Citizens against tax increase to hold ‘Cobb Budget 101’ town hall Friday

A group of Cobb citizens opposed to a proposed property tax increase is holding a town hall meeting Friday night in Marietta that’s called “Cobb Budget 101.”Cobb Budget 101

The group includes East Cobb resident Debbie Fisher, and the town hall takes place from 6:30-8:30 Friday at the offices of the Cobb County Republican Party (799 Roswell St.).

It’s not an official Cobb GOP event. Here’s what Jan Barton, another East Cobber involved in efforts to thwart a tax increase, is sending out about the event:

A group of concerned Cobb citizens will present Cobb Budget 101, a different road map from the one presented by the Cobb County Chairman. We will make a case on what caused the purported $30M deficit, how we can remedy the shortfall without a tax increase and present the real history on the Millage Vs. the Tax Digest! There will be a Q&A with budget and finance experts on a panel to answer your questions.

They’ve been vocally opposed to Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce’s proposed 1.7-mills increase in the general fund to solve a projected $30 million budget. Boyce and county budget staff have produced a Cobb Budget Journey interactive that has been featured at a series of town hall meetings and posted on county government web pages.

The final town hall Boyce is having is in East Cobb on Monday, starting at 7 p.m. at the Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center (2051 Lower Roswell Road.)

The first of three formal Cobb Board of Commissioners public hearings on the budget proposal required by law takes place on Tuesday.

Budget adoption is scheduled for July 25.

Here’s Boyce’s latest budget video, posted on Tuesday.

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East Cobb Business Association networking breakfast moves to Egg Harbor Cafe

Egg Harbor Cafe, East Cobb restaurant scores, East Cobb Business Association networking breakfast

The East Cobb Business Association networking breakfast, which takes place every Friday morning, has a new location.

It’s now at the Egg Harbor Cafe (4719 Lower Roswell Road, Stonewood Village Shopping Center), and it takes place from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 am. More here on the East Cobb Open Networking Facebook page.

There isn’t a featured speaker or program and no registration is required. You pay for your own meal and network with other East Cobb business owners and leaders.

The ECBA used to hold its Friday breakfast at the J. Christopher’s at the Pavilions at East Lake (2100 Roswell Road), which will be the venue for its next quarterly community breakfast. That date is Tuesday, July 31, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

The guest speaker is Cobb commissioner JoAnn Birrell and registration is recommended. The cost is $10 for ECBA members ($15 at the door), and $15 for guests ($20 at the door). Click here to sign up.

The July ECBA luncheon is Tuesday, July 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Olde Towne Athletic Club (4950 Olde Towne Parkway). The guest speaker is meteorologist Jen Carfagno of The Weather Channel. Click here for information and to register.

The next ECBA quarterly Lunch and Learn event is Tuesday, Aug. 7, at the Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center (2051 Lower Roswell Road). The topic is identity theft protection strategies with Leilani Plendl and Adam Kazinec of Prudential. Details TBA, visit the ECBA website for more.

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Powers Ferry Road corridor rezoning request delayed to August

Chance Powers Ferry, Powers Ferry corridor rezoning

There was no opposition Tuesday to a Powers Ferry Road corridor rezoning request for a major mixed-use development. But the Cobb Planning Commission put the application on hold for a month to sort out some issues some members had with the project.

The request by Chance Powers Ferry LLC would redevelop the aging Powers Ferry Woods office complex on Shadowood Parkway, near Powers Ferry Road and Windy Ridge Parkway, for an office building and 300 luxury apartment units (here’s the agenda item packet) totalling more than 578,000 square feet.

The 3.6-acre tract is currently zoned O & I; Chance Powers Ferry is seeking RRC (regional retail commercial) designation for the high-density project. The land is surrounded by multi-family housing, and Kevin Moore, an attorney for Chance Powers Ferry, calls the proposal suitable for “a true urban context. . . This is what it’s intended for.”

The site plan calls for the 30,000-square-foot office building to be in the front of the property (in orange below), with the apartment building (in pink) wrapped around a parking deck.

The office building would be three stories high, and the apartment building six stories high.

