Lassiter leads Cobb high schools in 2024 graduation rates

Lassiter High School graduation rate

For the third year in a row, Lassiter High School led the Cobb County School District in its graduation rate in 2024.

According to data released by the Georgia Department of Education, 98 percent of Lassiter’s Class of 2024 (435 of 444 seniors) received their diplomas in May.

That’s just above 97.6 percent for Walton and Harrison and 97.3 percent for Pope.

Cobb’s overall graduation rate was 87.9 percent, up from 87.7 percent in 2023 and above the Georgia average of 85.4 percent, according to a Cobb school district release.

In addition, the graduation rates at Sprayberry High School was 90.8 percent, a 3.3-percent increase from last year, the highest jump in the district.

The figures are compiled as part of what the state calls the “4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate.”

That is defined as follows:

“The number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma, divided by the number of students who form the adjusted cohort for the graduation class.”

The federal rate is calculated in the ninth grade, and includes even students who are enrolled only for a day.

Cobb also produces what it calls “a more complete” graduation rate, comparing the actual class sizes as they go through the 10th, 11th and 12th grades.

Those numbers have Kell and Pope at 100 percent, and with every other Cobb high school at least atd 97,3 percent.

“For students enrolled in Cobb Schools for at least 2 years, the District’s graduation rate jumps by 5.9 percentage points to 93.8% and steadily increases the longer a student is enrolled,” the Cobb release said.

“For students enrolled all four years of high school, Cobb’s ‘real’ graduation rate skyrockets to 99.1%.”

The Georgia Department of Education said its 85.4 percent graduation rate, which rose from 84,4 percent last year, is an all-time high.

“A total of 115 Georgia school districts recorded graduation rates at or above 90%, and 44 districts recorded rates at or above 95%. Georgia’s statewide graduation rate has increased by 18 percentage points since 2011,” Georgia School Superintendent Richard Woods said in a release.

Grad Class Size Total Graduates 2024 Rate 2023 Rate
Kell 371 342 92.2 93.8
Lassiter 444 435 98.0 98.4
Pope 446 434 97.3 95.6
Sprayberry 434 394 90.8 87.5
Walton 653 637 97.6 96.8
Wheeler 577 512 88.7 90.7
Cobb 9260 8188 87.9 87.7



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