Cobb SPLOST funding subject of citizens town hall meeting

Thanks to Jan Barton, an East Cobb resident who’s helping organize a citizens town hall meeting next Tuesday about Cobb SPLOST funding, for the meeting notice and information below:Cobb SPLOST Funding

She says her group, called the Citizens Accountability Taskforce, “will present the real story about our findings and your Cobb County SPLOST taxes. You will hear how we are attempting to hold the County accountable and what you can do to help.”

They’ve been critics of long-term Cobb SPLOST collection periods (the current 2016 SPLOST ends on Dec. 21, 2021) as well as how much of the money is being used.

The group grew out of concerns over how Cobb officials brokered the stadium deal with the Atlanta Braves in 2013 and last year raised questions over increased property taxes that said could have been avoided had excess SPLOST funds been used to pay down debt.

At some budget hearings last year, they pressed Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce on the latter issue, but he told them that “there’s nothing left.”

Last month, in an East Cobb town hall meeting ahead of the upcoming fiscal year 2020 budget process, Boyce said he would be seeking a SPLOST renewal next year to start in 2022, preferably for only four years.

Next week’s citizens town hall meeting takes place at 7 p.m. at the Cobb GOP offices (799 Roswell St.).

Here’s more about what’s on their agenda, and their Facebook page.


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