Commissioners spar over Cobb Development Authority appointment

J.C. Bradbury, Cobb Development Authority appointment
J.C. Bradbury

Cobb commissioners are holding up a vote on an appointment to the county’s Development Authority after a heated discussion that’s rare for such an agenda item.

Newly elected commissioner Keli Gambrill of North Cobb wanted to appoint J.C. Bradbury, a Kennesaw State University economics professor, to the body that considers such things as tax abatements and other economic development incentives.

Commissioners’ appointments are usually routine and for the most part are approved without a hitch. But Gambrill was upset when she said she was told right before Tuesday’s meeting by commission chairman Mike Boyce that he wanted more time to consider Bradbury’s appointment.

Boyce said he understood that two of the five commissioners were against Bradbury’s appointment and that since he was the swing vote, he wanted a delay.

The Development Authority is comprised of seven members appointed by county commissioners. Bradbury would replace Bob Morgan, whose four-year term has expired.

Bradbury has been a critic of Cobb’s publicly-subsidized deal with the Atlanta Braves to build SunTrust Park, and remains openly skeptical of economic impact claims county officials have made since the stadium opened in 2017.

Gambrill said other commissioners’ first-time appointments were easily confirmed, and said the delay over Bradbury is an example of “pure patronage and politics at its worst on this board.”

The Development Authority has come under greater scrutiny in recent months for its votes to provide tax abatements for new commercial projects, including the Kroger superstore that’s part of the MarketPlace Terrell Mill project under construction.

Gambrill said her appointment was being stymied “because [Bradbury] holds a different opinion from some on this board.”

Bradbury—who’s outspoken against tax subsidies in general, including those made to the state’s film industry—would be representing the interests of citizens, Gambrill further stated, “and not the interests of the economic powers” in the county.

She said she sent her colleagues information on Bradbury on Aug. 29 and heard no response until right before Tuesday’s meeting. Boyce said he wasn’t aware of opposition before then and asked her to “walk the halls” to gather support.

“It’s your recommendation but it’s a board appointment,” Boyce responded. “All I’m saying is that there needs to be more time.”

East Cobb commissioner Bob Ott took Boyce’s side, saying commissioners table votes all the time, including a new package of tax incentives they approved on Tuesday for a new hotel complex (see item below).

He also said it was “wrong to make a public accusation against a commissioner who asks for more time.” All of them have an obligation, Ott said, to do their “due diligence.”

Commissioner Lisa Cupid of South Cobb said she supported appointing Bradbury and thought Gambrill’s appointment “is being treated unequally.”

She said “this is less an issue of procedure and more of substance . . . but you still need three out of five” votes to approve an appointment.

In late 2013, Ott and fellow East Cobb commissioner JoAnn Birrell voted for the nearly $400 million bond issue to help finance what’s now called SunTrust Park, while Cupid was the only vote against.

Boyce defeated then-chairman Tim Lee in 2016, making the way the voting process was conducted a major campaign issue. Since coming into office, Boyce also has boasted of the economic benefits he said the stadium has brought to the county, including The Battery and other new development in the area.

The vote to table consideration of the Bradbury appointment to Sept. 24 was 5-0. In other action Tuesday, the commissioners agreed to development incentives for a planned dual-branded hotel next to the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in the Cumberland area.

Hilton Garden Inn & Home2 Suites by Hilton Cumberland rendering


NF IV-VA ATL Cumberland LLC, which would operate a Hilton Garden Inn and a Home2 Suites by Hilton (rendering above) will get more than $350,000 in permit fee savings and will be allowed to pay sewer development fees in increments.

The two hotels would have a total of 260 rooms and create 70 new jobs. Michael Hughes of the Cobb Community Development Agency said the county government would net an economic benefit of $1.15 million over 10 years and the Cobb County School District $1.46 million in additional tax revenue over that time.

The measure, which passed 4-1 (with Gambrill voting against) had been tabled at Ott’s request because of parking concerns that he had. Ott said all the criteria for meeting the county’s guidelines for getting incentives (more details here) had been satisfied.


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Friendly reminder: Cobb property tax bills due Oct. 15

2584 Fieldstone Path, East Cobb Real Estate, Cobb property tax bills

Submitted information:

Tax Commissioner Carla Jackson recently announced that 2019 property tax bills have been mailed. Payments are due by Tuesday, Oct. 15, and payments received or U.S. postmarked after Oct. 15 will incur a 5 percent late penalty plus monthly interest on any unpaid balance.

Ways to pay include:

  • Online via e-check, debit or credit card (processing fees apply)
  • Automated system by phone at 1-866-PAY-COBB (1-866-729-2622) (processing fees applicable depending on payment selection)
  • Mail to P.O. Box 372, 100127, Marietta, GA 30061
  • In-person at any of the following locations: Property Tax Division at 736 Whitlock Avenue, Marietta; East Cobb Office at 4400 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta and the South Cobb Government Service Center at 4700 Austell Road, Austell
  • Drop boxes inside and outside at the Whitlock Avenue location, as well as the South Cobb Government Service Center
  • Drop checks off at any motor vehicle tag office
  • For property owners with escrow accounts, tax information is made available to mortgage companies; however, the property owner is responsible to ensure taxes are paid by the due date. Escrow account holders unsure about who is paying the property tax should contact their mortgage companies directly.

