More from Barnes and Noble about The Avenue East Cobb store

Barnes and Noble coming The Avenue East Cobb

Barnes and Noble issued its own release about the forthcoming store at The Avenue East Cobb after what North American Properties confirmed last month.

As we noted previously, the national book retailer will be occupying 15,0000 square feet of the former Bath Bed and Beyond store this summer, and the space will include a B & N Café similar to some of its nearby stores, including near Cumberland Mall.

Barnes and Noble CEO James Daunt said in a release Wednesday that this is Barnes and Noble’s first new store in Cobb in nearly 20 years, since opening at The Avenue West Cobb.

“Now that Barnes & Noble begins to grow again, opening new bookstores across the country, happily this omission is to be corrected,” Daunt said. “Our booksellers are very excited to be bringing such a large and beautiful new bookstore to the community.” 

Daunt was brought on to revive Barnes and Noble after turning around the famed Waterstone bookselling chain in his native Britain.

The Barnes and Noble release said the store at The Avenue East Cobb—the first in Georgia as part of a “smaller” size concept—is one of 30 the chain is planning to open across the country this year.

The revamped store concept allows for store managers to curate recommended books for local and regional tastes and to reflect the atmosphere of independent stores.

A specific opening time frame hasn’t been announced for the East Cobb store, but two social media sites have just been created, on Instagram and Twitter.

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