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Simple Needs GA’s My Birthday Matters program is marking its fifth birthday at an open house on April 13.
“Last year, our My Birthday Matters program brought birthday presents and other useful items to approximately 256 homeless schoolchildren from across Cobb County, up from 217 the year before,” said Brenda Rhodes, an East Cobb resident who founded Simple Needs GA in 2010. “Since MBM is turning five this year, we thought it would be a great idea to throw an anniversary ‘birthday party’ and invite the public to learn more about the program.”
The Open House/MBM Birthday Party, sponsored by longtime SNGA supporter FHLBank Atlanta, is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Simple Needs GA’s Marietta warehouse, 991 Industrial Park Dr.
“We’ll be giving tours, chatting with old and new friends and introducing newcomers to our MBM and six other programs,” Rhodes said. “Clients will be on hand to share their stories, and we’ll have some yummy snacks along with sandwiches and salads generously donated by Newk’s Eatery (1975 Cobb Parkway in Kennesaw).”
Those who plan to attend may RSVP by emailing brenda@simpleneedsga.
org .“Feel free to bring friends or colleagues who might be interested in learning more about how our work benefits people in need,” Rhodes said. “And thanks to event sponsor FHLBank Atlanta and all of the amazing donors and volunteers who have enabled us to help hundreds of homeless schoolchildren over the past five years!”
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