Cobb CCRPI scores drop after state changes student assessment formula

Mt. Bethel ES, Cobb CCRPI scores

One of the most complicated measurements of academic progress in the state of Georgia has been streamlined in order to become less complicated. But the Cobb CCRPI scores for 2018, which were released Monday, are lower across the board than last year.

The drops include schools in East Cobb, which still had some of the highest figures in the Cobb County School District and in Georgia.

The CCRPI—which stands for College and Career Ready Performance Index—is a state accountability measure that gauges overall achievement results and how schools are preparing students for the next level of education.

Cobb’s average of 79.6 (out of a maximum score of 100) is nearly three points higher than the state average, but lower than the 82.9 score from 2017.

Student performance is assessed in several ways, and they differ according to school level. They include content mastery, progress, closing performance gaps, readiness and graduation rates.

The Georgia Department of Education made some changes to its formula in the spring (here’s a PDF that breaks it all down, but as stated above, it’s really complicated). These changes were done to reduce the number of indicators to measure.

‘They’ve redone the math’

It’s the third time in the last five years that the state has changed the formula, and both Georgia and Cobb officials are urging parents not to compare 2018 scores to those in years past.

“Whatever analogy you want to make—apples to apples, oranges to oranges—this is reflected across the state,” said John Floresta, the Cobb schools chief strategy and accountability officer. “They’ve redone the math.”

He said the changes that are being felt the most are at the elementary school level.

One was to remove “challenge points” for “exceeding the bar” activities that allowed some schools to get a score of more than 100 points.

The other major calculation that affected scores was the “closing the gap” measurement. In essence, Floresta said, there’s now a lower ceiling for the highest-performing schools, while that ceiling has been raised for lower-performing schools.

A good example is at Timber Ridge Elementary School in East Cobb, which last year had a score of 100.5, a school that “exceeded the bar.” This year, Timber Ridge’s CCRPI score is 93.3.

Like many schools in East Cobb, Timber Ridge students did very well in content mastery at 98.6 and also scored above 90 in progress and readiness. But Timber Ridge’s closing the gap number, which comprises 15 percent of an elementary school’s score, was 78.6.

“The frustration is with the principals and staff more than anything else,” Floresta said. “It’s the reality of how they’ve redone the categories. We just want to know what our kids know.”

On the other hand, Mt. Bethel Elementary School was a perfect 100 in closing the gap, along with Wheeler High School.

Those East Cobb elementary schools that had double-digit drops had closing the gap scores that in some cases were below 50 (full East Cobb school results here).

Ups and downs

Some East Cobb schools came close to the maximum in 2018: Walton High School (96.3), Lassiter High School (95.8), Simpson Middle School (94.7) and Dodgen Middle School and Hightower Trail Middle School (both 91.8).

At the elementary school level the leaders included Mt. Bethel (95.6) and Timber Ridge’s 93.3. They were among the 19 schools in Cobb that had averages of 90 or more.

Some schools did report sizable increases in their CCRPI scores from 2017. Among them are Simpson Middle School, which jumped from 89.9 to 94.7, one of the biggest moves up among Cobb middle schools.

Seven schools got perfect scores of 100 in content mastery, including Walton, Lassiter, Pope, Dickerson Middle School and Murdock and Sope Creek at the elementary school level.

“Although we are glad to see strong CCRPI scores yet again, we are more focused on supporting our teachers to identify what their students know and immediately acting on what they learn about their students,” Cobb schools Superintendent Chris Ragsdale said in a statement.

School-by-school breakdowns have been provided by the Cobb County School District, and you can click on this page to see the full table.


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East Cobb schools pace county results in 2017 CCRPI test scores

Timber Ridge Elementary School, East Cobb schools, CCRPI
CCRPI scores at Timber Ridge Elementary are up almost 18 points from 2015.

Seven East Cobb schools surpassed the maximum scores in the latest CCRPI test results released Thursday by the Cobb County School District.

The CCRPI—which stands for College and Career Ready Performance Index—is a state accountability measure that gauges overall achievement results and how schools are preparing students for the next level of education.

