Cobb school board slated to adopt fiscal year 2025 budget

The Cobb Board of Education on Thursday will hold a final public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget before voting on final adoption.Campbell High School lockdown

The public hearing is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the board room at the Cobb County School District central office, 514 Glover St., Marietta.

The voting meeting will follow at 7 p.m.

Proposed FY 2025 budget documents can be found by clicking here.

The board in April voted to tentatively adopt the $1.85 billion budget, which includes across-the-board staff pay raises.

The budget would maintain a property tax rate of 18.7 mills, holding from last year, when the school board reduced that rate by 0.2 percent to offset rising assessments.

A citizens group called the Watching the Funds-Cobb asked for additional public hearings to be held to give the public time to read through and comment on the budget.

But that isn’t happening, so the group held an online forum last week, inviting all seven board members. Only two, Democrats Nichelle Davis and Becky Sayler, took part.

The school board is scheduled to hold a work session starting at 2 p.m. Thursday that includes a demographics study update.

After that, the board will go into an executive session before the evening public meetings.

At the 7 p.m. meeting, recognitions include state literary champions, including Nathaniel Long of Wheeler High School, as well as the Georgia STAR student and teacher, Omer Mustafa Inan and Tamara Hollingsworth of Walton High School.

Agendas for the public meetings can be found by clicking here.

The open meetings also will be live-streamed on the Cobb County School District’s BoxCast channel and on CobbEdTV, Comcast Channel 24.


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