Cobb schools 2020 budget adopted with major pay increases

With little discussion, the Cobb school board adopted a $1.17 billion fiscal year 2020 budget Thursday night.Cobb County School District, Cobb schools 2020 budget

The budget, which takes effect July 1, will include pay raises for most non-temporary employees ranging between 8 and 12.6 percent. They include teachers, administrators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, counselors and nurses.

(Read the budget details here.)

The only change to the budget, presented at a board work session Thursday afternoon, is spending an additional $340,000 in “academic supplements” for elementary school teachers. The stipends will go to those teachers who will serve in grade-level leadership positions at their respective schools.

The budget adopted by the board maintains the current millage rate of 18.9 mills. The pay raises will total around $74 million, and more than $18 million is being transferred from reserves.

Teacher allotments will increase by 90 across the district, and members of the CCDS’ police department also will get a “competitive salary adjustment.”

A total of $81 million in increased revenues, including $43 million in state Quality Basic Education funding as well as $30 million in additional property taxes due to an estimated 5.5 percent growth in the Cobb tax digest, has been worked into the budget proposal.

Brad Johnson, the district’s chief financial officer, said the final tax digest number will be determined in June.

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