‘Solarize Cobb’ initiative to hold launch party on Aug. 31

Several Cobb organizations have created a new initiative called Solarize Cobb that will be having an official launch event Aug. 31. Solarize Cobb launch party

The aim of Solarize Cobb, according to a release, is the “bring low cost solar energy to Cobb County.” That includes solar advice, group discounts on rooftop solar programs and related goods and services for Cobb homeowners and businesses.

The free launch party is open to the public and takes place on Aug. 31 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Glover Park Brewery on the Marietta Square. You can RSVP by clicking here.

The event will include presentations about solar technology, insights from industry experts, discounts for goods and services, tax credit information and more.

The release said that Solarize Cobb is “a community-based purchasing program for solar energy, battery storage and other technologies to mitigate rising utility costs and support energy independence. This initiative is aimed at helping homeowners, businesses, and nonprofits become more resilient, reduce their energy expenses, and save on the cost of renewable energy systems by obtaining volume discounts on materials and installation services.”

Solarize Cobb was formed by My Green EarthGeorgia Interfaith Power & LightEnvironment GeorgiaSierra Club Georgia Chapter – Centennial Group in NW Georgia, and Solar Crowdsource.

Homeowners can visit the Solarize Cobb website for more information on how to register to for the program, and to view program FAQs.

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Chattachoochee River reopens after elevated E. coli levels

Chattahoochee River trails management plan

The National Park Service has reopened stretches of the Chattahoochee River from the East Cobb area and downstream that have been closed in recent days due to elevated E. coli bacteria levels stemming from a Fulton County sewage treatment plant spill.

The Chattahoochee River NRA said late Monday afternoon that the river remains closed from the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell to Powers Island in Sandy Springs.

“The sections of the river below Powers Island have bacterial levels below the criteria recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency, but conditions remain subject to change,” an NPS social media posting said.

“The park and Chattahoochee Riverkeeper continue to monitor and test water quality through the BacteriALERT partnership.”

Fulton County Public Works continues to treat sewage at the Big Creek facility “to ensure all wastewater meets permitting requirements of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.”

Updates about river can be found at www.nps.gov/CHAT.

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Sewell Mill Creek sewage spill reported near East Cobb Park

Sewell Mill Creek sewage spill reported near East Cobb Park

Cobb County Government said Saturday that the county’s water system is cleaning up a sewage spill in Sewell Mill Creek near East Cobb Park.

Cobb spokesman Ross Cavitt said in a release that the leak has been stopped and repairs are underway, but the county is advising the public to avoid exposure to the creek from East Cobb Park and southward.

Cobb Water said a structural sewer line failed on the creek near Pimlico Court in the Roswell Downs neighborhood early Saturday morning, dumping an estimated 152,750 gallons of overflow into the creek.

The release said the overflow was stopped around 12:45 a.m. Saturday as crews “have put a bypass pump in place” as a temporary measure:

“The Georgia Environmental Protection Division has been notified, and Cobb County Water System employees are following EPD protocols for such an event. Monitoring of bacteria levels in the creek is already underway.”

Cavitt said that the testing of waters downstream can take up to 24 hours and that signage has been posted informing the public.

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Chattahoochee River along East Cobb closed due to E. coli


The National Park Service has extended the closure area further downstream. Here’s the release from Monday afternoon:

“The partial closure of the Chattahoochee River from Chattahoochee Nature Center to all downstream sections of the park remains in effect due to elevated E. Coli contamination and the associated risk to health.
The park and Chattahoochee Riverkeeper continue to monitor and test water quality as Fulton County Public Works begins treatment. An issue at Big Creek Water Reclamation Facility has been reported to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Fulton County is diverting the maximum quantity of wastewater to a plant in Cobb County, and the Army Corps of Engineers generated an additional release to help with dissipation.
Water quality tests received on July 3 reveal bacteria levels that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency recommended limits for recreation. The partial river closure will remain in effect until the water quality is safe for visitors.
“While this closure impacts some of the most popular units of the park, over 30 miles of river remain open. The Chattahoochee River is accessible from Buford Dam to Azalea Park in Roswell. All hiking trails, picnic areas and the Hewlett Lodge are open. Current information about the closure status will be available at www.nps.gov/CHAT.”


