Georgia Symphony Orchestra Chorus holding open rehearsals

GSO Chorus open rehearsals

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The Georgia Symphony Orchestra Chorus enthusiastically invites singers to participate in two open rehearsals and to preview the coming season.

Musical highlights for 2022-2023 include selections by Hogan, Whitacre and Coleridge-Taylor. Carl Orff’s masterpiece Carmina Burana will conclude the season. The GSO Chorus is under the direction of Bryan Black, and rehearses on Tuesday evenings beginning August 16.

All voice parts are welcome; no registration required, visit or contact for more information.

Open rehearsals will be held on  Aug. 16 and 23 at 7: 30 p.m. at the Marietta Performing Arts Center, 1171 Whitlock Ave., Marietta. 

The Georgia Symphony Orchestra also announced this week that it has been approved for a $10,000 Grants for Arts Projects award from the National Endowment for the Arts to support its annual Sensory Friendly concerts.

Those will take place on April 15, 2023 and will feature these 50-minute programs, as the orchestra relaxes house rules and encourages the audience to respond to the music however they choose; such as around the concert hall, dancing, or vocalizing along with the music.

A pre-program instrument “Petting Zoo”and a Quiet Zone also are provided.

“It is a tribute to the GSO’s board, staff and musicians to have received this grant from the NEA,” GSO Executive Director Susan Stensland said. “We are excited to contribute to the arts and culture of our region in such a unique and positive way for members of an often-underserved community.”

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