’re more affordable,” he said. “We could make the payments.”

The solar panels at the 7,000-square-foot Montrose clinic are projected to have a break-even effect in about six-and-a-half years. Davis said he also tracks other local businesses that have solar equipment, and said he’s found “surprisingly few” in the East Cobb area.

Montrose Animal Hospital, solar panels
The clinic’s solar production momentarily dropped to zero during the eclipse.

Davis, who also operates the Shiloh Veterinary Clinic in Kennesaw, follows solar production figures on a mobile phone app included his purchase of the panels. He familiarized himself with its features just in time to track the energy drop that came on the solar eclipse on Aug. 21.

The Montrose staff celebrated the event with a barbecue in the clinic’s back yard. Davis looked at his app, and noticed solar production was “basically was at zero” as the eclipse passed over Georgia on a bright, sunny afternoon.

Another tool Davis uses is Google’s Project Sunroof, which estimates available sunlight for a particular location.

As his new solar investment continues to evolve, tracking data like that will be helpful, not only because solar production generally falls in the winter months, but also because he’s considering buying panels for his other clinic.

Two men sentenced in Northeast Cobb drug trafficking case

Two Cobb County men arrested last spring in a Northeast Cobb drug trafficking case that also included major weapons charges have been sentenced to prison.

Kyle Nixon, 26, was given an eight-year sentence, followed by five years of supervised release. Eric Gamez, 27, was sentenced to nine years and five months, with five years of supervised release.

The sentences were announced Monday by the Cobb District Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Atlanta. Northeast Cobb drug trafficking case, Kyle Nixon, Eric Gamez

Nixon and Gamez were arrested April 6, 2016 following a joint investigation by the Marietta/Cobb/Smyrna Organized Crime Unit and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

A search warrant was executed at Nixon’s residence on Sanford Drive in Northeast Cobb, where authorities found 400 grams of cocaine and more 300 grams of heroin, which authorities believe they intended to sell.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, more than $13,000 in cash and 19 firearms, including an AK-47 rifle, also were discovered at the home.

The men tried to flee the residence, but were taken into custody at the scene, according to police. Nixon pleaded guilty in April 2017 and was sentenced in July. Gamez pleaded guilty in February and his sentence was handed down Sept. 14, according to a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

“These defendants were distributing cocaine and heroin while protecting their drug business with an arsenal of firearms,” Atlanta U. S. Attorney John Horn said in a statement. “Their actions disregarded the safety of our community, but swift action by law enforcement kept them from causing further harm.”

Harry’s Marietta store closing Oct. 5 as movie theater plans continue

Harry's Marietta store
Harry’s Marietta store has been part of Whole Foods since 2001. (East Cobb News photos by Wendy Parker)

What was announced earlier this year has become official: The Harry’s Marietta store is closing, and its last day of business is Wednesday, Oct. 4.

That’s because Whole Foods, which acquired Harrys in 2001 but allowed the farmers market concept to retain its name, is opening a new store in Kennesaw. That location opens on Friday, Oct. 6.

Harry’s was once the anchor of a shopping center at 70 Powers Ferry Road, at the intersection of Roswell Road, that opened in the 1990s, featuring Builders Square and Sports Authority stores and a Revco/CVS drug store. But after those businesses closed, Harry’s became the lone occupant of what was later named Harry’s Plaza.

Harry's Marietta store
A sign near the exits of Harry’s Marietta store.

Harry’s downsized its original space in Marietta following the opening of the East Cobb Whole Foods store at Merchants Walk in 2012.

Plans for the Harry’s relocation were in the works for months before Whole Foods recently became a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon. The Studio Movie Grill, a Dallas-based company that operates big-screen cinemas with beer and restaurant fare, announced in January it would be redeveloping Harry’s Plaza.

Construction of the Studio Movie Grill is underway in the former Sports Authority spot, with a November opening tentatively scheduled.

Harry’s Plaza is in the vicinity of a larger, more gradual redevelopment of the Roswell Road corridor along Interstate 75. On the other side of the interstate, a new Waffle House has opened at Frey’s Gin Road and older commercial buildings in that area have been torn down.

All of this redevelopment is within the confines of the city of Marietta, which has been aiming to to revitalize certain portions of its eastern edge.

Harry's Marietta store
The former Sports Authority store is being turned into a Studio Movie Grill location.


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Walton football team ranked No. 4 in Class AAAAAAA

Following an emphatic 44-10 win over Wheeler in an East Cobb rivalry game Friday night, the Walton football team stayed unbeaten.

