Take the East Cobb News Reader Survey—tell us how we’re doing!

Reader Survey
Signs from a pandemic: Black Lives Matter rally on Johnson Ferry Road; an expression of hope on Holly Springs Road.

As the year 2020 approached, I sent out what was the first reader survey for East Cobb News, eagerly anticipating a breakthrough year for this community news site after a couple of years of laying the groundwork.

As I began to look through the responses, a breakthrough event was in progress, and it changed everything for so many of us.

As COVID-19 and the responses to it dramatically altered our world, I set the survey aside. While many of my best-laid plans for this site also were put on hold, readers turned to East Cobb News like never before.

We thoroughly covered the COVID response and its effects on the community, schools and so much more. Along the way, we broke stories about the opening—and closure—of an adult retail store and a bitter controversy embroiling one of East Cobb’s biggest faith communities.

We continued to lead coverage of the now-defeated East Cobb Cityhood movement, and chronicled a momentous election year in 2020.

More than two years later, we’re hopeful the worst of the pandemic is behind us. We’ve grown our traffic and newsletter audiences with a sizable daily reach that is unmatched in this community.

Community life, and festivities, are springing back into action, and we’re eager to gauge your thoughts about East Cobb News as we get back to what is feeling like normal again.

Fill out the form

All you have to do is click the link above, and respond to 10 questions about this site, and the news and information we provide. The survey takes just a few minutes, and once you’re finished, hit the “submit” button.

What’s happening in East Cobb is why you come here, and we want to better serve your interests and understand what you value about this community resource.

Unlike corporate-owned media, East Cobb News answers above all to our readers, with the objective of meeting the news and information needs in our community. Your answers will help us tailor our product to make it really appeal to what’s important to you.

Don’t be bashful—tell us what we’re doing well, what we could do better or different. We appreciate your readership and look forward to delivering more community news and information that’s relevant to you as we continue in 2022.

I’m always accessible to field your questions, hear complaints and try to explain why we do what we do at East Cobb News. E-mail me: wendy@eastcobbnews.com.

We’ll be collecting responses through the end of July, so please feel free to complete the survey as you can. We’ll share the responses as the school year begins.

Thanks so much for your readership of East Cobb News! Have a great summer!



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Tell us what you think—take the East Cobb News reader survey!

Mabry Park Opening

At the start of a new year, we’d like to ask our readers what they think of what we post here on East Cobb News. We promise this short survey won’t take much of your time.

Just fill out the form at the link below, and feel free to add any additional thoughts about what you read at East Cobb News. What’s happening in East Cobb is why you come here, and we want to better serve your interests and understand what you value about this community resource.

Fill out the form

Unlike corporate-owned media, we answer above all to our readers, with the objective of meeting the news and information needs in our community. Your answers will help us tailor our product to make it really appeal to what’s important to you.

Don’t be bashful—tell us what we’re doing well, what we could do better or different. We appreciate your readership and look forward to delivering more community news and information that’s relevant to you as we continue in 2020.

I’m always accessible to field your questions, hear complaints and try to explain why we do what we do at East Cobb News. E-mail me: wendy@eastcobbnews.com.

There’s not a deadline for this; we’ll be collecting responses for most of the month of January, so please feel free to complete the survey as you can.

Thanks so much, and Happy New Year!


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Every Sunday we round up the week’s top headlines and preview the upcoming week in the East Cobb News Digest. Click here to sign up, and you’re good to go!