Editor’s Note: Happy Independence Day East Cobb!

We’re going to kick back on Independence Day with the rest of you while enjoying this most American of holidays and will get back to posting on Friday.

I just wanted to offer up a short note of thanks to all of you for your continued readership of East Cobb News.

We’re soon approaching our 7th anniversary—so hard to believe!—and we’ll be noting that in more detail in the coming days.

As I noted this time a year ago, the end of Year Six felt incredibly special. We continue to grow our audience and advertising interest from local businesses is also on the rise.

We’re generating more traffic than ever, as citizens, business owners, civic groups and others invested in the betterment of East Cobb turn to us for the latest news and information.

Providing my home community with local news that you depend on, and that is relevant to your lives, has been the honor of my long career in journalism.

Helping my fellow small business owners promote themselves to you also is deeply satisfying.

But I don’t think of myself as just a reporter, or editor, or publisher, or small business owner.

I am all of those things, indeed, but also I’m an East Cobber who appreciates the vitality and quality of life that I enjoy here, and that is made better by the many community connections that are forged here.

I’ve never taken a day of this now-seven-year journey for granted, and I don’t intend to. What I’ve learned along the way is that everything matters, and that becomes increasingly the case as time marches on.

Declaring my independence as a media operator wasn’t just for my sake; it was for a vision to serve my community, this place I call home, during a time in which local news is being threatened everywhere.

It’s getting harder to do this, but I’m as strongly committed as I was at this time in 2017, when I finally pushed the “publish” button for the first time and launched East Cobb News.

I guess that’s one of the reasons why July 4 is my favorite holiday.

I love the history and traditions of our nation’s founding, rooted in a spirit of independence, and that is bolstered by Constitutional provisions such as the First Amendment, so important to my profession and to an enlightened citizenry.

I’ll be back soon with more details on our reader support initiative to mark our 7th anniversary: It’s Called “The Power of Local.”

Happy Independence Day East Cobb! May you have a joyous and peaceful holiday!



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