The CCRPI is formulated on a 100-point scale as follows:

  • Overall achievement comprising 50 percent (based on Georgia Milestones Assessment System);
  • Student progress totaling 40 percent (Milestones results from year to year);
  • The remaining 10 percent related to closing the achievement gap (between the 25 percent lowest-performing students in a school or district compared to all Georgia students).

Students at all three K-12 levels are tested, and the full state CCRPI results are available at the Georgia Department of Education website.

At the elementary school level, Timber Ridge (100.5), Murdock and Sope Creek (100.3 each) led all of Cobb, earning what’s referred to as “challenge” points in such categories as improved results among subgroups of students and innovative measures at a school, the so-called Exceeding the Bar (ETB) score.

Three Cobb middle schools, all in East Cobb, also exceeded the 100 mark: Dickerson (103), Dodgen (101) and Hightower Trail (101.5).

At the high school level, Walton’s score of 101.1 led the county as well. The high school achievement score includes graduation rates.

Cobb’s overall CCRPI score of 82.9 was higher than the statewide average of 75. For the high-scoring schools in East Cobb, those results were among the best in Georgia.

Timber Ridge’s score of 100.5 not only was a gain of 5.8 percent from 2016, but it’s one of the highest in the state (Lake Windward, in north Fulton County, topped out at 104.5). Timber Ridge scored 47.1 on achievement, a perfect 40 in progress, and earned 3.4 challenge points.

In a statement, Jeffrey Castle, the Timber Ridge principal, attributed his school’s results to “a supportive parent community, engaged students and motivated, highly-capable teachers who have the education of the whole child as their main priority.

“Our focus last year was on progress, with implementation of computer-based reading intervention programs, and on intentional delivery of rigorous instruction and congruency among curriculum, assessments and instruction.”

All but two of the 21 East Cobb elementary schools had higher scores than 2016, but the drops by Kincaid and Sedalia Park were slight.

The biggest jump was at Powers Ferry, with a score of 72.3 representing a 14.5 percent increase from a year ago, the fourth largest boost among Cobb elementary schools.

Although the achievement score at Powers Ferry was 26 and its progress was at 37, the school reported a score of 8.3 (out of 10) in closing the achievement gap.

In a release, Cobb schools said that measuring year-to-year progress in 2017 is not exact because of some minor changes to how the CCRPI is formulated. At all levels, science and social studies were removed as indicators in the progress and achievement gap categories.

Elementary Schools

2017 Score Change from 2016
All of Cobb ES 80.5 +4.8
Addison 93.0 +5.3
Bells Ferry 89.3 +7.5
Blackwell 86.2 +6.8
Brumby 67.8 +7.1
Davis 87.5 +2.4
East Side 96.3 +4.5
Eastvalley 93.5 +5.8
Garrison Mill 96.8 +1.5
Keheley 88.7 +2.6
Kincaid 89.9 -0.9
Mt. Bethel 96.4 +1.4
Mountain View 99.7 +7.8
Murdock 100.3 +6.2
Nicholson 88.5 +11.2
Powers Ferry 72.3 +14.5
Rocky Mount 97.4 +5.0
Sedalia Park 68.9 -0.1
Shallowford Falls 88.0 +1.0
Sope Creek 100.3 +6.1
Timber Ridge 100.5 +5.8
Tritt 96.8 +6.0

Middle Schools

2017 Score Change from 2016
All of Cobb MS 82.0 +2.2
Daniell 77.9 -2.1
Dickerson 103.0 +4.3
Dodgen 101.0 +1.4
East Cobb 79.2 +3.6
Hightower Trail 100.5 +2.9
Mabry 91.3 0.0
McCleskey 82.5 -0.3
Simpson 89.9 +3.2

High Schools

2017 Score Change from 2016
All of Cobb HS 87.3 -0.9
Kell 85.8 -6.4
Lassiter 99.9 0.7
Pope 92.9 -6.5
Sprayberry 86.7 -2.0
Walton 101.2 -1.2
Wheeler 90.3 +1.7


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