East Cobb weekend events: Plant sale; Music in the Park; more

East Cobb weekend events

An early feeling of fall is in the air this weekend, with more pleasant temperatures (and humidity levels) and sunny skies for the most part.

Around East Cobb, several seasonal activities are on tap, including the fall version of Drew’s Plant Sale, which takes place Saturday 8-3 at Jenkins Park in the Fox Hills subdivision (3778 Fox Hills Drive).

Teenager Drew Collins will be selling hundreds of Georgia native varietals grown in his own greenhouse (list here), and we appreciate him and his father, a horticulturalist at Fernbank Science Center, spreading the word as an East Cobb News sponsor.

Proceeds from the sale go to Drew’s college fund as he continues in his endeavors in building a business, and his father David says that payments are accepted via Venmo, Cash App, Paypal, cash or check.

As we noted last week, the new public plaza is open at Avenue East Cobb, and the stage area for live music is also the venue for live big-screen showings of college football games starting Saturday.

The games start at 12 p.m. and will include UGA’s clash with South Carolina at 3:30 p.m. in what the retail center is calling its “Home Team Hangout” feature.

You can watch the games for free and bring your own food or patronize local restaurants. Coolers and outside beverages are not permitted.

The fall series of live concerts at East Cobb Park gets underway Sunday. It’s “Music in the Park” presented by Wellstar, and from 4-6 p.m. the sounds of Soulshine will emanate from the concert pavilion. You’re free to bring food and drink, blankets, chairs, etc.

You can find all of our calendar listings in one handy place on our site. If you have events to share with the public, please e-mail: calendar@eastcobbnews.com and we will post them here.

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