Chance Powers Ferry site plan

Among the concerns expressed by planning board members were about some of the variances, including a proposed reduction in front, side and rear setbacks from 50 to 15, 10 and 18 feet, respectively.

Another variance would reduce the number of proposed parking spaces from a required minimum of 631 to 515. Chance Powers Ferry also wants to reduce the landscaping buffer next to another apartment community from the minimum of 50 feet to 10 feet.

“I do like the project, I like the concept,” Planning Commission chairwoman Judy Williams said before suggesting that the request be delayed until August. A motion to hold passed 4-0, with commission member Thea Powell absent.

Not far away, another proposed RRC development was placed on hold by Cobb Zoning Office, which has recommended denial, and it’s been held up before. A request by Elevation Development Group LLC would rezone 12.7 acres on Water Place at Terrell Mill Road and across from Water Village Drive from its current O & I status.

The developer wants to build retail and office space and the Terrell Mill Park Apartments, and is seeking a reduction in required parking spaces from 579 to 468.

The project is in close proximity to the Dobbins Air Reserve Base, which is in opposition due to what it calls an “aviation hazard.” Zoning staff has said it’s concerned about noise and buffer requirements on adjacent properties.

A long-delayed Northeast Cobb zoning case was delayed again on Tuesday. The Cobb Zoning Office has continued a rezoning request for a 92-unit single-family subdivision on 96 acres on Wigley Road until August.

It had been held since May, when the Planning Commission heard a number of concerns about density, traffic, stormwater runoff and the land’s hilly topography.

Also continued was a request for a senior living facility on 35 acres on Bells Ferry Road and North Booth Road near I-575, to September. It’s currently undeveloped single-family residential land. The developer, Jim Chapman Communities, wants to build 178 units.


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East Cobb July 4 openings and closings: Public facilities, restaurants, businesses and more

Sewell Park pool, East Cobb July 4 openings and closings


We’ll be updating this list of East Cobb July 4 openings and closings as we receive information, but there are a couple of public facilities that you (and especially your kids) can enjoy on the holiday.

The pool at Sewell Park (2051 Lower Roswell Road) will be open from 1-5 on Wednesday. There’s a splash pad for kids that ought to add extra refreshment on what’s supposed to be a hot, humid day (and with the chance of thundershowers).

Admission fees for the pool are $3.50 for children ages 3-7; $4.50 for adults 18-54, and $3 for seniors 55 and older.

Sewell Park pool is open daily through the end of July: M-Th 1-7:30; F-Sun 1-5.

Starting July 29, the pool will be open Sat-Sun only from 1-5, through Labor Day, Sept. 3.

Most other Cobb County public facilities are close on July 4, including libraries. The Mountain View Aquatic Center and The Art Place also will be closed. East Cobb Park (3322 Roswell Road) will be open during its usual hours, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The Cobb Emergency Management Office’s regularly scheduled test, which takes place around noon on the first Wednesday of the month, also is being cancelled.

Some restaurants and businesses have announced their plans for Wednesday, and what we have is listed below. If you want to share your information with the community, e-mail us and we’ll add it here:

Open July 4

  • Bruster’s Ice Cream
  • Keegan’s Pub
  • East Cobb/NE Cobb YMCAs

Closed July 4

  • Montana’s Bar and Grill
  • Seed Kitchen & Bar
  • Zeal Modern Kitchen
  • Ming’s Asian Kitchen
  • Frankie’s Roswell Road


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First look photos: New Brumby ES, East Cobb MS campuses nearing completion

New Brumby Elementary School


In less than a month the rebuilt campuses of Brumby Elementary School and East Cobb Middle School will be open for classes at their new adjacent locations on Terrell Mill Road.

We swung by there over the weekend and saw that the parking lot at East Cobb Middle is just about complete, and that some work remains to finish the Brumby lot.

Ground was broken nearly two years ago, in September 2016, for the twin campuses, which cost a total of $51 million (Brumby $22.7 million, ECMS $28.6 million).

They replace two of the older school buildings in East Cobb, and the Cobb County School District. Brumby opened in a round building on Powers Ferry Road in 1966, and has added a two-story classroom building and trailers to accommodate a student enrollment that has exceeded 1,000.