Please visit Understanding Your Tax Bill at for a detailed explanation of our 2019 tax bills and location information.


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County: Water from East Cobb treatment plant safe despite odor

Late this afternoon Cobb County government spokesman Ross Cavitt said a “slight” chlorine smell has been detected in water coming from the James E. Quarles Water Treatment Plant on Lower Roswell Road in East Cobb, but it’s safe to drink and use. CCWMA, East Cobb water treatment plant

He passed along the following statement from the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority:

“This afternoon, a malfunction in dilution of sodium hypochlorite at the Quarles Water Treatment Plant resulted in an overfeed of the disinfectant, with chlorine levels leaving the plant detected at slightly over 4.0 mg/L, a little over twice the normal level. Pumping from the plant was suspended for approximately one hour, and flushing from the major transmission lines leaving the plant is ongoing. As of now, samples collected at the flushing sites have shown chlorine levels only slightly higher than normal. Consumers, particularly in the vicinity of the Quarles Plant, may experience a temporary elevation in chlorine levels (detectable through smell and taste). Water is safe to use for all purposes, but customers may desire to flush their plumbing systems if chlorine levels are unpleasant.

“CCMWA will continue to flush and monitor chlorine levels at several locations until assured that there are no further concerns with water quality, and will notify our wholesale customers if there are any significant changes.”

One suggestion Cavitt added for dissipating the odor if it’s coming through your faucet: leave a cold water tap running.


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Cobb to reimburse Friends for the East Cobb Park donation

Friends for the East Cobb Park donation, Tritt property
Friends for the East Cobb Park helped complete Tritt property acquisition last year with a donation from its endowment. (ECN photo)

As noted in a previous post, the Cobb Board of Commissioners on Tuesday voted to approve a $90,213 reimbursement to the Friends for the East Cobb Park, which donated nearly $120,000 last summer to help the county purchase part of the adjoining Tritt property and preserve it for green space.

The vote was unanimous (it was on the board’s consent agenda).

Wylene Tritt sold 22 acres at 3540 Roswell Road to the county for a cost of $8.4 million, but a supplemental parks bond account established in 2017 had only $8.3 million available.

The Friends for the East Cobb Park stepped in to make the donation from its endowment. Shortly after that, the group announced a fundraising campaign to replenish the endowment.

Tritt, who had owned a total of 54 acres on what was once a working farm, had planned to sell her land for $20 million for a senior living development proposed in 2013 by the son and brother of U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson.

But rezoning for the $200 million Isakson Living plan, which was dubbed Tritt Walk, was rejected by Cobb commissioners in 2015 after community opposition. Isakson Living sued, but dropped its legal challenge in 2016 and did not purchase the land.

At that time, Wylene Tritt wrote Cobb commissioner Bob Ott asking that her property be considered for future county acquisition for park purposes.

The funding for the reimbursement will come from the Cobb Parks 2008 bond fund balance.

The Friends group is a private, all-volunteer, non-profit citizens organization that was formed in 1998 and helped acquire land and made improvements to create East Cobb Park, which opened in 2003.

The organization stages events at the park, including concerts and a holiday tree lighting, and helps fund continuing improvements.

The commissioners tabled another action item Tuesday that would have approved spending $168,000 for license plate reader devices at select Cobb County parks, including East Cobb Park, Fullers Park and Terrell Mill Park.

Ott objected to the matter, saying installing the cameras would be an invasion of privacy.

Commissioners also approved a change order to delay completion of ongoing Sandy Plains Road construction work until December.

Commissioner JoAnn Birrell said her office has been communicating that delay—prompted by weather and utility relocation issues—and wanted to make it formal.

She said she’s received a lot of calls from constituents, and understands the frustration over traffic backups, especially with school back in session.

“I don’t want to see another extension on this,” Birrell said.


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Census Bureau canvassing includes Cobb through mid-October

The following information is being shared by Cobb government agencies and Cobb Police about 2020 Census Bureau canvassing that recently got underway around the country:Cobb Census Bureau canvassing

If you’ve seen people walking around your neighborhood with a shoulder bag, phone, laptop, and/or a badge, you might think they’re solicitors but they might actually be census takers. Between August 4th and October 18th, census takers will be canvassing neighborhoods gathering information, verifying addresses, and collecting other data in preparation for the 2020 Census.

Here’s a two minute video that describes what exactly the census takers are doing and how you can identify them:

There are also these two links and 2020CENSUS.GOV that have interactive maps and more information for you to check out the census process.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the census process:

1) Why does the Census Bureau do this? You might see census takers in your neighborhood for a few different reasons:

  • They are verifying addresses in preparation for the census;
  • They are collecting responses to the census or another survey;
  • They are dropping off census materials;
  • They are conducting quality checks on the census. Census takers who verify addresses are called address canvassers. They help ensure an accurate and complete count by verifying address lists across a wide area of physical geography, housing structures, and residence types. Part of this effort involves census takers on the ground noting where houses, apartments, shelters, and other residences are located. Census takers will attempt to knock on every door in the neighborhood they are canvassing.

2) How can I verify the identity of a census worker? If you are visited by someone from the U.S. Census Bureau, here are some tips to assure the validity of the field representative:

  • Census takers must present an ID badge that includes a photograph of the field representative, a Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date;
  • Note that census workers may be carrying a Census Bureau phone or a laptop as well as a bag with a Census Bureau logo;
  • If you still have questions, call 800-923-8282 to speak with a local Census Bureau representative.