A stretch of the Chattahoochee River that includes most of East Cobb is closed for the time being due to high E. coli bacteria levels in the water.Chattahoochee River East Cobb closed E. coli

The  National Park Service said water access to the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area was closed on Saturday between the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell and the East Palisades-Whitewater Creek Unit, close to where the Interstate 75 crosses the river.

The NPS said that “dangerously elevated E. coli levels” were caused by “conditions consistent with an ongoing sewage spill near Willeo Creek Park.”

The agency said it received water quality tests “that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency recommended limits for recreation. The river’s current E. coli levels pose an elevated risk to human health, especially in vulnerable populations.”

All park trails are open, as well as the Hewlett Lodge visitor center.

Updates are being provided on the Chattahoochee River NRA Facebook page.

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Cobb to add hazardous waste events after ‘overwhelming response’

Cobb to add hazardous waste events

Cobb County government said this week that its beautification agency, Keep Cobb Beautiful, will be working with Cobb commissioners to add hazardous waste dropoff events for the public.

That’s in the wake of an event last Saturday at Jim Miller Park that prompted an “overwhelming response” and resulted in some citizens being turned away because it had reached capacity.

“Many residents told us these hazardous materials built up at their homes during the pandemic, and they were eager to drop them off so they could be disposed of responsibly,” the county said in its Cobbline Weekly e-mail newsletter.

“People arrived as early as 6 a.m. to wait in line, and even though the volunteers worked as fast as possible, the lines grew throughout the morning.”

Keep Cobb Beautiful has held hazardous waste events on an annual basis, accepting auto, household and garden products, and paint, hobby and pet products.

KCB also has separate events to accept appliances and electronics at a community recycling event, and controlled substances and medications at a medication buyback event.

The county said Keep Cobb Beautiful will be providing updates on future events.


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Credit Union of Georgia to give away reusable totes on Earth Day

The first 25 members who come to any branch of the Credit Union of Georgia on Saturday will receive a free reusable tote bag to mark Earth Day.

The Cobb-based financial institution said in a release that this year’s theme is “Together We Can Invest In Our Planet.”

Local branches are located at 1020 Johnson Ferry Road in East Cobb.

For more click here.

Credit Union of Georgia Earth Day tote bags


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Cobb recycling roundtable to be held at Sewell Mill Library

Cobb recycling roundtable
For a larger version click here.

Recycling and trash businesses and a local green non-profit will hold a Recycling Roundtable on Friday, April 21, at the Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center (2051 Lower Roswell Road).

The event takes place from 10:30-11:30 a.m. and you can register by clicking here.

April 22 is Earth Day, and a panel of experts will be on hand from the Cobb County Sustainability Department, WestRock, Waste Management, Trash Taxi and B Green to discuss recycling matters.

Among the questions they will address:

  • Are you confused about what can and cannot be recycled?
  • Are you concerned about where your recycling goes after it is picked up from your curb?
  • Do you question the benefits of recycling?

The sponsors of the event are Cheers to Recycling, an East Cobb-based curbside glass recycling service, and
My Green Earth, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit devoted to improving environmental sustainability in Cobb County.


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Keep Cobb Beautiful’s Christmas tree recycling starts Dec. 25

tree recycling, Bring One for the Chipper, Keep Cobb Beautiful

Two Home Depot locations in East Cobb as well as Fullers Park are once again serving as Christmas tree dropoff sites for Keep Cobb Beautiful’s “Bring One for the Chipper” recycling drive.

The Home Depot stores at Providence Square (4101 Roswell Road) and Highland Plaza (3606 Sandy Plains Road) will be accepting discarded trees daily through Jan. 7, as will Fullers Park (3499 Robinson Road).

Trees must have all ornaments, lights, stands and other adornments removed before being dropped off. Wreaths, garlands and other items will not be accepted. Flocked trees also will not be accepted.

Keep Cobb Beautiful turns the discarded trees into mulch for beautification projects, soil erosion prevention, lakes, pond and water retention efforts throughout Cobb County.

The flyer below has further dates, addresses and information about the recycling drive, including saplings being available at select Home Depot locations on the final day, Jan. 7.

For more information, and to request mulch, click here.

Bring one for the Chipper 2022



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James Webb telescope images explored at Sewell Mill Library

James Webb telescope images Sewell Mill Library

From the Cobb County Public Library System:

NASA Ambassador Chris Thompson will present the Exploring the Early Universe with the James Webb Space Telescope program at Sewell Mill Library, 4880 Lower Roswell Road, on Monday, July 18 at 6 pm.

