WellStar East Cobb Health Park workers get parachute salute

East Cobb Health Park workers parachute salute
U.S. Army Black Daggers parachuters get a salute from the crowd after their salute to WellStar East Cobb Health Park workers Wednesday. (ECN photos and videos).

A few hundred people filled the parking lot at WellStar East Cobb Health Park Wednesday afternoon and looked up to some forbidding clouds.

The rain held off long enough for parachuters from the U.S. Army’s Black Daggers special operations unit to jump from a plane, twist around in the skies and land on a narrow strip of grass between the health park building and a busy Roswell Road.

It was part of a salute to health care workers at the East Cobb facility and earlier Wednesday at WellStar Kennestone Hospital, which announced its new 166-bed emergency and trauma center would open on July 23.

Based in Fort Bragg, N.C., the Black Daggers stayed around for a while to have their pictures taken with medical workers and members of the public. You can read more about the Black Daggers here.


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