3) How can I avoid being visited at home by Census workers? The best way to avoid being visited at home is to fill out your 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail. Households will receive an invitation to begin participating in the census by April 1, 2020.

We hope this information will alleviate any concern that might be generated from unknown people on your property or knocking on your door.

As always, if you’re concerned about suspicious activity, the police department is here to help. But we are aware of the census takers and we want you to be aware, too!


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Ott to hold town hall meeting on Sterigenics lab emissions

Sterigenics town hall meeting

This isn’t specific to East Cobb, but there’s been a lot of interest since the news first broke: the toxic emissions coming from a medical device sterilization lab in Smyrna have prompted Cobb commissioner Bob Ott to hold a town hall meeting on the subject later this month.

It’s scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19 at the Cobb Civic Center (548 S. Marietta Parkway), which ought to be big enough to accommodate many of those who couldn’t get into a previous public meeting last week held by legislators from the area.

Since then, Cobb public officials have called for the Sterigenics Atlanta lab to be shut down pending independent testing. Late Friday, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division approved a plan to reduce those emissions.

The substance is called ethylene oxide, an invisible, odorless toxin that’s used to sterilize around half of all medical products that require it. It’s also been linked to higher cancer rates in areas near facilities that emanate the gas.

But according to Georgia Health News and WebMD, which initially reported about the Sterigenics case, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency didn’t notify the state of three ethylene oxide hotspots it detected with higher cancer risks in Georgia for more than a year.

The Smyrna area near the Sterigenics lab is one of those hotspots (essentially they’re census tracts). Some nearby residents also have been protesting at the Sterigenics lab.

Ott said at what he’s calling his “community meeting” that federal EPA officials and others from the Georgia EPD and the Centers for Disease Control will be on hand.

He’s expected to introduce an agenda item at the commission’s Aug. 13 meeting but hasn’t specified what that might be.

More links about the Sterigenics case can be found here.


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Mabry Road water main replacement to begin in August

Mabry Road water main replacement

If you live along the Mabry Road area, or use it, brace yourselves for the next eight months. The long-awaited water main replacement project is beginning in early August.

It’s going to replace most of the existing aging line along Mabry, starting around 500 feet below Woodstock Road and all the way down to Shallowford Road, except for a small stretch of Mabry between Loch Highland Parkway and Outpost Court (as noted by the red star; see the map inset below).

A new line has already gone in there, and it will soon be connected by replacement lines totalling 13,600 feet. An eight-inch pipe will run from Shallowford to Loch Highland Parkway, and a new six-inch line will be installed from Huntridge Drive to 4540 Mabry Road.

Commissioner Bob Ott’s office sent out word Friday that construction south of the dam at Loch Highland will be on the west side of Mabry, in the shoulder and turn lanes.

North of the dam, the work will be on the east side under the sidewalk. At times, that sidewalk will be closed as the new lines are installed.

Mabry Road water main replacement

No pipes will be laid in the travel lanes along Mabry, but there will be occasional lane closures. Those generally will take place Monday-Friday from 9-4 or as otherwise publicized.

Ott’s office also said there may be some brief water outages in subdivision along or served by the Mabry lines and that he will put out notices and have signs in the area with details when that happens.

The work is tentatively scheduled for completion by the end of February 2020.

The $2.575 million project (fact sheet here) is being funded out of Cobb Water System Agency revenues. The contractor is Wade Coots Co. of Hiram.


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Cobb commissioners adopt FY 2020 budget; Ott casts opposing vote

Cobb commissioner Bob Ott
Bob Ott

For the second year in a row, Cobb commissioners are divided on the county budget. By a 3-2 vote, they adopted a $475 million fiscal year 2020 general fund spending plan on Tuesday that holds the line on the millage rate but takes in $21 million more in revenue.

The budget includes a pay raise for county employees (and a bigger one for many public safety employees), eliminates non-profit spending and reduces transfer revenues from the county water department.

(Here’s the budget proposal that was largely unchanged upon adoption.)

While East Cobb’s two commissioners voted against last year’s budget, they split their votes this time around. Bob Ott of District 2 once again voted against the new budget, referring to long-term problems over public safety staffing, pensions and transportation in prepared remarks.

“I am deeply concerned that nothing is being done to address these issues,” Ott said. “I cannot in good conscience vote for this budget.”

Last year, he was joined by District 3’s JoAnn Birrell, who said she couldn’t support the FY 2019 budget because the property tax hike of 1.7 mills didn’t come with any significant spending cuts.

This year, she said, there have been some cuts. “Overall, this is a good budget,” she said in her prepared comments before the vote. “It’s not a perfect budget.”

JoAnn BIrrell, Mabry Park
JoAnn Birrell.

Birrell said that public safety “is our number one priority and it’s high time we do something about it.”

She voted for budget adoption this year with commissioner Lisa Cupid of South Cobb and chairman Mike Boyce of East Cobb, who said he was happy with what he called a compromise budget.

The extra revenue is due to growth in the Cobb tax digest, projected to be a record $39 billion for 2019.

County employees who get favorable performance reviews will be getting a four-percent pay increase. Likewise, police officers, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies—who received a one-time bonus this summer to address what many have called a “crisis” in public safety staffing, morale and retention issues—will be getting a seven-percent raise.

