The discount grocer Lidl’s rezoning request to build a store in Northeast Cobb is being continued to February.
So is a previously delayed application to build a standalone Starbucks coffee shop at Paper Mill Village.
They were to have been heard Tuesday by the Cobb Planning Commission.
Lidl filed a revised site plan and new renderings and elevations on Nov. 18 for a 31,540-square-foot store on 3.47 acres at Canton and Piedmont roads, on the site of a closed Rite Aid pharmacy.
But the application calls for only 128 parking spaces; a minimum of 158 are required for the CAC (commercial activity center) and NAC (neighborhood activity center) categories being sought.
The new site plan includes an above-ground retention pond at the Canton-Piedmont intersection.
But the biggest concern for the Cobb Zoning Office is the limited amount of space for emergency vehicles. The staff analysis (you can read it here) recommends approval pending those and other issues being addressed.
The continuance comes after a community meeting this week involving Lidl, the Canton Road Neighbors civic group, Commissioner JoAnn Birrell and Planning Commissioner Deborah Dance.

This is Lidl’s third attempt to build a store in the Northeast Cobb area; a store at Woodlawn Square opened in the former Fresh Market space in September 2020.
In the Paper Mill Village Starbucks case, the applicant, S & B Investments, is requesting the continuance to February.
Attorney Garvis Sams said in a letter that the building’s architecture and configuration on the site are being changed.
The application for the proposed two-story, 5,000-square foot building has been continued twice before.
Zoning cases are not heard in Cobb County in January.
The Cobb Planning Commission is a five-member body appointed by the Cobb Board of Commissioners to make recommendations in zoning cases.
Final decisions are made by county commissioners, who meet on the third Tuesday of the month.
The full agenda for Tuesday’s Planning Commission meeting can be found by clicking here. A summary agenda can be found here.
You also can watch on the county’s website, Facebook Live and YouTube channels and on Cobb TV 23 on Comcast Cable.
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