Streetside parking will be prohibited during the weekdays along a portion of Clubland Drive in the Indian Hills subdivision, near East Side Elementary School, when the new school year begins in August.
The Cobb Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday on their consent agenda to create a “No Parking” zone on either side of Clubland Drive east of Indian Hills Parkway to its terminus on a cul-de-sac (see street in blue on map, bookended by blue stars).
Cobb DOT said that it received complaints of parking on that short portion of Clubland Drive, which is a two-lane street that’s 20 feet wide and has curbing and gutters along both sides.
“Department staff has observed that on-street parking is a near-constant issue during school days and school
extracurricular activity times, and the locations of the parking were determined to create a nuisance for both
homeowners and motorists,” according to an agenda item from Tuesday’s meeting.
The “No Parking” zone will be in effect Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The action stemmed from a residential complaint in March, and was followed up by signatures from 95 percent of other affected neighbors in the area.
According to Cobb County code, property owners can request a “No Parking” zone if “75 percent of the eligible lot owners on both sides of the affected street to sign the petition in favor. “
That petition is then forwarded to the commissioners, who make the final decision.

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- Cobb voters to decide transit sales tax in November referendum
- East Piedmont Road lane closures in effect due to sewer repairs
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