Holiday celebrations headline this weekend’s events calendar, and Santa sightings will be in abundance.
On Friday and Saturday is the return of the venerable Apple Annie Arts & Crafts Show at the Catholic Church of St. Ann (4905 Roswell Road).
Show hours are from 9-6 Friday and 9-2 Saturday featuring more than 100 vendors with handmade creations gift items, a cafe and bake sale, raffle items, a quilt raffle and holiday music.
Admission is $5 admission for ages 13 and up and proceeds benefit local charities; parking is free on-site and also at the Episcopal Church of St. Peter & St. Paul (1795 Johnson Ferry Road), with free shuttle service.
Starting Friday for three nights only is Mountain View Church’s longstanding Bethlehem Walk display that’s been ongoing since 1992 (2300 Jamerson Road at Trickum Road).
From 7-9 p.m. through Sunday, the public is invited to take part in an interactive recreation of the scene in Bethlehem at the birth of Christ, talking to shopkeepers, signing the census and paying taxes and enjoy hot cider and refreshments.
At the end of the display is the manger bearing the swaddling infant Jesus.
Admission is free but freewill donations will be accepted. For more questions and information e-mail: bethlehemwalk@mv-church.org.
If you want an up close and personal visit with Santa Claus, it would be hard to beat his appearance Saturday morning at East Cobb Barber Shop (1401 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 148).
From 9-11, St. Nick will be on hand to meet with kids (free entry), and if you’d like to spread some holiday cheer, you can donate to Essie’s Gift Ministries, which serves families in West Georgia who are dealing with pregnancy and infant loss.
On Sunday morning, Grace Resurrection Methodist Church (1200 Indian Hills Parkway) is inviting the public to its 11 a.m. worship service that includes a Christmas concert.
The concert will feature performances by the church’s music ministry, including the chancel choir and musicians. The concert is family-friendly, and free.
As the sun sets on Sunday, East Cobb Park will be the focal point of celebrations, as the 19th Holiday Lights event takes place.
From 5-8 p.m., holiday music will abound from the concert stage, refreshments will be available for purchase (to benefit the work of the Friends for the East Cobb Park volunteer organization) and Santa Claus will make his arrival before the tree-lighting.
Family photos with Santa also will be available.
Admission is free, but the parking lot is expected to fill up. There will be overflow parking available at Wellstar East Cobb Health Park, but you’ll have to walk to and from the park.
Ongoing through Dec. 14: The Lassiter Bands Christmas Tree sale continues daily at the Highland Plaza Shopping Center (3605 Sandy Plains Road, at Gordy Parkway). Frasier firs will be cut on site, and wreaths, tree stands and disposal bag also will be available.
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