B’nai Brith Enlighten America essay contest open to middle school students

B'nai Brith Enlighten America essay contest

Thanks to East Cobb News reader Vic A. for passing along this invitation to middle school students: It’s the B’nai Brith Enlighten America essay contest, which the organization says is “designed to combat the issues of bigotry and prejudice, and encourages respect for all people.”

This year, the contest is expanding to accept essays on the topic of bullying. Cash prizes are $750 for first place, $500 for second place and $250 for third place. The winning student’s school also will receive $500;

Here’s more about what’s behind the initiative:

“The actions of bullying and tragic, horrific mass shootings in schools, nightclubs and other public gathering places are often brought on by bigoted, prejudicial attitudes that result from hatred and misunderstanding.”

Here’s more about what students will be writing about this year:

Our 2018 essay contest examines the words of George Washington in his letter to the Touro Synagogue, Newport, Rhode Island, 1790…when he wrote that ours is a government which “gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.”

We ask all contestants to write what they think the message of Washington’s letter means in our society today. Students should reflect on the significance of tolerance and equality by writing about issues of bigotry and prejudice, how those issues have been addressed (or not addressed) in recent years, and how they affect our quest for peaceful coexistence among our friends and neighbors, and throughout the world.

As an alternative, you may select a quote attributed to a local community leader or another American President. Or, use an event in your life or an event in history.

Tell us why you chose your quote or event, and its relevance to the issues of bigotry or prejudice.

We encourage students to consider the following, and express their thoughts via their contest entries:

Are Washington’s words and thoughts applicable today? How? Where? Why?

Are there corresponding responsibilities that we share today?

How do violent “hate crimes” incited by bigotry affect the victims? The perpetrators?  Everyone else?

The organization is also looking for donors and sponsors, including local business owners, to make contributions for the prize money. If you’re interested, contact Art Link, Program Chairman, at ReadThisNow@yahoo.com, or call 770-807-5113.

The Enlighten America contest rules page has plenty more on what you’ll need to do to sign up, and where to send your completed work.

The contest is open to students who attend public or private schools or who are home-schooled in Cobb, Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton, Douglas, Forsyth and Hall counties.

Eligible students must be in 7th or 8th grades by next month and must be attending by February 2019. The deadline to submit an essay is Nov. 16.

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