East Cobb Democratic Roundup: Candidates to hold trivia event

Two Democratic candidates for State House seats in East Cobb will be holding a virtual trivia event Thursday night.East Cobb Democratic candidates

It’s along a “Guns and Roses” theme on the final day of the Republican National Convention.

Connie DiCicco is challenging State Rep. Don Parsons of the 44th District, and Luisa Wakeman is taking on State Rep. Sharon Cooper of the 43rd District. Here’s more that was sent to our inbox:

“The theme honors the White House’s newly renovated rose garden and the party’s admiration of firearms. Prizes will be awarded to trivia winners.”

The event gets underway at 8 p.m., and you’re asked to register by visiting www.bit.ly/connieandluisa.

(Before we get any complaints from the other side, sit tight: We’ll do a Republican roundup after the convention.)

Candidate virtual town halls continue

The Cobb Community Alliance, a consortium of African-American organizations in the county, has been holding virtual candidate forums ahead of the general elections.

The invited candidates have come from the State House races above, as well as another contested East Cobb seat, District 45, where Democrat Sara Tindall Ghazal is challenging Republican incumbent. Not all of the invited candidates have appeared.

You can watch previous events at the CCA’s Facebook Live page, and that’s where you can tune in for future town halls.

Coming up on Aug. 31 is State House District 46, also in East Cobb, where Democrat Caroline Holko is challenging Republican incumbent John Carson.

A town hall is scheduled for Sept. 14 for Cobb Commission Chairman, in which Democratic commissioner Lisa Cupid is facing Republican incumbent Mike Boyce.

On Sept, 21 a town hall is scheduled for District 2 on the Cobb Board of Commissioners. Democrat Jerica Richardson and Republican Fitz Johnson will be vying to succeed retiring Republican commissioner Bob Ott, who has endorsed Johnson.

You can learn more about the CCA by clicking here.

On Monday a supporter of Julia Hurtado, a Democrat running for the Cobb Board of Education, is having a virtual meet-and-greet. It starts at 7 p.m and the signup information is here.

Hurtado is challenging Republican incumbent David Banks in Post 5, which includes the Pope and Lassiter and part of the Wheeler cluster.

Send Us Your News!

We’re accepting information about political events, fundraisers and campaign activities surrounding the Nov. 3 elections.

Feel free to let us know what you’ve got going on (that’s open to the public) by contacting us: editor@eastcobbnews.com.

What we’re not publishing—and we’re getting some of this already—are letters to the editor, op-eds and other commentaries endorsing a candidate, or denouncing another one. Some of these have come from candidates and those with partisan affiliations.

Feel free to send us your boilerplate as we dive into more substantial coverage this fall, but bear with us as we navigate what figures to be a very unusual election year—hotly contested races during a pandemic.

Just a quick reminder that East Cobb News does not endorse candidates, and we don’t run guest editorials on any subject, especially politics.

We know passions and tempers are running high about the elections, even at the local level, and we will be incorporating some of that in our regular coverage.

With every seat for public office in East Cobb having both Democratic and Republican candidates, we know there’s going to be a lot of interest, and it’s bound to get ugly before it’s all over.

For more information about how East Cobb News is covering the elections, click our Election Guide link below.

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