The free program will feature the story of the advanced space observatory JWST along with the latest images and discoveries from the farthest reaches of space. Register at http://ow.ly/zy7L50JTahv.



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Sewell Mill Creek cleanup event set for East Cobb Park

East Cobb Park storm damage
Sewell Mill Creek at Roswell Road in East Cobb Park. (ECN file)

We noted this item in our calendar listings but wanted to bring it out in the news column:

On Saturday there will be a cleanup event along Sewell Mill Creek to prevent litter from reaching the Chattahoochee River.

The event takes place from 10 a.m. to noon at East Cobb Park (3322 Roswell Road), in conjunction with the Cobb Water System’s water steward program and Friends for the East Cobb Park.

Sewell Mill Creek stems from a pond on Davis Road near Holly Springs road and winds southbound through East Cobb. Below the park, the creek flows into Sope Creek along the Indian Hills golf course near Greenfield Drive.

You don’t need to bring any equipment to the cleanup on Saturday but you’re asked to wear clothes that can get wet.

You’re also asked to register by clicking here: shorturl.at/mzJO4



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Lassiter students honored in WaterSmart photography contest

Lassiter students WaterSmart photography contest
Photo by Molly Shugart, Lassiter High School

Seven students from Lassiter High School in East Cobb were among 11 high school students from around Cobb County named winners of the 3rd annual WaterSmart Photography Contest.

Lassiter students WaterSmart photography contest
Photo by Lilly Kowal, Lassiter High School

The contest, sponsored locally by the Cobb County Water System and the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority, encourages young people and other citizens to learn about water conservation.

The winning Lassiter students are Haley Saulinskas, Hollis Weber, Jacob Haller, Laine Halloran, Lily Kowall, Madeleine Quinlan and Molly Shugart.

The photos were submitted in six categories:

  • Water at Play
  • Water at Work
  • Water in Nature
  • Water and People
  • Protecting Water
  • Conserving Water

The winning photos will be made into notecards and distributed around the county, according to a Cobb government release.

You can see all the winning entries by clicking here.

Lassiter students WaterSmart photography contest
Photo by Laine Halloran, Lassiter High School



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Scouts, Sope Creek Garden Club plant trees at McFarlane Park

McFarlane Park tree planting

Thanks to Joan Cotter of the Sope Creek Garden Club for the following information and photos:

On a beautiful February Sunday at McFarlane Nature Park (280 Farm Road SE) members of Girl Scout Troop 18328 from the Magnolia Service Unit, along with their leader Karen Dechert, joined along with members of Sope Creek Garden Club, led by President Linda Baker, for a fun lesson on the importance of trees and a memorable planting event.

After a short discussion about the emotional, economic and ecological benefits of trees
along with visual aids explaining how to best plant trees for a healthy future, Scouts (accompanied by their parents) along with SCGC Members teamed up into small groups to plant, mulch, label and water Chinquapin Oaks, a Mockernut Hickory, and a taller American Crabapple. Scouts worked hard, doing the digging, planting and labeling and yes, hauling water to get those trees happy in their new home.

By introducing these special tree species McFarlane Park now has a complete representation of all of the native trees in the Piedmont Region of Georgia.

McFarlane Park tree planting

McFarlane Park tree planting

McFarlane Park tree planting

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Keep Cobb Beautiful resumes Christmas Tree recycling drive

Keep Cobb Beautiful Bring One for the Chipper

“Bring One for the Chipper,” Keep Cobb Beautiful’s effort to encourage Christmas tree recycling, will be held from Christmas Day, Dec. 25, through Jan. 8, 2022.

Residents can drop off their trees for free at various spots in Cobb County, including the parking lots at Home Depot locations.

They include Home Depot stores in East Cobb at Providence Square (4101 Roswell Road) and Highland Plaza (3605 Sandy Plains Road).

Trees also can be dropped off at Fullers Park (3499 Robinson Road). 

A few instructions apply: Please remove all decorations, mesh, lights, stands and strings from trees. Flocked trees will not be permitted, as they are considered hazards to wildlife.

There’s no limit to the number of trees that may be dropped off; discarded trees are turned into mulch for various local public beautification projects and individual yards.