Membership fees to use county senior centers—a hot topic in last year’s budget—have been eliminated. An additional $400,000 for the public library system will be used to meet what county spokesman Ross Cavitt said were “critical needs,” including its materials collections.

“This year was all about increased compensation for public safety, and this budget delivers it,” Boyce said moments before calling the question.

Also voting against the budget was Keli Gambrill, newly elected from North Cobb, who questioned the amount of contingency funds in the budget, among other concerns. In his comments, Ott urged county budget officials to indicate the original source of spending when bringing items up for contingency funding.

Mike Boyce
Mike Boyce

More emphatically, he said that 95 percent of Cobb DOT funding comes from SPLOST receipts, and worries about how “devastating” it would be for road maintenance and repair should a sales-tax referendum ever be defeated. The next likely SPLOST vote could take place in 2020.

“Opening the libraries an extra day does no good” if the roads patrons depend on to get there are in disrepair, Ott said.

He also noted that county pension obligations continue to mount. In 1997, 95 percent of those obligations were funded, but that figure is only 52 percent today.

While he supports better pay for public safety, Ott also is concerned this year’s seven-percent raise may make it difficult to implement a step-and-grade compensation system that could result next year.

“I want to see that this is going to be worked on starting tomorrow,” Ott said.

Although board members may appear to be on seemingly different tracks about the budget, Boyce praised his colleagues, including those who voted against the budget.

“This board is honest to a fault,” he said before the vote. “How much is that of value to you?”

The commissioners also set the millage rates for the various county budget funds:

  • General Fund, 8.46 mills;
  • Fire Fund, 2.86 mills;
  • Debt Service (Bond Fund), 0.13 mills;
  • Cumberland Special Services District II, 2.45 mills;
  • Six Flags Special Service District, 3.50 mills.

The FY 2020 budget takes effect Oct. 1.

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Condemned East Cobb apartments being used for Cobb fire experiments

Arlington Park apartments, Cobb fire experiments

If you’re in the vicinity of the Windy Hill-Terrell-Mill-Powers Ferry area this week and see smoke, please note that the chances are it’s part of a live fire experiment being conducted by the Cobb Fire and Emergency Services Department.

The live burns will take place at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every day through Friday at the Arlington Park at Wildwood Apartments, 1972 Kimberly Village Lane (noted by the blue star).

The apartments have been condemned for the construction of the Windy Hill-Terrell Mill connector.

Cobb fire and other nearby fire departments will be working with the Underwriters Firefighter Safety Research Institute on the experiments, with the county saying the results “will be used to improve firefighting tactics, fire ground safety, fire dynamics knowledge, and to improve firefighter standard operating procedures.”

The county followed up with this message this morning:

“It is not an invitation to watch the live burn. The event is not open to the public. It is a heads up to area residents and to prevent additional calls to our busy E-911 center.”

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Ebenezer Road park master plan meeting to solicit public input

Ebenezer Road park preview

A second round of public meetings concerning the development of new Cobb parks properties begins this week and continues into August.

The only property purchased in East Cobb with funding from the 2008 Parks bond program is on Ebenezer Road (above).

A meeting seeking public input to guide that master plan takes place on Wednesday, Aug. 7, in the sanctuary of the Noonday Baptist Church (4121 Canton Road), from 6:30-8 p.m.

Cobb Parks previously hosted a series of public input meetings to discuss planning for the future of new park properties purchased through the 2008 PARKS Bond program.

Although there is currently no funding for the development of these properties, public input is being sought in the planning for future development once  funding is identified.

Comments and information from the first meeting involving the proposed Ebenezer Road Park in February can be found below:

The schedule for other Cobb Parks master plan meetings is as follows:

District 1: Anderson property — Thursday, July 18. West Cobb Senior Center, 4915 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs

District 1: Price property — Wednesday, July 31. West Cobb Senior Center, 4915 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs

District 1: Kemp property — Monday, Aug. 5. West Cobb Senior Center, 4915 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs

District 4: Henderson property — Thursday, Aug. 8. South Cobb Community Center, 620 Lions Club Drive, Mableton

District 4: Old Westside property — Monday, Aug. 12. Ron Anderson Recreation Center, 3820 Macedonia Road, Powder Springs.


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Citizens make initial comments on proposed Cobb 2020 budget

Mary Frances Williams, Georgia House District 37 winner
State Rep. Mary Frances Williams

A few Cobb citizens addressed county commissioners Tuesday in the first of three required public hearings on the proposed Cobb fiscal year 2020 budget and millage rate.

The $475.8 million proposed for general fund spending is nearly six percent over the current FY 2019 budget of $454 million.

An overview of the budget proposal can be found here; a more detailed line-item budget proposal is at this link.

The overall budget proposal, which includes fire and E911, debt service and other categories outside the general fund, comes to $998.9 million, up from the current $966 million.

After several weeks of pressure from public safety employees and citizens, the budget proposal includes a seven-percent pay increase to boost salaries and benefits as well as retention issues.

It’s part of what commission chairman Mike Boyce has said is the beginning of a longer-term process toward step and grade raises and other incentives for police officers, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies.

proposed Cobb 2020 budget

proposed Cobb 2020 budget

No millage rate increase is proposed, but the anticipated tax digest is growing by an assumed 3.4 percent, to a record $39 billion.