East Cobb Middle School opened on Holt Road in 1963 (followed by Wheeler High School across the street in 1965) and also has outgrown its campus.

Here’s more on the site plans, landscaping and other design work for both schools, which are spread across 35 acres on former farm land just across from Terrell Mill Park.

New East Cobb Middle School


The schools will also share a singular entrance, at Greenwood Trail, and a new traffic signal recently became operational.

Carpool and bus queues will be fully contained on the school property, which was a particular problem for Brumby, as parents lined up for drop off and pick up on busy Powers Ferry Road.

The former Brumby site is set to become part of a major commercial and resident mixed use development at Terrell Mill and Powers Ferry that will include a new Kroger superstore.

The former ECMS site will be the new home for Eastvalley Elementary School, which will be relocating from its longtime campus on Lower Roswell Road at Holt Road.

Terrell Mill at Greenwood Trail light


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Updated: Fireworks can be discharged in Cobb until midnight July 3 and July 4

Not long ago we shared information about Cobb fireworks safety from the Cobb Fire Department for the July 4 holiday.Cobb Fire Department fireworks safety reminder

CFD has issued an update, in regards to county noise ordinance that was passed a year ago. The revised ordinance bans fireworks after 9 p.m., with several exceptions, including the July 4 holiday.

Cobb Police have added some additional information this afternoon, saying that the allowable fireworks discharge periods are from 7 a.m. to midnight, Tuesday July 3, and Wednesday July 4.

Police say you cannot shoot firearms in the air (“celebratory gunfire”) at any time, even if no one is injured, and you’ll be subject to arrest for reckless conduct if you do. You’re also prohibited from discharging fireworks while traveling on any roads.

The usual 9 p.m. fireworks prohibition will resume on Thursday, July 5 and continues into the Labor Day holiday weekend.

CFD also issued this warning:

“Persons choosing to use fireworks should be cognizant of their responsibility to discharge them safely without endangering other persons or property. Please be advised that you have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care in using fireworks and are presumed to intend the natural and probable consequences of your acts. As a result, you may be subject to potential criminal and/or civil liability for any damage to persons or property resulting from your use of fireworks.”

If you’d prefer to take in the fireworks in public venues, there are celebrations starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday at Fifth Third Bank near the Kennesaw State University campus, and Glover Park on the Marietta Square around 9:30 p.m.

The Marietta celebrations go on all day, starting with a parade at 10 a.m. and concerts, arts and crafts, food, games and more.


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Breaking: East Cobb water main break at Quarles treatment plant

From Cobb County government, issued around 10 a.m. today:Cobb County Government logo, East Cobb water main break

WATER UPDATE – A large broken water main in the Quarles Water Treatment Plant on Lower Roswell Road is resulting in low water pressure across a wide swath of East Cobb. Crews are working on it.


County spokesman Ross Cavitt, around 11 a.m., added this update:

System has been repressurized after break at Quarles Treatment plant. Any customers who see discolored water should run their cold water until it is gone. Contractor working at the plant apparently caused the break, which is being repaired.

We’ll provide more updates as they become available.


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East Cobb in Photos: On display at the Sewell Mill Library art gallery

Sewell Mill Library art gallery

A sampling of what’s on display currently at the Sewell Mill Library art gallery, which is named after longtime Cobb library supporters Carol and Jim Ney.

Sewell Mill Library art gallery

Sewell Mill Library art gallery

Sewell Mill Library art gallery

Sewell Mill Library art gallery

The gallery is open during regular library hours: M-W 10-8; Th-F 11-6; Sat 1-6, and you literally cannot miss if it you’re headed into the main library area.

The rotation of artwork is curated by Roxane Thompson, who is the library’s cultural affairs art specialist.

A couple of formal exhibits already have taken place in the art gallery space this spring, and last week there was a gallery reception for Jon McNaughton, the owner of a “patriotic” art company.

There are ongoing art classes, and right now in the summer they’re aimed at kids 10 and older.

The Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center is located at 2051 Lower Roswell Road. Phone: 770-509-2711.

