East Cobb Weekend Events: Two Veterans Day concerts on tap

From our calendar listings and beyond, here’s a glimpse of what’s coming up in the East Cobb area this weekend:East Cobb Weekend Events

The Junior League of Cobb-Marietta Mistletoe Market takes place from 9-6 Friday and from 9-4 Saturday at the Cobb Civic Center (548 S. Marietta Parkway) with tickets available at the door only. A one-day ticket for a wide variety of holiday gifts and decor items is $10, and the proceeds will assist JLCM efforts to support women and children in need in the community.

The first of two Veterans Day concerts in the community starts off the observances on Friday as the Lassiter High School Chorus and the 116th United States Army Band will be performing in a free event at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church (955 Johnson Ferry Road) starting at 7 p.m. Other military units will also be participating.

The City of Marietta is the focal point for related events on Saturday, which is Veterans Day.

The 9th Annual Veterans Memorial 5K Run, sponsored by Post 29 of the American Legion, starts at 7:30 a.m. Saturday at the Marietta Square, with proceeds to benefit veterans and organizations that serve them.

After that’s over the Square will the end point of the 19th Marietta Veterans Day Parade, which starts at the Post 29 headquarters on Gresham Avenue at 11 a.m., then on Roswell Street to the Square.

A ceremony follows on the Square with a keynote speaker and other dignitaries.

On Sunday, the Cobb Wind Symphony will be performing a Veterans Day concert starting at 3 p.m at the Lassiter Concert Hall (2601 Shallowford Road). “Let Freedom Ring,” which will include a military guest conductor, is free and open to the public.

If you like music and drama, you can get both with this weekend’s presentations of “High Society,” the Cole Porter classic performed by Wheeler Theatre. Porter’s American standards are included in this adaptation of “The Philadelphia Story.”

Remaining shows are at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and the finale at 3 p.m. Sunday. Advance tickets are $10 and can be reserved by clicking here; otherwise they’re $15 at the door. Cobb County School District faculty and staff receive one free ticket with ID.

Other holiday events are already popping up on various schedules, and on Monday a Holiday Craft Fair takes place from 10-3 at the Tim D. Lee Center (3332 Sandy Plains Road), for those wishing to get a head start on their shopping.

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