Back row standing L to R: Kathy Culbertson, Media Specialist; Sandy Perry, Kiwanis Club of Marietta Golden K; Jim Perry, Past President KCMGK; Aimee Mendel, Past President KCMGK; Rosie Teague, VP KCMGK; Linda Bonstein, East Cobb UMC; Elayna Wilson, Principal Powers Ferry ES and John Kone, President KCMGK
Submitted information and photo:
On April 14th, 2023 through a cooperative effort of the staff from Powers Ferry Elementary School, volunteer members of the East Cobb United Methodist Church and members of the Kiwanis Club of Marietta Golden K (KCMGK), winning 5th grade students received special certificates and books as they were rewarded for meeting the “March Reading Challenge.” Following the presentation ceremony, the students were treated to snacks and an “Amazing Readers” engraved cake for dessert!
Quite an accomplishment indeed and one student boasted he read over 30 books!! … GOOD JOB STUDENTS!
“I don’t know who was more thrilled” one of the volunteers exclaimed, “the 5th graders who won the certificates or the adults (Kiwanis club members and East Cobb First UMC volunteers) who provided all the goodies for the winners.” In any event, everyone is extremely proud of the accomplishments of the students.
The amazing thing about the reading challenge is that, at the beginning of the school year, 42 percent of the students were reading below the basic level. At mid-year, this number was reduced to 29 percent for a dramatic improvement!
Each child completing the challenge got a book to keep and a certificate showing that this is sponsored
jointly by East Cobb United Methodist Church, as a Partner in Education, and the Kiwanis Club of Marietta Golden K as a part of its Student Leadership Program.
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