Sewell Mill Library art gallery


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Cobb advance voting underway Monday for July 24 runoff

Starting Monday, Cobb advance voting for primary runoff races gets underway, and until July 20 you can do so only at the main Cobb Elections office in Marietta. There will be a week of advance voting that takes place July 16-20 at the East Cobb Government Service Center and other locations in the county.cobb advance voting

On the ballot for East Cobb voters is the 6th Congressional District Democratic runoff between Lucy McBath and Kevin Abel. The winner advances to face Republican U.S. Rep. Karen Handel in November.

The top two statewide races also are up for runoff on the Republican side. For governor, it’s between current Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle and sitting Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

Lieutentant governor candidates are Geoff Duncan and David Shafer. The GOP Secretary of State runoff features David Belle Isle and Brad Raffensperger.

On the local level, the Cobb Board of Commissioners District 1 GOP runoff bears watching. Incumbent Bob Weatherford is being opposed by Keli Gambrill as commissioners are deliberating on budget matters.

The runoff date of July 24 would have coincided with the day commissioners were to adopt a fiscal year 2019 budget, but the budget meeting has been pushed back a day, to July 25.

Here’s more from Cobb Elections on advance voting information

If you voted a party ballot in the May Primary, you must vote the same party in the Runoff. If you did not vote in the Primary, you can still vote in the Runoff. Registered Cobb County voters can go to any advanced voting location:

For more information, call Cobb Elections at 770-528-2581. View your sample ballot at


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Georgia hands free law starts Sunday; Cobb Police to issue warnings in July

What follows is a final rundown of what you can and can’t do with a mobile device in your vehicle, as the Georgia hands free law goes into effect Sunday, July 1.Georgia Hands Free law

We noted earlier that there wasn’t going to be a grace period for enforcement of HB 673, but Cobb Police are saying they’ll be issuing warnings for the first 30 days (unless you cause an accident), with official citations starting on Aug. 1.

Police still want you to start following the law on Sunday, and this is explained in further detail near the bottom. Here’s a link to a PSA video from Cobb and Marietta police. The full law can be found at

  • A driver cannot have a phone in their hand or use any part of their body to support their phone. Drivers can only use their phones to make or receive phone calls by using speakerphone, earpiece, wireless headphone, phone is connected to vehicle or an electronic watch. GPS navigation devices are allowed;
  • Headsets and earpieces can only be worn for communication purposes and not for listening to music or other entertainment;
  • A driver may not send or read any text-based communication unless using voice-based communication that automatically converts message to a written text or is being used for navigation or GPS;
  • A driver may not write, send or read any text messages, e-mails, social media or internet data content;
  • A driver may not watch a video unless it is for navigation;
  • A driver may not record a video (continuously running dash cams are exempt);
  • Music streaming apps can be used provided the driver activates and programs them when they are parked. Drivers cannot touch their phones to do anything to their music apps when they are on the road. Music streaming apps that include video also are not allowed since drivers cannot watch videos when on the road. Drivers can listen to and program music streaming apps that are connected to and controlled through their vehicle’s radio.

Exceptions to the law are as follows:

  1. Reporting a traffic crash, medical emergency, fire, criminal activity or hazardous road conditions;
  2. An employee or contractor of a utility service provider acting within the scope of their employment while responding to a utility emergency;
  3. A first responder (law enforcement, fire, EMS) during the performance of their official duties;
  4. When in a lawfully parked vehicle—this DOES NOT include vehicles stopped for traffic signals and stop signs on the public roadway.

Commercial motor vehicle operators

  1. Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators can only use one button to begin or end a phone call;
  2. Cannot reach for a wireless telecommunications device or stand-alone electronic device that it no longer requires the driver to be a seated position or properly restrained by a safety belt.

School bus drivers

  1. The driver of a school bus cannot use a wireless telecommunication device or two-way radio while loading or unloading passengers;
  2. The driver can only use a wireless telecommunication device while the bus is in motion as a two-way radio to allow live communications between the driver and school and public safety officials.

Cobb police enforcement
Again, the law goes into effect July 1st, but in an effort to educate the public, the Cobb County Police Department will be providing verbal or written warning citations for the first 30 days. However, if the violation involves a traffic crash, a citation may be issued.

Effective August 1st, 2018, officers may begin writing real citations. Each jurisdiction may have their own policy for when they begin enforcement, so I would suggest that you begin adhering to the law on July 1st.

