Volunteers needed for Saturday goal-post painting at Kell HS

We just got this from Chip Oudt at the Kell Touchdown Club. If you can help, they’d appreciate it, and sunny skies and mild temperatures (highs in the low 80s) are in Saturday’s forecast:Kell Logo

We need 3 people to volunteer to help paint the goal post on Saturday September 2nd at 3:30 PM. Don’t worry, we have a Lift so we’re not going to dangle you out there on a ladder. We will need people who are not afraid of heights. With enough help we should be able to knock this out in a day (or a week). Seriously, I have been told by the paint manufacturer that he has painted two goal post in 4 hours just by himself. (We will see). Of course you will get volunteer time!  All paint and rollers are supplied so we just need you. Email Chip Oudt at chipoudt@gmail.com if you are available and willing to help.