A Casteel Road bridge replacement project costing $1.277 million was approved Tuesday by the Cobb Board of Commissioners.
The current 55-year-old bridge spanning Piney Grove Creek sits at the intersection of Casteel Road, Oak Lane and Murdock Road, and has been deemed deficient by the Cobb DOT.
It will be replaced by a wider bridge with shoulders, sidewalks and barriers on either side, and the configuration of the three-way intersection will be improved.
The contract was awarded to Tidwell Construction Co. of Douglasville, the low bid of four bids received. Most of the funding is earmarked in the 2016 Cobb SPLOST. The project is expected to be completed in 120 days of getting a notice to proceed from the county.
The commissioners also approved spending nearly $140,000 for intersection improvements at Terrell Mill Road at Brookview Road. The intersection is at the entrance of Terrell Mill Estates and a new residential development on the site of the former Shreiner Academy.
The funding also comes from the 2016 SPLOST, and the project was awarded to Excellere Construction of East Cobb.
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