What would the fines/penalties be?

  • First conviction: $50, one point on a license;
  • Second conviction: $100, two points on a license;
  • Third and subsequent convictions: $150, three points on a license.

On Friday Cobb Police issued this PSA reminder that’s about a minute long:

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Chick-fil-A Woodlawn Square closing July 6; Board and Brush opening July 14

Woodlawn Square Chick-fil-A

The countdown is underway for the closing of the Chick-fil-A Woodlawn Square, which is Friday, July 6.

As we noted previously, the location at 1201 Johnson Ferry Road is undergoing a major renovation that will have it shuttered until around November, but there’s not a specific reopening date.

The store’s got a remodeling countdown on its Facebook page that began on Wednesday, 10 days out.

A few days after that closure, and just a few feet away, is the grand opening of the East Cobb location of Board and Brush, a DIY wood sign workshop that will offer classes, supplies and more.

The grand opening is next Saturday, July 14, from 10-12. The store is 1205 Johnson Ferry, Suite 103. There’s not outside signage up yet, but the space is adjacent to the now-closed Muss & Turner’s restaurant.

Occasional updates are posted on its Facebook page.

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Friends for the East Cobb Park starts new fundraising campaign

Friends for the East Cobb Park

After donating more than $100,000 this week to help Cobb County acquire some of the Tritt property (previous East Cobb News post here), the Friends for the East Cobb Park is replenishing its endowment with a new fundraising campaign.

The contribution made by the non-profit citizens group helped Cobb take in nearly 30 acres of the adjacent Tritt land, and complete green space purchase around the county with $27 million of a 10-year-old parks bond referendum finally funded last year.

At Tuesday’s Cobb commission meeting, District 2 commissioner Bob Ott said he would be chipping in to help Friends begin its fund drive, and here’s what he sent us and is sharing with his constituents and the community today:

I, along with the rest of the Board of Commissioners, am especially grateful to Friends for the East Cobb Park. You may have read in the newspaper that this nonprofit group contributed to make up for a shortfall in County funds needed to close this purchase. The final figure isn’t available just yet but is expected to be over $100,000. You’ll recall that this is the group of community volunteers who raised over $1 million to purchase the original 13-acres of the East Cobb Park almost 20 years ago. This is a very unique public/private partnership that we are all very proud of. The Friends group once again stepped up to assist so that the east Cobb community’s much-loved park can literally double in size.

What wasn’t in the paper is that these funds came from an endowment fund established over 15 years ago from a generous grant matched by funds that the group raised. Interest from this endowment has been used over the years to make various improvements to the park. The Friends group, with the assistance of the Cobb Community Foundation where the fund is held, received permission to utilize some of the principal from the account to cover this shortfall, with a promise to launch a new fundraising campaign to raise money to replenish the fund.

The board of Friends for the East Cobb Park is planning to launch a new fundraising campaign, and you can soon learn more about it on their website It’s my hope that the east Cobb community will rise to the occasion and consider participating in the campaign. Remember that the community will one day have the opportunity to purchase the remaining acreage, and any funds raised over and above the amount needed to restore the endowment fund will be earmarked to assist with this potential purchase down the road. I have heard from many, many of you over the years regarding the Tritt property, and now the east Cobb community will have the opportunity to be a part of this exciting project. I have personally pledged $1,000 to the campaign, and challenge each of you to consider how you and your family can help. To make a tax-deductible contribution please make your check payable to “Friends for the East Cobb Park” and mail it to P.O. Box 6313 Marietta, Georgia 30065.

I’ll continue to provide updates in my newsletter and look forward to seeing a long list of supporters!


The Friends for the East Cobb Park has set up an online payment system via PayPal, and you can contribute directly at this link, in any amount that you like. You can make a one-time contribution or set up a monthly payment.


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Cobb tax digest for 2018 is announced at a record $36.7 billion

Robinson Park construction, Cobb tax digest

The Cobb tax digest total for this year is better than initially projected.

Stephen White, the Cobb County Tax Assessor, has announced that it’s a record $36.7 billion for 2018, and was approved Thursday by the Board of Tax Assessors.

