The East Cobb Business Association and the East Cobb Council of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce are organizing an appreciation dinner next month for Precinct 4 Cobb Police personnel.
Susan Hampton, one of the event co-chairs, said the first organizing committee meeting was Wednesday, and the groups are seeking sponsors and donors at all levels

The event first began in 2013 as a way of showing thanks to officers serving the East Cobb area, and the effort also includes a similar celebration for all of Cobb Fire Department personnel in March.
In addition to a dinner, public safety personnel being honored will receive gift cards, raffle prizes and other donated gifts of appreciation.
The presenting sponsor is the WellStar East Cobb Health Park.
Hampton said the sponsorship levels are as follows for both events:
- Platinum ($1,000): Signage at police and fire events; 2 representatives at each banquet; official recognition at both events, and at ECBA and East Cobb Council events;
- Gold ($500): signage at the police event; 2 representatives at the police event or the firefighters event; signage recognition;
- Silver ($250): Signage recognition at both events.
As for the donor levels, Hampton said one of the most popular forms of giving for businesses, organizations and individuals alike is a $25 “Thank A Hero” contribution that includes a card at the events with the giver’s identification.
The $25 total, Hampton said, is ideal for those wishing to offer gift cards.
Checks are payable to “Public Safety Celebration” and are tax-deductible. They may be mailed to:
East Cobb Business Association
Attention: Public Safety Celebration
P.O. Box 70814
Marietta, GA 30007
Here’s more from Hampton and Kim Paris, another longtime East Cobb community activist, who’s the other co-chair:
“We continue to work together to plan these appreciation events, and to raise the funds necessary to insure their success. We are reaching out to individuals, businesses, civic and other nonprofit organizations, schools, neighborhoods and churches, and hope you will join us in support of our community’s public safety heroes!”
Contact: Susan Hampton:; Kim Paris:
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