East Cobb Weekend Events: Boo Bash; Music in the Park; more

Boo Bash Halloween fun

With Halloween right around the corner, several events in the East Cobb area will be rounding out the final weekend before Tuesday’s All Hallows Eve.

For the second year in a row, Avenue East Cobb and East Cobb Church are teaming up to present the Boo Bash, a kid-oriented carnival. It runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the shopping center (4475 Roswell Road), and will have some expanded space due to the newly opened plaza.

There will be trick or treating, groovin’ music and two costume parties, along with games, balloons, face-painting and other activities.

If you’re inclined to take part in a dressy Halloween event for adults, our sponsor Elegance Events (2080 Lower Roswell Road) is having its first Masquerade Ball on Saturday from 6:30 to midnight. There will be food, dancing and more, with tickets at $50 a person or $75 for the VIP treatment. Call (813)817-4659 for tickets and information.

The last of the fall concert series Music in the Park takes place from 4-6 Sunday at East Cobb Park (3322 Roswell Road), this time featuring musicians from the Bach to Rock music school in East Cobb.

You can bring food, blankets and chairs and spread out on the back quad as the sounds come alive in the concert stage.

Halloween isn’t the only festive occasion that is celebrated on Oct. 31. That’s also Reformation Day, and from 4-6 Sunday there will be a special Reformation Day Concert and Oktoberfest Dinner at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (4678 Paper Mill Road).

Music from J.S. Bach will be performed by the church’s choir and chamber orchestra, and the food is classic German fare—bratwurst, sauerkraut, pretzels and more from a local bakery. The event is free and open to the public.

Back at Avenue East Cobb on Sunday is a special Relay for Life Fundraiser from 4-8. It’s done by the American Cancer Society, and Panera Bread will be donating a portion of its sales during that time to the Cobb County Justice League.

On Monday, another family-oriented Halloween event is on tap, the 3rd annual East Cobb Library Spooktacular. It’s from 4-5 at the library branch (4880 Lower Roswell Road) and includes crafts, games, and the chance to win the first two illustrated Harry Potter books. Kids 10 and older are welcome to show up in their costumes.

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