The tax digest is the taxable value of all commercial and residential property. White said this year’s digest is a nine percent increase over 2017, which was a record $33.6 billion.

“The increase in the tax digest sends a great message to all business owners and property owners,” White said in a statement issued by the county. “The message is that your investment is doing well. We are a desired county for real estate and this is a very strong real estate market we are in.”

Earlier this year tax digest growth of 7.5 percent was predicted, just as county officials were preparing to address a projected fiscal year 2019 budget deficit of at least $30 million.

That’s just a little bit more than this year’s value of the floating homestead exemption. That exemption freezes the taxable value of a home as it pertains to general fund portion of a tax bill.

The floating exemption total this year is $28.4 million, a savings for residential property owners, but as the county noted in a release this morning, “that exemption means the county’s general fund will not fully reap the benefits of the growth in the tax digest.”

In Cobb Commission Chairman Mike Boyce”s proposed FY 2019 budget of $453 million, the homestead exemption total would rise to $35.6 million. He’s seeking a 1.7 mills increase in the general fund.

Boyce has been holding budget town hall meetings around the county, and they will conclude on July 9 at the Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Center.

Budget adoption and setting of the millage rate is scheduled for July 25.

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Cobb included in thunderstorm watch until 8 p.m. Thursday

Cobb thunderstorm watch

The heavy rains and storms that began late Wednesday night and have continued today may not quite be over. Cobb County is included in a thunderstorm watch that is covering most of north and central Georgia until 8 p.m. tonight.

Officially the National Weather Service in Atlanta is calling this a severe thunderstorm watch, and the Cobb area has experienced some severe weather since last night.

Sporadic thunderstorm warnings have been issued in the watch area, but one has not been issued for Cobb.

In a watch situation, conditions are present for potential severe storms to emerge, including heavy rainfall, lightning, thunder and high winds.

Today’s high in the East Cobb area is expected to be near 90, with lows tonight in the low 70s. The chance of severe thunderstorms is expected to be reduced from 70 percent this afternoon to 40 percent tonight.

On Friday, the forecast calls for a 30 percent chance of thunderstorms with highs in the low 90s and lows in the low 70s.

Similar weather is on tap for the weekend and into Monday, with a 50 percent chance of thunderstorms Saturday and Sunday.

The stormy weather could be around into the July 4 holiday next Wednesday.


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Windy Hill-Terrell Mill Connector funding approved by Atlanta Regional Commission

Windy Hill-Terrell Mill Connector
A Cobb DOT conceptual map of the proposed Windy Hill-Terrell Mill Connector that was approved by Cobb commissioners in 2017. 

The Atlanta Regional Commission announced today that its board has approved $44 million in transportation funding for Cobb County, including the proposed Windy Hill-Terrell Mill connector.

The funding goes through 2023. The Windy Hill-Terrell Mill connector is a planned 0.8-mile, four-lane road with an eight-foot raised median designed to relieve traffic in a busy corridor near Interstate 75 (link to project fact sheet). The project also includes a multi-use trail connecting to the Bob Callan Trail System and the Chattahoochee River.

It’s also designed to feed into the new Northwest Corridor Express Lanes that open in August and that will include an entrance/exit point at I-75 and Terrell Mill Road.

Some living in multi-family buildings and condos have been forced from their homes to make way for the connector and have expressed their displeasure not only with that prospect, but also how it has been handled.

Related story

The projected costs for the connector are $38 million, with $22 million, mostly in Cobb SPLOST funds, for continuing right-of-way acquisitions and $15 million from state sources in 2020 for construction. That’s when construction is scheduled to begin, and is expected to conclude in early 2022.

Other Cobb projects on the ARC approval list include the South Barrett Parkway Reliever near Town Center, Phase I of the Mableton Parkway Trail and the creation of Sunday service and additional Saturday service for the CobbLINC bus system.

The Cobb projects approved today by the ARC were part of a $400 million transportation package in the metro Atlanta area to be spent over the next five years.


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Cobb commissioners approve purchase of Tritt property in East Cobb

Tritt property
The county has acquired the Tritt property in green, a total of 29.7 acres on Roswell Road.

