Pope, Sprayberry, Murdock ES construction projects approved

Pope High School, Cobb SAT scores

The Cobb Board of Education on Thursday approved a construction contract for a variety of renovations at Pope High School.

The $4.9 million project was awarded to MAPP, LLC of Atlanta and is expected to be completed by November

The funding comes from the current Cobb-Ed SPLOST VI and will be used for the following, per a Cobb County School District aganda item:

  • door and hardware replacements
  • media center and band room flooring replacements
  • front entry renovations
  • removing corridor lockers
  • renovating physical education and athletic locker rooms
  • replacing the concession building at the baseball stadium
  • baseball field improvements

The board approved a construction contract to refurbish the stadium at Sprayberry High School, at a cost of $937,363.

The contractor is Nix-Fowler Constructors of Mableton and the job includes improvements mandated by the federal Americans With Disabilities Act.

The expected completion date is May and SPLOST VI funds will be used.

Sprayberry is undergoing a major overhaul of its campus with the main classroom building getting a replacement facility that is expected to take three years to complete.

The board also approved spending $739,768 in SPLOST VI funds replace the coolers and freezers at Murdock Elementary School.

The contractor is Ward Humphrey Inc. of Marietta and the project is expected to be done by July.

The school will receive a new walk-in freezer and cooler, along with updated mechanical and electrical equipment. The kitchen staff locker room and restroom also will be renovated, according to an agenda item.