Keep Cobb Beautiful is providing free mulch for those who request it at keepcobbbeautiful@cobbcounty.org

Volunteers also are needed to help on the final day, Jan. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to collect trees from the dropoff spots. Groups and individuals should contact keepcobbbeautiful@cobbcounty.org to help out.


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Comment period ending for Georgia Power coal ash permit

From Hyde Farm-area resident Morning Washburn comes this report about the looming deadline for the public to comment on a proposed coal ash storage program in northwest Georgia by Georgia Power.Georgia Power suspending disconnections

That deadline happens to be on Friday, as the Georgia Environmental Protection Division considers a permit application for the Plant Hammond AP-3 landfill near Rome.

It’s partially located in a 100-year floodplain, according to the Coosa River Basin Initiative, which is organizing efforts to speak out against the permit.

Washburn notes that Georgia Power has applications pending for pits at Plant McDonough in Smyrna, near the Chattahoochee River.

Those requests are slated to be considered in December and January.

“As a life-long advocate for healthy water, land, air and communities, I’m angry and appalled that anyone wants to keep coal ash in unlined pits next to the Chattahoochee River at Plant McDonough in Cobb County and other areas of Georgia,” Washburn told us.

She said she’s “contacting EPD, our Cobb Chamber of Commerce and Georgia Power about their need and this opportunity to take an active stand for long term ecological and economic leadership.”

Here is Georgia Power’s resource page providing updates on environmental compliance, including ash pond dewatering results and permits.


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Kell HS band programs to have recycling fundraiser Saturday

Thanks to Virginia Douglas, co-VP of the Kell Bands Booster Association, for the information and flyer below about the recycling fundraiser the organization is having on Saturday:

“Safely dispose of your old paints, electronics (computers, laptops, phones), metals (BBQ grills, lawn furniture, lawn equipment, scrap), as well as larger items (refrigerators, stoves, furniture, mattresses) this Saturday, 9 am to 1 pm, at Kell High School, 4770 Lee Waters Rd, Marietta. We will also have secure, while you watch paper/document shredding onsite. This event supports Kell High’s Band Program!”

If you need a link to more details, please click here.

Kell bands recycling fundraiser

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Stepping out for Earth Day at The Avenue East Cobb

The Avenue East Cobb Earth Day

Submitted information and photo:

Celebrate our beautiful planet on THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd at 10am by moving outside!

Join Barre3 for a FREE socially distanced outdoor fitness class. All you need is your yoga mat, handheld weights (if available) and a desire to move with the most supportive community of clients! No experience necessary. 

This class is FREE and SIGN UP IS REQUIRED. Visit www.avenueeastcobb.com/events for details and to register.

Bring your school-aged kids and visit the Avenue Red Tent for “CHALK THE LOT”! We’ll have sidewalk chalk for the kids to decorate parking spaces in an Earth Day theme and each child will receive a reusable, insulated lunch bag!

*The chalking area will be gated off but is unsupervised. It will be located in the same parking lot as the fitness class.

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Keep Cobb Beautiful recycling spots include two in East Cobb

Submitted information:

To best serve our residents and environment, a free recycling drop spot is located in each district. There is signage at each location.

  • District One
    3858 Kemp Ridge Road, Acworth
  • District Two
    4400 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta
  • District Three
    2905 Library Lane, Marietta
  • District Four
    4700 Austell Road, Austell

Items accepted:
Paper/newspapers, junk mail, magazines/books, clean plastics (1-7), clean aluminum, clean steel, clean tin cans, clean cartons and flatten cardboard boxes

Items NOT accepted:
Trash, glass, polystyrene or styrofoam, grocery bags yard waste, electronics, tires, propane tanks, hazardous material (paint, batteries, bulbs, oil, etc.)

For more information, visit cobbcounty.org/keep-cobb-beautiful.

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Wright Center Eagle Scout projects celebrated at court of honor 

Wright Center Eagle Scout projects
Eagle Scouts (l-r): Ryan Dean, Austin Jordan, Brooks Hess, Marlowe Elmiger, and Dominic Krueger. Bob Ott, Chartered Org Representative, introduced the Eagle Candidates and helped to present the Eagle Awards, along with Scoutmaster Jim Flowers (not pictured).