The Cobb Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to spend $8.3 million to buy some of the Tritt property next to East Cobb Park.

It was a 3-0 vote (with commissioners JoAnn Birrell and Lisa Cupid absent) to purchase 22 acres from Wylene Tritt with proceeds from the 2008 Cobb Parks Bond referendum. She’s donating 7.7 acres and the Friends for the East Cobb Park is donating around $102,000 as part of the acquisition.

The vote was greeted with applause and cheers from the audience, including members of the Cobb Parks Coalition, who pressed for the funding of the bond that commissioners finally approved last year.

However, commissioners funded only $27 million of the original $40 million amount that voters approved 10 years ago, due to legal reasons in the referendum’s payment schedule.

Related stories

Before the vote, Roberta Cook, active with the Cobb Parks Coalition, spoke during the public comment, bringing a tin cup as a reminder to commissioners that “the $40 million cup is still not full.”

“We are thankful for the Tritt property acquisition and look forward,” she said, to securing the remaining $12.5 million “that will fill up the cup.”Bob Ott, Tritt property

After the vote, Cobb commissioner Bob Ott, whose District 2 includes the Tritt property, saluted Cook and Jennifer Burke of the Friends for Tritt Park. He set a large decorative stein before him, saying it was “my cup” for the Tritt Park.

For now, the newly acquired land will remain as green space. It’s the only land in District 2, which includes most of East Cobb, that was purchased with the parks bond funding.

With that sale, all of the $27 million has been spent. The Tritt parcel was not on the original list of possible property for possible purchase.

Tritt had sued the county in 2016 after her attempt to sell the land to a developer, Isakson Living, for a senior living complex was thwarted due to a rezoning denial. That case was later dropped, and the county entered into lengthy negotiations with her about a sale for park land.

The reason this park is going to be realized, Cobb commission chairman Mike Boyce said, “is because the board agreed to change the list.

“Every one of these commissioners cares passionately about the county,” and not just his or her district. “Because they do that, we’re going to have this property.”

Ott said the first discussions the county had with about Tritt for the land came when Sam Olens was chairman, and continued with his successor, Tim Lee.

But the bond approved by voters in 2008 was not funded then due to the recession.

During the Isakson Living zoning case, East Cobb citizens opposed to that development urged the county to buy the entirety of the 53-acre Tritt land, which reportedly was valued at $20 million.

That was before the bond was finally funded last year. Boyce, who campaigned on providing the funding in his 2016 election victory over Lee, said at times he wished he hadn’t, given the difficulty of some of the negotiations.

Commissioner Bob Weatherford said that “I’ve never worked as hard as I did on these park properties. It’s not as easy as you might think, when you have $27 million and want to buy something.”

Burke said she and her group are “very excited” to have what is being called for now as Tritt Park “for our children and grandchildren.”


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Former Pope pitcher Duane Underwood debuts with Chicago Cubs

Former Pope pitcher Duane Underwood’s first game in the Major Leagues Monday night wasn’t a successful one for his team on the scoreboard. Former Pope pitcher Duane Underwood

His start for the Chicago Cubs lasted only four innings in a 2-1 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

But Underwood, who was called up from the minor leagues over the weekend, earned a positive impression from Cubs manager Joe Maddon before he took the mound at Dodger Stadium:

“He really has reinvented himself over the past couple of years. He really has adopted a new work ethic. He got himself in shape.”

Underwood, 23, received a $1 million signing bonus when he was drafted by the Cubs in 2012, after leading Pope to the Georgia high school playoffs and starring for the East Cobb Astros.

He passed up a scholarship offer to the University of Georgia to become one of the first major prospects chosen by general manager Theo Epstein, who assembled the Cubs’ team that won the 2016 World Series.

Underwood has been touted as the first home-grown pitching prospect to have a crack at the Cubs’ rotation since Epstein took over. But he’s been inconsistent in his professional career and has had some sore arm issues. He is 3-7 in Iowa in his first season at the Triple-A minor league level, which is right below the majors.

Underwood admitted in an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times that he’s felt the frustration of his struggles:

“Things weren’t going my way, and I was playing the blame game instead of just looking in the mirror. . . I think I’m on the right path right now.”