Therefore, the county has to advertise the current millage rate as a tax increase since no rollback to the current year’s tax digest total of $36.7 billion.

Even with additional coffers for FY 2020, the proposal includes using $18.4 million in contingency (or reserve) funds to balance the budget.

That flustered Pamela Reardon, a real estate agent in East Cobb. After last year’s tax increase, she told commissioners, “you told me we would have plenty of money. And now we don’t have any money. What happened?”

She apologized for suggesting in such harsh terms that the contingency “looks like it’s being used like a slush fund.”

Reardon also said she thought a seven-percent raise all at once seems excessive. “I’m not opposed to raises, but who decided that?” she said.

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That raise would amount to $5.2 million of the proposed contingency spending, with the largest chunk, $7.5 million, for a four-percent raise for other county employees.

Another $2 million would be earmarked for police operating and capital contingency, with another $1 million for undesignated use by the commissioners.

What’s missing from the budget is $850,000 in non-profit spending that in the past has gone to social-service agencies like MUST Ministries and the Center for Family Resources.

State. Rep. Mary Frances Williams, a Marietta Democrat who represents part of northeast Cobb, and who is a former advocate for non-profits, calculated that amount to less than 0.0020 percent of the budget.

But removing it completely would have a far greater detriment that tax dollars saved, she said, since county funding provides “seed money for nonprofits to get matching matching grants.”

Additional public hearings on the budget will be as follows:

  • Tuesday, July 16, 6:30 p.m.;
  • Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 7 p.m.

The final date is also scheduled for budget adoption. The meetings take place in the second floor board meeting room of the Cobb government building, 100 Cherokee St., downtown Marietta.


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Hearings slated for proposed FY 2020 Cobb millage rate

Cobb budget town hall, Mike Boyce, Cobb public safety bonus, Cobb millage rate

Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce isn’t proposing a millage rate increase for fiscal  year 2020 like he did a year ago. But growth in the county’s tax digest means public hearings will be necessary specifically for the millage rate.

That’s because under state law, local governments and school boards that don’t assess a “rollback” millage rate to counter that tax revenue increase are in effect imposing a property tax increase, and are required to hold public hearings.

Last week Cobb Tax Assessor Steven White declared that the 2019 Cobb tax digest will be a record $39 billion, surpassing last year’s total of $36.2 billion.

The county announced Tuesday that those public hearings will take place on the same dates and at the same Cobb Board of Commissioners meetings in which FY 2020 budget hearings have been scheduled:

  • Tuesday, July 9, 9 a.m.;
  • Tuesday, July 16, 6:30 p.m.;
  • Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 7 p.m.

That last meeting is also slated for final budget adoption. Last week Boyce outlined his $474.8 million budget proposal that he will formally introduce Monday at 1:30 p.m.

The property tax “increase” amounts to 4.52 percent from last year’s general fund revenues.

The Cobb Board of Education also holds millage rate hearings in similar situations. It hasn’t upped the school millage rate of 18.9 mills in years, but tax revenue growth has meant it also has had to hold the same hearings.

This year that tax revenue increase for Cobb schools is 4.88 percent. A recent history of the schools millage rate levy can be found here.

Next Wednesday, the school board will hold its first public hearing on the tax digest at 11 a.m. at the Cobb County School District headquarters, 514 Glover St., Marietta. Additional hearings are in the same location on July 18 at 12 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., with millage rate adoption scheduled for the same day at 7 p.m.

The Cobb schools fiscal year 2020 began on Monday.

The proposed FY 2020 Cobb government millage rates are as follows:

  • General Fund, 8.46 mills;
  • Fire Fund, 2.86 mills;
  • Debt Service (Bond Fund), 0.13 mills;
  • Cumberland Special Services District II, 2.45 mills;
  • Six Flags Special Service District, 3.50 mills.

Citizens can speak on the budget and millage rate proposals at the meetings listed above. They will be held in the second floor board meeting room of the Cobb government building, 100 Cherokee St., downtown Marietta.

Here’s more from the Cobb Tax Commissioners Office on the county’s millage rate history, and the millage rates compared to the six cities in the county.

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Cobb 2020 budget proposal is $474.8M with public safety raises

Cobb commissioners on Monday heard an overview of a fiscal year 2020 budget proposal that comes in at $474.8 million and includes a seven-percent salary increase for certified and sworn public safety employees.Cobb County logo, Cobb 2017 elections

Other county employees would receive a pay hike of four percent, according to the briefing that took place at an afternoon work session.

Those raises would cost more than $12 million. Also included in the outline is a proposal for the county to contribute to a supplemental public safety pension plan, which will be an item on Tuesday night’s commissioners’ regular meeting agenda for approval (Meeting agenda can be found here).

Another part of the “retention and recruitment” plan to address public safety concerns includes offering a $5,000 bonus for certified officers (those who have been trained and are experienced elsewhere).

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The $474.8 million proposal represents a 4.8 percent increase from the current fiscal year 2019 budget of $454 million, Cobb finance chief Bill Volckmann told commissioners.

The budget proposal would not include a millage rate increase for the general fund, and assumes tax digest growth of 3.4 percent. Last year, commissioners approved a millage rate increase of 1.7 mills to 8.46 mills for the general fund.

Personnel expenses would increase by $6 million from the current fiscal year (see chart below presented at the work session), with operating costs up $11 million. The contingency projection of $18.5 million reflects an increase of nearly $4 million in the reallocation Cobb receives from the state in title ad valorem tax (TAVT) revenues, following a formula change.

