Brumby ES food pantry seeking meat and milk donations

Brumby Elementary School food pantry
The food pantry at Brumby ES opened last November. (Special photo)

Parent Nicole Monge Mason is sending out word that the food pantry at Brumby Elementary School is in “dire” need of meat and milk, among other items, and that special hours are being set up for Monday donations.

That’s because the next shopping day for Brumby families in need is next Tuesday, Sept. 17. What the panty needs most are individually wrapped ground beef, turkey and chicken packages and gallon milk containers. Those donations can be dropped off at the school (815 Terrell Mill Road) Monday between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The pantry is open to families Tuesday from 12-2 and 4-6. Brumby is one of more than 30 schools in the Cobb County School District that has a pantry for students and their families.

Nicole says what’s critical about this shopping day is that it’s going to have to last through the fall break week from school (Sept. 21-27). Reduced-price breakfast and lunches won’t be served, so families will be loading up on extra food supplies. She writes in her message:

“The stresses and fears that we relate to on a daily basis PALES in comparison to what most families face on a daily basis when it comes to food insecurities and households in need.

“We have a unique opportunity to be apart of helping families and especially children NOT stress about where their next meal is coming from….at least for a few weeks and especially NOT during the fall break coming up.

“As a community we can be apart of the solution but overlooking the essential need that is right here looking us in the eye is only contributing to the problem…

More information about what’s needed at the Brumby pantry can be found at this online sign-up form.

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