Cobb to hold virtual open houses on 2022 SPLOST projects

Cobb 2022 SPLOST open houses
Following up the passage a couple weeks ago of the 2022 Cobb SPLOST project list that will be on the November ballot, the county is sending out word of two “virtual” open houses this week soliciting your feedback: 
“Learn more about what is included in the lists, the impact on the county’s budget if these projects are funded with SPLOST proceeds and ask your questions during two online open houses this week. 

To view more information on SPLOST Renewal projects, visit
6-8 p.m., Wednesday, June 17
Join us on the CobbTV networks for a SPLOST overview featuring Chairman Mike Boyce, Cobb commissioners and county department heads as they present items on the project list.

6-8 p.m., Thursday, June 18
Representatives from Cobb’s six cities will join us to discuss their needed infrastructure improvement plans and the impact on their budgets if their projects are funded with SPLOST proceeds. You will have a chance to have your questions answered by commenting online or sending your email questions to You can watch live and join the discussion at or
The county had scheduled town halls about the SPLOST this spring but they were cancelled due to COVID19. You can read through the full project list here.

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