The 4-0 Raiders also moved up a lot in the latest statewide polls, to No. 4 in the Maxwell rankings, after being ranked 7th last week. Walton High School logo

The Lassiter Trojans are also 4-0 after defeating Marietta 37-14 Friday, and moved into the No. 14 spot in the Maxwell Rankings, which include 15 teams in each classification.

No other East Cobb school is ranked.

However, two East Cobb teams that had been winless finally earned their first victories of the season. After several close losses and falling to a No. 1 team in Rome, the Kell Longhorns (1-3) defeated Paulding County 58-46 in their first home game.

The Pope Greyhounds (1-3) traveled to Cambridge and won easily, by a 35-6 score. The Sprayberry Yellow Jackets also moved to 1-3 on the season in a 45-16 home loss to Dalton.

Walton is enjoying early success under first-year coach Daniel Brunner and has scored 40 or more points in its last three games. Against Wheeler (2-2),  D.J. Soyoye ran for 112 yards and two touchdowns for the Raiders.

In Maxwell’s all-classification rankings, Walton is at No. 7 this week, and Lassiter is 25th.

Both teams could conceivably undefeated when they meet each other in a region game at Raider Valley on Oct. 20. But they have some obstacles before that.

This Friday Lassiter plays South Forsyth, No. 12 in Class AAAAAAA. The Walton football team plays Dacula, which is ranked No. 15 in Class AAAAAA.

The Raiders and Trojans also have to play region rival Roswell, ranked 11th in this week’s polls.

PHOTOS: McFarlane Nature Park debuts East Cobb Garden Tour

McFarlane Nature Center
The McFarlane Nature Park features a 1940s-era country home and nature garden that’s open to the public. (East Cobb News photos and slideshow by Wendy Parker)

At the end of a short gravel road off Paper Mill Road is a slice of Southern rural life that’s been preserved close to what its longtime owner had in mind. In addition to a rustic farm home and wide open green spaces, the McFarlane Nature Park also includes a nature garden that was featured on Sunday as part of the first East Cobb Garden Tour. Four nearby private homes also were part of the tour.

McFarlane Nature Park
The dining room of the 1941 home, designed by Henry Toombs, architect of the Little White House in Warm Springs. Florence and William McFarlane bought the house in 1958. 
McFarlane Nature Park
John Stewart has been caretaker at McFarlane for 22 years. 
McFarlane Nature Park
Valerie Stewart, John’s wife and also a caretaker, points out the wall and ceiling panels that were part of the home’s original construction.
McFarlane Nature Park
A guest room on the ground floor. The home has two chimneys and four fireplaces, including one with materials from the Sope Creek quarry.

McFarlane Nature Park

The McFarlanes rode horses and raised lineage dogs on their property, which at one time stretched to 1,500 acres. When Florence McFarlane died in 1990, she stated in her will a desire to keep the remaining 11.5 acres of her property for a natural preserve and green space, instead of suburban development.

After court rulings, the non-profit Cobb Land Trust became the lease owner of the McFarlane property in 1992, and the nearby Chattahoochee Plantation Community Association donated funding for repairs and renovations that were needed. Restoring McFarlane was the first project for the Cobb Land Trust, which preserves land and property with historical and cultural value.McFarlane Nature Park

Before the McFarlanes lived here, the land was part of a larger agricultural spread owned by Hughes Spalding Sr., a noted Atlanta attorney.

McFarlane Nature Park

Flowers and plants on the McFarlane property are tended to by volunteers from Cobb Master Gardeners, which has a spring flower show here in the spring. Continued support also comes from the Chattahoochee Plantation Women’s Club and there have been Art in the Park fundraisers since 2013.

McFarlane Nature Park

McFarlane Nature Park
Garden paths are common throughout the McFarlane property, which also has a pavilion and picnic tables. The paths have been built and maintained by local boys as part of their Eagle Scout commitments. 
McFarlane Nature Park
East Cobb resident Ed Cahill painting in the nature garden.

McFarlane Nature Park

More photos from the McFarlane Nature Park:

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Lidl Grocery, Taqueria Tsunami cases on Cobb zoning agenda

After several months of delays, the Cobb Board of Commissioners will finally get to consider a proposal to convert one of only two East Cobb movie theater complexes into a grocery store.

Taqueria Tsunami East Cobb
A site plan amendment is being proposed to allow for a Taqueria Tsunami restaurant at the old Caribou Coffee location on Johnson Ferry Road. (East Cobb News photo by Wendy Parker)

Lidl Grocery’s application to redevelop the Park 12 Cinema on Gordy Parkway (near Shallowford Road and Sandy Plains Road) highlights a busy BOC zoning meeting that starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The meeting takes place in the second floor board room of the Cobb BOC Building, 100 Cherokee St., in downtown Marietta (here’s an agenda summary).