The revised budget draft would also reduce by one percent ($2.2 million) the amount of funding the county borrows from water system revenues for the general fund budget. Currently Cobb borrows around 10 percent (or $22 million) each year, but plans are to gradually reduce that amount by one percent a year.

Also missing from the budget proposal is $850,000 in non-profit funding, which is slated to be eliminated completely.

In addition, the county will eliminate fees for use of senior centers that were imposed last year.

During the commissioners’ discussion, some expressed a desire to approve the seven-percent raise for public safety employees this year, and then take initial steps to implement a step-and-grade plan for fiscal 2021.

That’s a sentiment expressed by new Cobb public safety director Mike Register. But commissioner Bob Ott of East Cobb, who’s said often that a pay-and-class system is “broken,” wants to start with step-and-grade first.

Commission Chairman Mike Boyce is expected to unveil a formal, more detailed budget on July 8. Commissioners will hold three public hearings on the budget starting July 9.


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Cobb maintains AAA bond rating from financial rating agencies

After Cobb commissioners approved taking out $64 million in short-term loans, chairman Mike Boyce announced this week that the county government has maintained its AAA bond rating for a 23rd consecutive year.

That’s the highest financial rating possible issued by Moody’s Investor’s Service and Fitch Ratings. According to a county release, Moody’s upgraded its financial outlook for Cobb from “negative” to “stable,” citing last year’s budget vote for its change:

Mike Boyce
Mike Boyce

“Following a tax rate increase in fiscal 2018, the county reported a sizable surplus, strengthening reserves to a sound level,” the report states. “The county’s debt and pension burdens are manageable and fixed costs are low.”

The ratings allow the county to save money when borrowing, such as it has just done. The Cobb government fiscal year ends on Sept. 30, but property taxes are not collected until later in the fall.

In the meantime, the county borrows against property tax collections with the short-term loans, called TANs (tax anticipation notes) to fund government operations. The loans are repaid with those tax revenues.

Boyce said in a statement that “I’m especially grateful for [the rating agencies’] patience as we worked to address various fiscal issues last year and the ratings reflected that work.”

He also thanked Cobb taxpayers who supported his millage increase in 2018 (opposed by East Cobb commissioners Bob Ott and JoAnn Birrell), saying that “it has provided a sound foundation for the county to continue to provide the high quality of services people in Cobb County have come to expect from their government.”

Boyce will formally present his fiscal year 2020 budget next month.


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Cobb commissioners to consider $64M in short-term loans as budget season nears

Cobb budget town hall, Mike Boyce, Cobb public safety bonus, Cobb short-term loans

On Tuesday Cobb commissioners will be asked to approve taking out $64 million in short-term loans.

It’s become a regular proceeding for both the county government and the Cobb school board. The Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs) allow governing bodies to take out the loans, which are payable at the end of a calendar year, for a variety of reasons.

UPDATED: Commissioners approved the request by a 4-0 vote.

The Cobb Board of Education took out $90 million in TANs in December to get a head start on construction projects in the new Cobb Ed-V SPLOST collection period.

In the case of Cobb government, the short-term loans bridge a spending gap until the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1. Cobb property taxes are collected in the fall of each year.

Last year Cobb commissioners took out $90 million in TANs, which are low-interest obligation notes and are subject to a bidding process.

This year, the county says it won’t know exactly how much the savings will be until the end of June, when the loans are formally taken out. Cobb finance director Bill Volckmann estimates that figure range from $300,000 to $400,000.

Here’s some background on the TANs proposal, and the resolution the commissioners will be asked to approve.

The short-term loan action comes right before the formal fiscal year 2020 budget proposal comes before the commissioners.

Chairman Mike Boyce will recommend his budget on July 8 at 1:30 p.m. Three public hearings will follow, with adoption scheduled for July 23. The hearings will be on July 9, 16, and 23.

In March Boyce held town hall meetings around the county to gain input on his proposed budget outline of $440.6 million.

That includes an across-the-board pay increase, more Sunday library hours and a reduction in transfer funds from the Cobb water system, all without a millage increase.

He also wants a bigger raise for public safety employees, who’ve been showing up in droves to demand additional compensation, retention and other measures to improve what some have called a crisis.

Last month commissioners approved a one-time bonus, at Boyce’s request, for some Cobb police officers, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies that will take effect in August.


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Lower Roswell rezoning-annexation update: Cobb-Marietta mediation hits a snag

Lower Roswell rezoning-annexation

An update to the story we published Thursday about mediation talks between Cobb County and the City of Marietta about a disputed annexation-rezoning case on Lower Roswell Road and the Loop:

That mediation, scheduled for next Wednesday,  has been called off. Also, Cobb commissioner Bob Ott, who was to have represented the county and was scheduled to meet Monday with a small group of nearby residents opposed to the proposal, has opened the meeting to the public in a town hall format.

That word comes from Robin Moody (in photo), a leader of a group of Sewell Manor neighbors who are working to reduce the density and demand other changes from Traton Homes.

The prominent Cobb residential developer wants to build 37 townhomes and 15 single-family homes on 7.48 acres, which the neighbors say is too dense and would add to traffic headaches they already experience.

Some have called it a “Stack-A-Shack” proposal for how close the residences will be built on the property that abuts Sewell Manor.