His call-up to the Cubs is temporary as he was filling in for a pitcher who had been on parental leave.

But those tracking Underwood’s progress believe it’s only a matter of time before he’ll come back up to the Cubs to stay.


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Cobb Police officer charged with assault has resigned

This just in from Cobb Police: Officer Robert New, a Precinct 4 patrol officer charged last week with aggravated assault and criminal solicitation, has resigned. Cobb Police officer resigns

Cobb Police said in a release issued at 6:11 p.m. Monday that New’s resignation is effective immediately.

There was no other information provided by Cobb Police, who were conducting what Chief Mike Register said last week was an administrative complaint filed against him.

New remains in the Cobb County Adult Detention Center without bond, and is scheduled to have a bond hearing on July 10.

New was in his second stint serving in East Cobb’s Precinct 4 when he was arrested last week for aggravated assault and simple battery during a sexual encounter with a 44-year-old woman.

Police determined the woman, who said New had slapped her face and choked her, had the mental capacity of a 10-to-14-year-old.

Register said at a press conference last Monday that the department was acting “with the intent to reach a timely decision” about New’s employment status and said he had been placed on administrative leave without pay.

On Wednesday, police filed additional charges against New, of criminal solicitation and child pornography by use of wireless internet, involving a 12-year-old girl.

New started with Cobb Police in Precinct 4 in 2005 and served on the department’s DUI task force before returning to Precinct 4.


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Woman charged with vehicular homicide in fatal East Cobb crash

A motorist whose car hit another in a fatal East Cobb crash Sunday night has been charged with first-degree vehicular homicide.Cobb Police, fatal East Cobb accident

Tracy Jean Latronica, 37, of Shadowlawn Road in East Cobb, was booked into the Cobb County Adult Detention Center late Sunday night, according to Cobb Sheriff’s Office information.

She remained there on Monday afternoon on a $5,720 bond.

Cobb Police said Latronica was turning left onto Robinson Road West after traveling westbound on Roswell Road shortly before 9:30 p.m., when the 2012 gray Ford Explorer she was driving struck a silver 2012 Toyota Camry in the intersection that also includes East Lake Parkway.

The driver of the Camry was a 15-year-old male from Marietta. All five passengers in that vehicle were taken to WellStar Kennestone Hospital, according to police, who said one of them, Begum Fazilatunnesa, 74, of Marietta, was pronounced dead after suffering critical injuries.

Police said the other occupants were treated for non-life-threatening injuries, and Latronica did not require medical attention.

Latronica also has been charged with DUI, failure to yield on a left turn and serious injury by vehicle.

Police said an investigation into the crash is continuing and anyone with information should contact the Cobb Police STEP Unit at 770-499-3987.


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Obituary: Beth Farokhi, founding member of East Cobb Democrats group, school board candidate

Beth Farokhi, a founding member of the East Cobb Democratic Association and a former Cobb school board candidate from East Cobb, has died of ovarian cancer.Beth Farokhi

Over the weekend the Cobb County Democratic Party made the announcement. Farokhi, 70, had been living in Kennesaw and was involved in party activities on several levels.

In 2006, Farokhi received 43 percent of the vote in the Post 6 Cobb school board election in her campaign against Republican incumbent John Crooks. That seat is now held by Scott Sweeney.

Farokhi was a school teacher in Cobb and also ran for state superintendent of schools in 2010. She was a retired administator at the College of Education at Georgia State University. Her son, Amir Farokhi, is a member of the Atlanta City Council.

Here’s the message the county party was sharing Sunday:

Beth was one of the founding members of East Cobb Democratic Association, among her many, many activities in our community. She ran for the Cobb County School Board in 2006, achieving a record for door knocking, even though she did not win. In 2010, she ran for State Superintendent of Schools, traveling the length and corners of our state to spread her message and making many friends. Beth was a constant champion for schools and education and children, as well as for women’s equality. Beth was wife and mother, a professor of education, and officer in numerous organizations, but most of all we will remember Beth Farokhi as our friend, who always had a warm smile and kind word for everyone she met.

Per the AJC’s full obituary, following a private graveside service in her hometown of Augusta, a public memorial service is scheduled for July 7 at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.


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