The Lidl case (agenda information here) was first scheduled to be heard in May, but has drawn significant community opposition. Some nearby residents fear traffic will increase in a busy corridor near Lassiter High School.

Some opponents also have created a Facebook page and begun an online petition drive against Lidl’s proposal, mainly to preserve the cinema. Lidl is a German grocery chain looking to expand into Georgia.

The Lidl case will be heard in the “other business” category. These are for applications that don’t have to go through a full rezoning process. Also on the OB list is a site plan amendment filed on behalf of Fork U Concepts, proprietors of the Marietta-based Taqueria Tsunami restaurants.

The proposal (agenda information here) would remove the drivethru at the now-closed Caribou Coffee location at 1275 Johnson Ferry Road, and to increase parking to 42 spaces with restriping. The old Caribou/Einstein Bros. Bagel location is being eyed by Fork U to expand the Latin-Asian fusion concept to East Cobb.

As East Cobb News has reported, the amendment has been recommended for approval by the East Cobb Civic Association, as well as the Cobb Planning Commission.

The proposed redevelopment of the old Mountain View Elementary School complex on Sandy Plains Road for mixed commercial use also will appear on Tuesday’s agenda, but is likely to be delayed at the request of the applicant.

A redevelopment project at the northwest intersection of Powers Ferry Road at Terrell Mill Road is being continued by the Cobb zoning staff until October.

Full zoning staff analysis of each September agenda item can be found here.

PHOTOS: 22nd annual East Cobber parade and festival

East Cobber parade, Walton flag team
The Walton High School flag team marching in the East Cobber parade. (East Cobb News photos and slideshow by Wendy Parker)

A host of organizations, schools, churches and businesses took part in the East Cobber parade down Johnson Ferry Road Saturday and a community festival that followed at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church.

Started in 1995 by East Cobber magazine publisher and founder Cynthia Rozzo, the parade has grown to include several dozen organizations representing a wide variety of community life in East Cobb.

Among those walking the 0.8-mile trek from Mt. Bethel Elementary School to Johnson Ferry Baptist were elected officials, civic leaders, scout troops, school bands and cheerleaders, local businesses and librarians shuffling book carts from the Cobb County Public Library System.

East Cobber parade, Mt. Bethel ES
Unicyclists from Mt. Bethel Elementary School.
East Cobber parade, Wheeler HS band
The Wheeler High School marching band.
East Cobber parade
Young attendees taking in the sights of a community parade, and waiting for candy thrown by participants.
East Cobber parade, Pope HS
The Pope High School marching band.
East Cobber parade, East Cobb Rotary Club
Members of the East Cobb Rotary Club.
East Cobber parade, The Lady Lions Cheer Team
The Lady Lions Cheer Team from Smyrna.
East Cobber parade
Students from the Dance Stop studio perform to Aaron Copland.
East Cobber parade, School of Rock
Student from the School of Rock Playing hits from the 1970s.

Check out more photos from the East Cobber parade and festival:

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Lower Roswell Road repaving to begin between Terrell Mill and Holt Road

Lower Roswell Road at Terrell Mill Road
Lower Roswell Road repaving between Terrell Mill Road and the 120 Loop is expected to take a month. (East Cobb News photo by Wendy Parker)

Starting Sunday, a Lower Roswell Road repaving project will begin that will take up to a month to complete.

This is separate from the East Cobb Pipeline Project that is almost complete. Some work crews are still testing pipes and doing other cleanup work on Lower Roswell around the Sope Creek Bridge, and repaving will get underway after that and continue into the fall.

The repaving that gets underway this weekend will take place at night, and it will be done in two stages.

The first stage, on Lower Roswell between Terrell Mill Road and Holt Road, will take place nightly between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. According to Cobb DOT, it’s expected to be done by Oct. 15.

After that, and for another two-week stretch, the Lower Roswell Road repaving will continue west from Holt to the 120 Loop.

That segment of the project, expected to be finished next spring, includes widening Lower Roswell, signal modifications, adding left and right turn lanes and a constructing a five-foot sidewalk on the west side.

While that work continues, the new Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center will be completed next to (and replacing) the East Marietta Library on Lower Roswell.

During the hours of the repaving, traffic on Lower Roswell Road will be reduced to one lane.

Here’s the Cobb DOT fact sheet for the project.