(Read the revised case file here for Z-2019-04.)

In a message sent Friday to her neighbors and citizens in nearby communities, Moody said the City of Marietta wanted to change mediation from being overseen by retired Cobb Superior Court Judge James Bodiford to going before another, unspecified judge.

Ott declined, since that change would require approval of the other county commissioners, and he is planning to bring the matter up with his colleagues on June 11.

A Georgia local government law called HB 489 (passed in 1997) allows counties to formally object to annexation and rezoning cases in certain high-density conditions, and sets up terms for arbitration or mediation to settle disputes.

Moody noted the time provided for public comment at commissioners’ meetings and added:

“We are grateful that Cobb County will now hear the viewpoints (at least how Ott explains it) that the community has been voicing since January of this year.”

The Sewell Manor residents live in 1950s-built single-family homes with a density of less than two units an acre. Traton’s proposal is 6.95 units an acre, higher than a threshold of four units an acre as specified in HB 489.

Although the Marietta Planning Commission has recommended denial, the Marietta City Council has never voted on the Traton proposal. It has been pulled twice over the last two months.

Ott’s town hall meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday at the Sewell Mill Library (2051 Lower Roswell Road). Moody said citizens from more than a dozen nearby subdivisions have signed petitions opposed to proposed development.

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One-time bonus proposed for Cobb public safety employees

Those pushing for better pay, benefits and retention for Cobb public safety workers haven’t been optimistic their issues will be addressed before the fiscal year 2020 budget takes effect in October.

Cobb budget town hall, Mike Boyce, Cobb public safety bonus
Mike Boyce has proposed a 5-percent pay raise for public safety employees that some think doesn’t go far enough. (ECN file)

They’ve been lobbying Cobb commissioners for weeks to take some immediate steps, and on Tuesday the county chairman’s office announced a proposal for a one-time bonus for police, firefighters and sheriff’s deputies to be voted on next week.

The bonuses come to more than $2.7 million in all, with the money coming from the county’s general fund and fire fund budgets, according to figures provided by Cobb government spokesman Ross Cavitt.

The bonus, which would be a flat amount of $1,475 per person, “is the first of a multi-phase approach” to addressing public safety salary and retention matters, Chairman Mike Boyce said in a statement, adding that commissioners “will be considering other measures in the weeks ahead.”

He didn’t specify what those may be. The next commission meeting is a week from today, on May 28.

The bonus is considered a merit-based payment, and will go to employees in the police, fire and sheriff’s departments who scored satisfactory or higher job performance ratings last year.

Cavitt said the current county budget for police and fire should accommodate the bonuses, but that the sheriff’s department would need an additional $694,964.

The police and sheriff’s departments are funded through the county’s general fund. Cavitt said the raises for police personnel comes to $1,004,844.

The firefighters bonuses would come from a surplus in personnel services funds and would cost $1,048,253, Cavitt said.

Susan Hampton of East Cobb, a citizen leading the effort for better pay, has been handing out flyers (see above and below) detailing what she and other citizens and public safety staffers have been calling a crisis.

Earlier this spring Boyce said he would be asking commissioners for a three-percent merit-based pay raise for all county employees, and another two percent for public safety. 

Hampton has said that’s not enough, saying that a “five-percent pay raise will not make Cobb competitive” with other jurisdictions in metro Atlanta.

She says the money is there to address staffing shortages and pay and retention problems now, due to the growth in the county tax digest.

The Cobb Fraternal Order of Police has asked for a 10-percent pay raise.

The proposed bonuses come shortly after former Cobb Police Chief Mike Register was named the county’s public safety director.

In the county release, Register issued a statement saying that “I’m optimistic there are more options being considered by the Board of Commissioners who I believe are committed to addressing the ongoing problem.”

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Vintage Lower Roswell Road home torn down at Woodlawn Drive

1930s Lower Roswell Road home
A photo of the former Wilce Frasier home taken over the winter, as the land was put up for sale. (ECN file)

One of the older buildings in East Cobb stands no more. A home more than 100 years old and located at 4658 Lower Roswell Road, at Woodlawn Drive, has been demolished by Cobb County government, which has had plans for several years to rework the intersection.

The demolition of the home and two smaller structures behind it took place following an expedited decision granted by Cobb commissioners on April 30 to County Manager Rob Hosack, at a cost of $18,625.

A low bid for the demolition work was awarded to Tucker Grading & Hauling, with the funds coming from the 2011 Cobb SPLOST account, according to a memo to Hosack from Cobb DOT Director Erica Parish and dated Tuesday.

The demolition was necessary, according to the memo, because the properties were in poor condition and trespassing had been taking place there.

On Tuesday, commissioners “ratified” the decision to tear down the buildings by a 4-0 vote. Commissioner Bob Ott of East Cobb was absent. The memo was included as an agenda item.

The home had been vacant since Jan. 2018, when the homeowner, Wilce Frasier Jr., died at the age of 93. According to deed records with the Cobb County Superior Court Clerk’s office, Frasier had lived in the home since the early 1960s.

A family member, Lisa Frasier McCalvin, said the home dates from the late 1800s: “Wilce grew up in this house with his brothers and sisters . . . . it never left our family . . . . the memories I have of playing in that house are some of my fondest from my childhood.”