Thanks to Janis Hylton of the Cobb Master Gardeners and the Wright Environmental Education Center, for the information and photo:

The Master Gardeners and Volunteers at Wright Environmental Education Center are proud of and grateful to the recently-awarded Eagle Scouts who accomplished their Eagle projects on the property. Ryan Dean, Brooks Hess, and Dominic Krueger received their Eagle Awards at the Boy Scout Troop 1011 Court of Honor at Mt. Bethel UMC on Sunday, January 31, along with Marlowe Elmiger and Austin Jordan. All completed very meaningful projects.

The Eagle projects at Wright Center are:

Ryan Dean expanded the Frog Pond and installed a new liner. His team caught the frogs and tadpoles, drained the pond, excavated a new section and replaced the old liner with a new one. New pond plants were added along with a ton of large rocks laid around the perimeter on which the frogs can sun themselves. The project helps facilitate the growth of the frog population.

Brooks Hess and his team built a Plant Jail – four walls rising above a raised platform floor with bars installed in two of the walls. The structure is an invasive plant exhibit designed as a display area for the “dirty dozen” most prevalent invasive plants at Wright and to teach others about the damage that invasive plants do.

Dominic Krueger made several improvements at Wright. He built and installed rustic benches and a swing to provide convenient seating on the front porch of the education center. He and his team also planted native plants.

Judy Beard, Master Gardener Chair at Wright Center, and MG Janis Hylton attended the ceremony to honor the Scouts and their families.

For more info on Wright Center, go to www.cobbmastergardeners.com

Click on “Where We Dig,” then “Wright Environmental Education Center.”


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Enchanted Woodland Trail returns to Chattahoochee Nature Center

CNC Enchanted Woodland Trail

Submitted information and photo:

Nature and whimsy collide this holiday season at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. More than forty Fairy Houses and Gnome Homes will line the woodland trails at CNC to February 28, 2021 as a part of the Enchanted Woodland Trails Special Exhibit. These tiny structures await the curious visitor who will discover them tucked up against the trees and hidden amongst the fallen leaves.

CNC’s mission is to connect people with nature, and Enchanted Woodland Trails provides an opportunity for visitors to make that connection through imagination and a little bit of magic. The fairy houses are built by local artists with an emphasis on the use of natural material in the design. Families and children can study the natural elements incorporated into each house while engaging with the fantastical stories behind each creation.

This year, the exhibit includes a 7-foot fairy and gnome lodge, handmade pottery treehouses, and a twinkling glass fairy ring. Legend has it if you stand exactly in the middle, you will be transported to fairies’ magical realm!

Visitors are invited to slow down, enjoy the outdoors, and notice the little things as they search for these tiny dwellings. If they feel inspired, they can create their own houses in the free play area on CNC’s grounds. Visitors can also purchase fairy-related gifts and wares in the Discovery Center Nature Store during this time.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for our visitors, visitors should purchase admission tickets in advance, which include a date and time to visit the center, and members should make a reservation for their visit to guarantee admission. Walk-ups may be accommodated based on daily visitation. Center-wide policies and procedures have been implemented to offer the best experience possible. Updates can be viewed on the “Plan your Visit” page on the CNC website.<

Free to Chattahoochee Nature Center Members.

General Admission: $10 adults, $7 seniors (65+) and students (13-18), $6 children (3-12)
Children 2 and under are free.

Purchase admission tickets in advance, which include a date and time to visit the center, and members should make a reservation for their visit to guarantee admission. Walk-ups may be accommodated based on daily visitation.

For more information, visit www.chattnaturecenter.org.

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‘Bring One for the Chipper’ Christmas tree recycling begins

tree recycling, Bring One for the Chipper, Keep Cobb Beautiful

Keep Cobb Beautiful’s annual “Bring One for the Chipper” Christmas tree recycling event started on Christmas day and continues through Jan. 9.

You can bring your tree to several Home Depot locations—including two in East Cobb, and at two Cobb County Parks, one of which is Fullers Park.

Here’s more from Keep Cobb Beautiful about the recycling event and its flyer with details on when and where to drop off your tree:

Flocked trees will not be accepted as they are harmful to wildlife. Trees must have all decorations, mesh, lights, stands and strings removed prior to drop off. Free mulch is available upon request and free saplings will be available, while supplies last, at participating locations 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 9.

Bring One for the Chipper 2020

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