Public meeting scheduled for Lower Roswell Road project

Lower Roswell Project public meeting
Cobb DOT has revised a proposed raised median on Lower Roswell Road between Johnson Ferry Road and Davidson Road to include left-turn lanes in either direction.

Cobb Commissioner Jerica Richardson said Friday she’s holding a public meeting next week to discuss the planned Lower Roswell Road improvement project.

The meeting is Thursday from 6-7 in the community meeting room at the East Cobb Library (4880 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 510-B), in the Parkaire Landing Shopping Center.

The meeting is a follow-up to a virtual meeting held in June following comments from some East Cobb residents questioning the need for the project.

Cobb DOT initially proposed a variety of improvements along Lower Roswell between Woodlawn Drive and Davidson Road that cost $9 million and have been earmarked in Cobb government’s 2011 Special-Purpose Local-Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).

But the project has been delayed for years due to acquiring right-of-way and concerns from business owners about a raised median along Lower Roswell between Johnson Ferry Road and Davidson Road.

During the June virtual meeting, Cobb DOT director Drew Raessler said the raised median has been revised to include left-turn lanes in either direction, to the McDonald’s heading eastbound and into Parkaire Landing from westbound lanes.

(You can watch a replay of that meeting by clicking here).

Lower Roswell project public meeting
Cobb DOT markings where crashes commonly occur on Lower Roswell Road near the Parkaire Landing entrance.

Raessler said the raised median is necessary to reduce the number of crashes along that strip of Lower Roswell. He said data collected between 2015-2017 showed the number of crashes was four and a half times the statewide average and that a raised median would reduce crashes by. more than 50 percent.

He said the crash totals have been so high because there are 14 separate access points along Lower Roswell in that area.

Raessler said Cobb DOT continues to work with local business owners to purchase final parcels of right-of-way and to improve their access and visibility.

He noted that his office is negotiating with Tijuana Joe’s, a popular restaurant on the southeast corner of Johnson Ferry and Lower Roswell, to keep its “iconic” sign that can be seen in all directions.

Right-of-way considerations may require having the sign to be relocated on a small property with “a driveway that’s difficult to get into even now.”

If you’re interested in attending Thursday’s meeting, please RSVP with Richardson’s office by clicking here.



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