Wilce Frasier’s obituary noted that he was a Navy veteran during World War II and worked at Lockheed-Georgia for 30 years, and that he is buried at the Mt. Bethel church cemetery just around the corner on Johnson Ferry Road.

(After we posted this story, a reader passed along a link to a slideshow remembrance of Frasier.)

His heirs had been in negotiations with Cobb DOT regarding right-of-way for the intersection improvements. The 0.9 acres owned by Frasier, put up for sale over the winter, has been sold. It had been marketed for possible commercial use.

The intersection project is part of Lower Roswell Road improvements stretching from Woodlawn, across Johnson Ferry Road and to Davidson Road and is part of the 2011 SPLOST.

A contract for the project was approved in 2012 but the county still needs to make more right-of-way acquisitions.

The improvements at Lower Roswell and Woodlawn will include installing a median and additional turn lanes at a clogged intersection.


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East Cobb cityhood group talks budget, taxes at Powers Ferry civic forum

David Birdwell, East Cobb Cityhood group
“We think we have time to get feedback and do this thing right,” said David Birdwell of East Cobb Cityhood group. (ECN photo)

In their third public appearance, leaders of an East Cobb cityhood group announced Wednesday they had formed a finance committee to put in motion a working budget proposal.

David Birdwell and Rob Eble, the spokesman for the cityhood steering committee, said the panel is made up of financial experts, including corporate CFOs.

They wouldn’t identify those with the financial committee for now, but Eble said after a Powers Ferry Corridor Alliance meeting at Brumby Elementary School that one of the individuals has some public budgeting experience.

The committee also will be scrutinizing a financial feasibility study conducted for the cityhood group by researchers at Georgia State University (read it here).

“They’re going to go line-by-line through that feasibility study,” Eble said, to ensure it’s accurate and “to try and create a budget.”

The feasibility study concluded that a City of East Cobb providing police, fire and community development services (including planning and zoning), and based on a population of 96,000, would have projected revenues of $49.8 million, and expenses totalling $45.6 million (see chart from the study in graphic below).

That’s with a property tax rate levied at 2.96 mills, the same paid by homeowners in unincorporated Cobb now for fire services.

Revising the map?

The feasibility study was requirement for a cityhood bill to be filed in the recent Georgia legislative session, which includes a proposed city charter and a proposed map that is likely to change.

(View the interactive city map here)

The cityhood group also was scheduled to meet Thursday with officials at the state reapportionment office about the possibility of changing the boundary lines.

Birdwell and Eble both characterized the meeting as seeking out “scenarios” for moving the lines beyond the current boundaries, roughly the East Cobb portion of commissioner Bob Ott’s District 2, to include more of the Pope and Lassiter attendance zones.

The proposed city does not include any of the Sprayberry or Kell clusters.

Both said they didn’t know how the final lines might be drawn, as that is a function of the legislature as it considers the cityhood bill next year.

Birdwell did reiterate the cityhood group’s insistence that those living in a City of East Cobb wouldn’t be paying higher tax rates than they are now.

Changing the city lines would mean changing all those financial numbers, and Birdwell said that “if it’s a real material change, we’ll figure out a way to do the feasibility study to satisfy the [legislative] process.”

Skepticism remains

One citizen trying to keep an open mind is Connie Day, a member of the PFCA board who lives near Brumby in the Stratford neighborhood.

Mike Boyce
Mike Boyce

While she said she appreciates the cityhood group for addressing “what’s on peoples’ minds” about the issue, she wonders what the impact will be on taxes.

When asked if she thought the city could be run at or below the current county millage rate, Day laughed for a second, then said, “the skeptic in me says it’s going to be a challenge.”

Day said her property tax assessment has gone up by 20 percent, so she’s already paying more in taxes anyway. That’s not her only question.

“If feels like another layer of government,” she said. “I’m not dissatisfied with the level of services I’m getting now. Right now, I’m not feeling the pain point” that might persuade her to support cityhood (a referendum would take place if the legislature passes the cityhood bill next year).

Also listening to the cityhood group’s presentation Wednesday was Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce, who has noted previously that all six Cobb municipalities have higher tax millage rates than the county.

He said he was encouraged to hear about the budget proposal, so “we can get a real comparison.”

Eble said the budget committee’s work could be done in another 60 days or so.

The cityhood group is planning another town hall in mid-June.

More East Cobb News Cityhood Coverage


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East Cobb cityhood leaders to speak at Powers Ferry community meeting

East Cobb cityhood leaders
The East Cobb cityhood group continues its public appearances on Wednesday. (ECN file)

On Wednesday East Cobb cityhood leaders will address a meeting of the Powers Ferry Corridor Alliance.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Brumby Elementary School (815 Terrell Mill Road). The PFCA, formerly known as the Terrell Mill Community Association, is a civic group, which has occasional community meetings.

Also scheduled to speak are Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce and Cobb Commissioner Bob Ott, with topics including county police staffing issues and a transit update.

Other updates include what’s happening in the Powers Ferry corridor, including the MarketPlace Terrell Mill and Restaurant Row redevelopment projects.

Part of the Powers Ferry corridor would be included in the proposed City of East Cobb, down to around the intersection at Terrell Mill Road.

Below that, the Powers Ferry area is included in the Cumberland Community Improvement District, which is not included in the proposed city limits.

Last week, the cityhood group held a town hall meeting of its own at Walton High School (see links below).

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