Following up last week’s post on the growth of COVID-19 cases in Cobb County, there are some updated figures now posted breaking down how that looks by ZIP Codes for the month of July.
In East Cobb, the surge in positive cases matches what’s been happening in the county, with 60.6 percent of all cases in our five ZIP Codes being reported in July.
At the start of last month, there were 912 cases in all. In July, 1,404 cases were reported, for a total of 2,316. That’s per the latest figures compiled by the Cobb County GIS unit, which updated the map seen above and that you can hover over here.
The figures indicated below are cases reported on July 1 and at the end of the month, with the number deaths in parenthesis:
- 30067: 287 to 689 (10)
- 30062: 252 to 672 (12)
- 30066: 217 to 551 (11)
- 30068: 140 to 360 (19)
- 30075: 24 to 44 (0)

Included in those hover maps are details tracking the progression of COVID-19 cases day-by-day; keep in mind those cases are tallied by the date they are reported, and not the day a test is taken.
The blue icons in that map represent public school locations.
As we noted in a post last week, the Georgia Department of Public Health is now reporting date of case and date of death figures, statewide and by county, in its Daily Status Report that is updated at 3 p.m. daily.
The “date of onset” case figures for Cobb peaked in July in the first half of the month, both by date and by a 7-day moving average. Those figures were a downward trend by the end of the month and as August began.
The number of deaths grew by 12 during the month of July in East Cobb, from 41 before the start of the July 4 holiday weekend to 52 by the end of the month.
Cobb GIS also has updated that map, which shows the location of long-term care homes. Of the 52 deaths in East Cobb ZIP Codes, 25 have been in those homes
Testing has gone up dramatically in Cobb County and Georgia. In July, there were more than 700,000 COVID-19 tests in the state, with the positive case numbers jumping from 104,423 to 194,804.
Cobb testing data has been limited; at the end of July Cobb and Douglas Public Health reported that it had conducted 27,650 tests at Jim Miller Park.
But that doesn’t include those tested at private labs and doctor’s offices, and there is no testing data available by ZIP Code.
Cobb DPH also is no longer tracking “test positivity” rates, meaning the number of people who test positive out of those getting tested. As of late July, that figure had hovered around seven percent, with 5 percent being considered an acceptable rate.
Across the state, positivity rates surged to nearly 15 percent at times during July, and are now around 10 percent.
Those figures reflect the level of “community spread” that has caused concern as schools prepare to return, and that prompted the Cobb County School District, among many in metro Atlanta, to start the school year online-only.
Cobb and Georgia public health agencies began tracking COVID-19 data in mid-March, from the time Gov. Brian Kemp declared a public health emergency that he has extended several times, including last week.
As of 3 p.m. Tuesday, there were 12,135 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Cobb County, and 304 deaths. A total of 2,855 of those cases have come in the last two weeks.
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- Georgia public health emergency extended to Sept. 10
- Cobb COVID deaths approach 300; cases surpass 10,000
- Editor’s Note: Trying to make sense of Cobb’s COVID-19 numbers
- The East Cobb Open for Business Directory
- East Cobb News COVID-19 Resource Page
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